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mae Sure Yo ince it of the Wlidieg SyStemn, ard, Prusegeole "© U Shea Stanley Connie Douglas UWRIT 1100 September 1, 2014 {As time goes on, the world around us changes as well. The thoughts and views of people are formed through what we hear, see, think, and do. So isn’t that where beliefs originate? One's beliefs can be formed with the environment they are surrounded in along with the people that are involved in their lives. Well from my perspective, that is where my beliefs originate. My strongest belief that Ihave right now though is that everything happens for a reason because there isa plan for all of us, I believe in destiny and fate. Most people probably question the things that happen in their lives, good or bad. For me, I just accept the things that happen and realize they were meant to happen that way and could take a tum for the better of worse later on with other decisions I make. Fate in my mind is defined as the things and events that occur in our lives every day. People can’t control their fate, but a higher power can. I was raised in a Catholic family, to believe in God and the Holy Spirit. I do believe in these things, that there is a place after this life, but I am not strict on my religion alone. Like ‘Amy Tan said in her leeture, she’s not alone when she writes, thatthe universe creates “accidents” happen that are in store for our future. I believe our fate is destined long before we are born; everything that happens in our lives has already been planned out and now is just following its due course. I believe in fate and destiny because of my religious beliefs, which were also expressed, through my family. Every time something went wrong, I would ask them why things happened, they would reply with “that was God’s plan”. For example from the tale of the Book of Eli, Eli believed in the journey that God entrusted upon him, that his fate was to bring the book west, no matter how long it took him he trusted in —_—— afale his faith of God to control his fate. I truly started to believeWhen I lost my Grandma, I questioned and tried to reason with why she would be taken away from me, but over the years, I have realized that that was supposed to happen. It was her time to go and our fates to go on without her in our lives anymore. I Iearned that things wouldn’t always go my way, no matter how badly I wanted | them to be, I just needed to accept the things that occur and move on with my life. eer 9 not both. ~ With this as my belief, it plays an effect into my daily life every day. Some could think that fate only comes into play with things like true love or even death. Ifyou really think about it, it’s the things we do every day, the choices of where we go, whom we talk to, what we see, and even decisions we choose to say yes or no to, For example, from the Sponsors of Literacy, the author speaks of how our af ate taught by Assigned to literacy can form from the sponsors we surround ourselves with/Our fate can be b formed the same way, by the people you surround yourselves by and by the things (ould tadude we do as well. Little things like that can affect the things you do later on in your bow tite : eee delurnines day or even later on in the future. The reason as to why I believe in fate is because Who we 92 at T actually notice it happening in my everyday life, Just being in college has AL & Sponsal iaerael brought me to people I never would have met otherwise. For example if I had of Hien) assigned a different floor, roommate, or even a different building I would, I never would have met the friends I have now. Things like that work in mysterious ways but I'm grateful for the ways things turn out, good or bad. My belief in fate doesn’t mean that I don’t generally believe that we don’t make our own choices every day. It nearly just means that I believe our choices are guided for the better, it’s the little nudge that everyone needs. No matter who it is or what they believe in, everyone has a fate and a destiny. Some may or may not notice it taking an effect into their daily lives, and it’s okay that they don’t, Fate is a weird thing but I believe that it’s a real factor that is imprinted into our lives. All you have to do is just take a step back to think about it to notice.

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