Art Activity Evaluation Form

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CHDV 210 Curriculum Activities Self Evaluation Form

Please reflect on these questions as you evaluate each of the 5 activities that you present.

Why did you choose this particular activity? (DRDP, conversation with child, etc.)
I chose this activity because it gives the children the ability to create art using recyclable
materials and ordinary materials. According to the text, Many inexpensive materialsrecycled paper, carpet scraps, items gathered from nature- offer opportunities to create.
(Epstein, 2007, p.112). They were able to express themselves by mixing the paint colors (red,
orange, and yellow) and using toilet paper rolls. The children were able to communicate how
the leaves fall from trees and the colors of fall leaves.

What were the strong points of this activity?

The children found new ways to mix the colors using both paint brushes and the toilet paper
rolls. They were engaged throughout the whole activity and were determined to finish their
tree to their liking. This shows that a lot of good comes from creative art, for example, the
arts motivate and engage children in learning, stimulate memory and facilitate understanding,
enhance symbolic communication, promote relationships, and provide an avenue for building
competence (Epstein, 2007, p. 108). The children were also able to communicate what each
color was and what the colors represent (fall leaves).

What were the weak areas?

The only thing I can think of is trying to get them to glue the tree branch without me coming
in trying to prevent a few of them from gluing the whole paper. I wanted it to be an activity
where they do everything on their own but a few of them were getting a little too crazy with
the glue. I read in the text that, when adults work next to them without directing how to use
materials, children stay in the art area longer and engage in more experimentation with
materials and ideas (Epstein, 2007, p. 111).

What specific changes did you try out when you presented the activity a second time?
For the second time, instead of just putting out the toilet paper rolls for them to use I also put
out the paint brushes so they were able to use both freely. I was able to ask more open-ended
questions. When it came to gluing the tree to the paper, I gave them more freedom even with
all the glue being poured; I just made sure they werent making a big puddle around them.

Evaluate the success of these revisions. How might you improve next time? (Focus on your
teaching skills)

Because I want the activity to be more child-guided, my responsibility is to keep up with the
scaffolding that includes: making comments, asking questions, identifying inconsistencies in
childrens thinking, and posing what if challenges (Epstein, 2007, p. 5).

Did your curriculum activity meet your stated objective? Support your answer with specific
examples from your observation of the childrens involvement in the activity.
Yes, the activity did meet my objective. The children used the leaf cut toilet paper rolls by
using their fine motor skills and dipping them in paint and placing them on the tree where
they desired. Using the paint brushes to get precise strokes and blotches, is also another way
they used their fine motor skills. I had a girl named Jasmin that told me, The wind is
blowing the leaves off the tree thats why it looks like they are falling. Others were able to
tell me the colors they were using, for example, I like using red and yellow.

Based upon your informal assessment of the children during this activity, how would you
build upon this activity? What would be the next curriculum activity you would plan in this
area to enhance the childrens learning and why would you choose this next activity?
I would provide different sizes and shapes of leaf toilet paper rolls so the children can make
distinctions between all the differences they see. I would probably do a leaf stamping activity
so that the children can focus on the variety of leaves there is. Children can see all the
textures and colors leaves come in and at the same time it allows them to express their

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