Hitler A Dictator

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Kammerer Francis

UL 100A
Adolf Hitler was a man who left his mark, not only in his countrys history, but in world
history. A genocide of 11 million people happened during his reign in the 1940s and would be
known in history as the Holocaust during World War II. With that being said, was he born insane
and out of control! Just, who is this Hitler and how did he become the crazed lunatic we all read
about in the books.
On April 20th, the year of 1889 in the town of Braunau, Austria Adolf Hitler made is very
first debut as the son of an Austrian customs official, Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl. He would be
the fourth child of six, whom, the first three died as infants, Adolf spent most of his childhood in
Braunau. Later his younger brother would die from measles causing him to go into a detached
stage. He would constantly fight with his father and instructors, and ended up dropped out of
high school. Soon later he would find himself dealing with the death of his short-tempered
father in 1903, followed his mother to breast cancer in 1905 a couple years later.
He decided to apply to the Academy of Fine Arts where he was denied. Adolf would
struggle as in his quest to become an artist he was homeless. He would wonder back and forth
between shelters and brothels. This would be the tip of the iceberg on his downward spiral of his
life. Adolf would soon enough pick up pace and his anti-Semitic ways would start to shine
against the Jews and all of the lesser races.
Adolf inherited his fathers estate in Munich where its believed Hitler fled to avoid the
draft to the Austrian Military. He later ended up joining the Bavarian Army during World War I.

Hitler was wounded on the front lines and for it earned 2 metals of bravery. In his recovery time
he entered into politics and felt it was the Jews who cause the fall of Germany and claimed war
on them. He joined a group called National Socialist Workers Party in which landed him in jail
for 5 years for the attempt to overthrow the government. During this time he wrote a book called
Mein Kampf. After all five year is a long time to stew over hate for Jews and the all social and
political objects.
Hitler was discharged from the army in 1920 and became a public speaker for the
NSDAP. He would then resign for a short period of time, and rejoin, only with the agreement of
taking chairman Drexlers place. His speeches would consume people by the numbers and his
popularity would grow. Even with him being barred from public speaking for 2 years it was like
he never missed a beat. In 1932 Adolf Hitler would be appointed Chancellor and by 1933 the
NSDAP would be the only government in Germany. Hitlers power only grew from there. He
would dominate not only politics and take the land with a growing hunger of greed
In the end of his days he started showing symptoms of Parkinsons and he became
paranoid of even his own followers. There were a selected few whom he would take to the
bunker with him. Hitlers physician, Morell, of nine years was even let go. Morell would be
caught by allies and interrogated. Morell would tell how Hitler lacked real relationships with
anyone. He would obsess over racial issues, his health and ironically over animal abuse. Morell
claimed Hilter would constantly threaten to kill himself. Its till hard to say if it was all mental
illness from inheritance or if fueled by the routine injections of amphetamine given to him by
Morell, whom would later be blamed for Hitlers addiction and outburst.
Although, Adolf Hitler would be known as the greatest dictator and evil of World War II,
it is undeniable that he was a genius. Adolf came from the bottom to become the ruler of a

nation. He was able to lead thousands of soldiers to inhumanly kill millions of innocent people
based on their looks of being Jews. . His silver tongue and power even won him the title Man
of the Year title in Times Magazine in 1939.

"The Holocaust." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Aug. 2014. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.
Stearns, Peter N. "Hitler, Adolf (18891945)." <i>Encyclopedia of European Social History
from 1350 to 2000</i>. Vol. 6. New York: Scribner, 2001. 148-151. Print.
Smelser, Ronald M. "Hitler, Adolf." <i>Learning about the Holocaust: A Student's
Guide</i>. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2001. 92-97. Print.

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