Learning Environment

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Learning Environment (LO 2.8 & 2.

9) (APS 8 & 9)
TWS Standard
The teacher plans for a structured, positive learning environment where students feel safe and valued
as contributing members of a learning community.
Create a plan and explanation for how you will create a positive, safe learning environment including the
behavioral expectations, consequences and rewards as well as non-instructional routines and procedures.
A. Classroom Management:
Describe and explain activities that would develop a positive climate where students will feel
like valued members of a learning community. A safe (both physically and emotionally)
positive learning environment should allow for students to express their opinions and
contributions to class discussions (for example, are valued by all).
I will develop a positive climate where students will feel like valued members of a
learning community by showing respect. I will show each student respect and expect them to
show me and their classmates respect. I will hold my students responsible for their actions. I will
want my students to be able to talk and voice their opinions but in a respectful and responsible
manner. I will go over the rules and consequences on the first day of school. The students will
know the rules and that I have a zero-tolerance on all my rules. I believe that a safe and positive
learning environment is to allow students to learn with open discussion and communication and
that everyone has a voice and everyones voice needs to be heard.
Activity: On the first day, I will let my students partner up with a person they are not
close to or familiar with and have them introduce themselves and tell what they did over the
summer and an interesting fact about their lives. I will then get each student to come up to the
front of the classroom and share the information about their partner. This is an activity about
listening and sharing. This allows students to show everyone has something to say and everyone
is important.
List the 3-5 behavioral expectations or rules for all students in your classroom. The rules
should be stated in positive terms and clearly explain how you expect students to behave in the
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Prepared
4. Be on time
5. Have a positive attitude
List the hierarchy of consequences that you will follow when infractions of the rules occur
in the classroom. Put these in a logical order for first offense, second offense, etc. and include
what will happen in the case of a display of severe misbehavior that might jeopardize the safety
of the student or others.
If a rule is broken once:
1. If inappropriate behavior is occurring, I will use proximity and then complement other
students that are showing the appropriate behavior.
2. Talk to the student one-on-one after class.
If a rule is broken twice:
1. Call the parent/guardian.
2. Lunch/after school detention.
If a rule is broken a third time:

1. Student gets a write up.

2. Call the parent/guardian to set up a conference.
3. In-school suspension.
If a rule is broken more than three times:
1. Out of school suspension.
2. Involve specialist.

List the types of intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements that you will utilize in the classroom.
These positive and negative reinforcements should sustain or increase the demonstration of
appropriate behavior in the classroom. How will you recognize students who follow the rules and
routines to encourage appropriate behaviors?
1. Verbal praises
2. Give stickers
3. Candy for those that followed the rules the whole quarter
Students will be praised if they are on task or if they are acting appropriately. I will give them positive
reinforcement for the students who are following the rules and routines. I will give stickers to students
that have good grade on assignments. I will also give candy to students that are following the rules and
have appropriate behavior for the quarter.
B. Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures
Describe non-instructional routines and procedures that will ensure your classroom runs
safely (i.e. you are providing appropriate supervision) and smoothly. Questions for you to
consider are:
o How will you begin and end class (include taking attendance and, if applicable, lunch
I will stand in the hallways at the beginning of each class to greet each student and
make sure they have their I.D.s on as they come into my classroom. I will take
attendance as soon as the bell rings by calling each students name. After calling
attendance, I will return assignments from the day before if any need to be given back. To
end class, I will wrap up my lesson to make sure their desks are clear and all students are
seated and all supplies are put away before letting them leave my classroom.

How will you distribute and collect materials and student work?
Depending on the assignment, I will either let my students pass their work to the
front row to hand to me if the assignment is not a test or quiz. If the assignment is a test
or quiz, I will walk around the room collecting the assignment from each student.

How will you assign and utilize student helper(s) or assistant(s)?

I will utilize student helpers by encouraging them to work with other students if
they are finished with their work first. I will put them each in a different group to help
other students learn from them. I will also get them to help collect assignments. If
something needs to be taken to the office, I will send them to take it to the office for me
at the beginning of class or at the end of class.

How will you manage routine tasks such as pencil sharpening, bathroom breaks, and
transitioning between classes or hallway transitions?
I will allow students to sharpen their pencils at the beginning of class or if they ask
during class. Students will be given a pass once a week to go to the bathroom, locker,
nurse or any other location. Once they use that once a week pass, they will have to make
sure they go before or after class. I will be in the hallway watching students change
classes. I will keep an eye out for all students.

How will you ensure your students are appropriately supervised and safe during
emergency situations? (e.g., fire and tornado drills)
I will have the appropriate procedures posted in my classroom. I will make sure my
students know where to go starting on the first day of school. I will go over the drills and
procedures if an emergency situation occurs. I will follow the schools procedures and
make sure my students know these procedures.

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