Scanned - Oral History - Final

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Stanley 1 Shea Stanley Ms. Douglas UWRT 1100 3 October 2014 My Hero Every little kid has their childhood hero, they may decide to grow out of believing that individual is their hero or just continue to look up to that person. That person for me is my Grandfather who I like to call my PopPop. My PopPop is currently eighty-five years old and has lived a very fulfilling life; happily married for over fifty years, raised five children, and grandfathers twelve grandchildren. But as a parent, he was a very successful and brave man, as a soldier in the Army, federal agent for the FBI, and the director of the Alcohol Law Enforcement in the state of North Carolina. I chose to interview him due to the fact that I hope to be just like him some day, I hope to possibly ‘work for the federal government, hopefully for the FBI, and knowing just how he got started can help me achieve the same success that he was able to accomplish te pak What is your full name? Donald Martin Murray What year were you born? Iwas born in 1929. ‘What college did you attend after high school? Stanley 2 I went to an all boys’ college called St. Joseph’s, When did you graduate college? I graduated in 1951. Was this before or after you enlisted into the Army? 1 graduated before | enlisted. How long did you serve in the Army? I served for about 3 years. What led you to become interested in the FBI? My interest in law enforcement led me towards that. What was the training like to become an agent? ‘Well, it was sixteen weeks of information on federal laws, firearms, training, defensive tactics, and similar federal law training. What year were you initiated as a federal agent? Iwas What was your proudest moment while being an agent? Stanley 3 I don’t know, I suppose it would be the moments when we had success in finishing a case of an important investigation of interstate trafficking or murder on a military base. Is there any case in particular that you will never forget? No, there are several, and itis a long story but a couple of murders that occurred on the military base at Fort Brack in Fayettetville, North Carolina. It was an investigation of the murder of a wife and her children along with the stabbing of the husband, Jefliey MacDonald. The 911 operator recorded MacDonald calling 911 reporting that his wife and two children had been stabbed to death while he was asleep on the couch and he as ‘well had been stabbed. Later on in our investigation we eliminated many of our suspects ‘and veered toward the idea of MacDonald being out main suspect. He had the motive for collecting insurance money and the medical training to know where to stab himself to where the wound would not be fatal, After long hours of interrogations and questioning, we finally got him to confess to the murder of his en ire family and self-infliction of physical harm, Did being in the FBI affect your lifestyle? I don’t know that it did, the hours were rather long but it wasn’t an eight-hour job. I worked sometimes from 24 to 36 hours without going home, even though I lived within the same area of my work.

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