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Chattrelle Gillyard

November 25, 2014

Post Test Reflection
SW 3000
Dr. Watkins Alpharetta Campus

In the Social Work Cultural Competencies Self-Assessment Posttest I scored a 121 which
fell under the Level 3 category of Likely. Under the Cultural Awareness, Knowledge Acquisition
I actually knew more than I thought and was able to answer all the questions without hesitation
which was actually surprising. In the skill development section is where I became a little more
hesitant to answer the questions. Some of the questions I tended to second guess myself on like
the concepts of ethnic community, facilitating problem area disclosure, and assessing
socioenvironmental impacts. These are some skills I havent been able to grasp yet. Also in the
skill development section, when it asked about participation in many social service activities and
agency I wasnt able to relate. This is why I believe my score may have been a little lower.

Cultural Diverse Group and Social & Economic Justice

In the second posttest Social Work Cultural Competencies with Culturally Diverse
groups and Social and Economic justice my scores were extremely high. My score was a 256
which fell in the Level 4 range of definitely which is the highest level. I was able to answer
almost every question with any hesitation or second guessing. In the diversity groups I did
extremely well on all of the categories except for the European culture. I wasnt absolutely sure
about what whiteness determines and the definition of Eurocentric process. No shock came from
my results because I know that I was very culturally aware of every culture except the European
American culture. In the Social and Economic Justice section the only question that sort of took
me of guard was the concepts of moral exclusion and fairness. I know both definitions but didnt
realize how to connect the two concepts together.

Pre-Test vs. Post-Test

My scores in the pre-test are definitely no comparison to those of the post-test. My posttest are much higher than before when I took the pre-test. At the beginning of the semester my
knowledge of self-awareness was limited to none. Throughout the semester my knowledge has
really expanded I can say that I am aware of my life experiences and how they relate to my
culture. Whereas before I didnt see how the two really correlated with each other. Due to the
fact that I mostly grew up around people of the same culture as mine I wasnt really prone to be
that culturally competent. Scores from my pre-test were extremely low when it came to the
different culturally diverse groups. Reviewing my post-test scores I absolutely can tell that I have

become more culturally competent then before. During this semester I gained knowledge on
numerous of cultures. I learned about Supreme Court decisions, discrimination and oppression
experiences, and a large amount of history I didnt know existed.

Future Profession
As a social worker cultural competency is a huge deal. It is important to know
who you are working with and its important to have knowledge about their history. Not
knowing certain information about a certain culture can be aid to forming barriers with your
client. It is also important as a social worker to be self-aware and be aware of your own personal
interactions with culture, so it doesnt present a barrier as well. The information I have learned
this semester about self-awareness and cultural competency with diverse groups will be used in
my future profession. Everything I learned set me up to be a great social worker. Now that Im
more self-aware I will be able to separate my own personal beliefs that are based off previous
experiences, from my work. Helping my clients despite their cultural background wont be an
issue for me, because I will be aware of every culture. If I have a client whose cultural
background is different from mine, I will know how to approach and assess their problem. Also I
will be able to evaluate my experiences and reactions to racism, prejudice, and discrimination.

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