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E-portfolio Week 1

September 2, 2014
This is picture of a Holometer. A Holometer searches for holographic noise
out in space.
I liked this picture because I thought it was really cool how clear this picture
was. It looked very detailed and kind of a really rare shot, whether it is or not.
It makes me feel really small like Im actually inside of it, and reminds me of
that show with Robin Williams where he shrinks his kids on accident.

September 6, 2014

This is a picture of a moonbow. It is a rainbow but instead of sunlight causing

it to become a rainbow, the moonlight causes it to be a moonbow.
This is a picture of I chose this picture because I really love the beach and
swimming, as well as the sky on a blue sunny day. This picture makes me
think of the times I went to the beach. This also gives me a sense of hope like
you are in a dark tunnel and you can see the light at the end.
E-portfolio Week 2

September 9, 2014
This is an aurora above Sweden and above that is our Milk Way Galaxy.
This picture just is really beautiful! Not only is it like a rainbow it is bigger,
brighter, and it looks like a double rainbow. And then above all that you can
see the Milky Way! It was once in a lifetime picture opportunity, I think.

September 11, 2014

This is a picture of a Zodiacal light, which is the reflection of sunlight from
particles of ice and dust within the plane of the solar system.
This picture stood out to me because it looks like another planet. Being
completely bare, and you can see space it looks very enchanting.
E-portfolio Week 3

September 14, 2014

This is a planetary nebula emission nebula consisting of ionized gas ejected
from old red giant stars late in their lives.
I liked this photo because it just looked really cool. It reminds me of a movie
where this big dark cloud thing in space come and started eating up the
planet. That is what this makes me think of just more colorful.

September 17, 2014

This is another aurora; an aurora is just a natural light in the night sky mostly
in high altitude places. This specific picture was taken in Maine.
Ive decided I really love auroras because they jut look so beautiful and cool, I
cant get over it.
E-portfolio Week 4

September 23, 2014

This is after a volcanic eruption. That is why the sky is red and the red line is
the reflection of the eruption. Also the green is an aurora, thats why you can
also see the stars.
I thought this picture just looked great, but learning that this was from a
volcanic eruption makes it that much better. Then there is the aurora, which I
love, and you see the star. Everything about this picture is just awesome!

September 27, 2014

This is a picture of a rocket taking supplies to the International Space Station.
The rocket was called Falcon 9.
I liked this photo because it seemed really futuristic to me. It makes me think
of this movie where humans made a city on the Moon and this is how they
got there. You would get there through this wormhole type of thing, where
you got to the Moon in a matter of seconds, which would be awesome if that
actually happened.

E-portfolio Week 5

October 1, 2014
This is another picture of a planetary nebula, like the one above.
I like planetary nebulas also I guess. This just looks really pretty and cute to
me how it looks like a bright, multicolored butterfly. I really like it for sure.

October 3, 2014

This is a picture of an autumnal equinox. Also the picture is a stereographic

projection in Sweden. Thats what gives the picture the circle look, just a big
picture stuck together.
I liked this picture because it looks like you are in a type of portal or
wormhole that is leading into a new world. There is that majestic glow from
the aurora, and there are the stepping stones leading out. It made me feel
kind of free like Im going on a crazy adventure.
E-portfolio Week 6

October 7, 2014
This is a picture of the Milky Way Galaxy in Utah.
I chose this picture because it looks almost connected between the two rock

formations. It has the feeling of a rainbow but instead its the Milky Way. So, I
liked this photo and it also helps that this was taken in Utah.
October 11, 2014
This is a picture of a lunar eclipse in China, as the moon went up in front of
the Sun.
I liked this picture because it originally looked like just a comet or a shooting
star. I thought it was really big and bright for a comet or a shooting star so
when I read that it was a lunar eclipse I thought it was awesome. It looks
really beautiful with the city beneath it also.
E-portfolio Week 7

ctober 12, 2014
This is again another planetary nebula, so I guess I really do like planetary
I liked this because it looked like a really big eye. Its as if God himself is
looking at you. It is very majestic and kind of haunting in a way.

October 14, 2014

This is another aurora but in Norway.
I chose this because it looked very enchanting. The green and purple sky
above the mountains and lake, it is as a dream. It makes me feel kind of
nostalgic and I think it is because I used to go camping all the time and now I
havent gone for a long time.
E-portfolio Week 8

October 20, 2014

This is a photo of a comet-flying super close to Mars.
I liked this photo because of how clear all the stars and planets were. You can
see the red, green, yellows, and oranges throughout the whole picture. Plus
what I believe is the sun looks like a giant star possibly exploding.

October 23, 2014

This is a picture of all space we can see, all that scientists have been able to
I liked this because it was just cool. This wasnt my favorite picture but it
makes it more interesting that you can see our galaxies and the other
E-portfolio Week 9

October 26, 2014

This is a photo of a black hole. A dark hole is a massive object that has such a
strong gravitation no even light and that is why it is black.
I liked this picture because it seemed so surreal. Ive never actually seen a
real black hole except in movies so they seem almost fantasy. So, seeing this
makes it seem scary, if you actually were to get caught in one of those.

October 30, 2014

This is the remains of a star. This is the debris cloud left afterwards.
I liked this because it was scary. You can see all types of scary faces staring
back at you. Also the colors just look so awesome with the black sky, almost
E-portfolio Week 10

November 3, 2014
This is another aurora in Norway.
I loved this mostly because there is a tiny person right on top of the
mountain. The aurora looks great, the road beneath looks beautiful, and the
mountain looks enchanting. This gives me a sense of determination, like I can
do anything.

November 5, 2014
This is a disk galaxy looked at right at the edge.

I liked this just because it looked like those parts in movies where they show
the sun, and the sun gives the reflection like this. I thought that was very
amazing to see in the movies, so naturally I like this in space.
E-portfolio Week 11

November 9, 2014
This is another planetary nebula.
I liked this one because it just looked very awe-inspiring so I chose it.
Nothing more nothing less, just a nice picture that looks like something
forming together when it is actually exploding.

November 10, 2014

This is another solar system.

I liked this because I thought that this is what it would look like if the Sun
sort of exploded. Or if it just sent out a bunch of heat waves in a way.
E-portfolio Week 12

November 17, 2014

This is a picture of another star system.
I liked this photograph because of the detail it looks so good how you can see
pretty much every star and the planets rings. It looks truly breath taking. I
liked this picture because it seems almost unreal, and hard to believe.

November 22, 2014

This is a picture of a solar flare. A solar flare is a brief eruption of intense

high-energy radiation from the sun's surface.
I love this photo because, it looks unreal but it is real its a real solar flare.
That is so amazing to me and I love it.
E-portfolio Week 13

November 23, 2014

This is a picture of a rainbow and a tornado in Kansas.
I thought this was so outstanding that you in essence caught life in one
photo. I say that because the rainbow represents the better happiness of
life. Then the tornado represents the worse part of life, all the trials we will
face. And then the houses show the norm; it shows the part of life where
you just live you life everyday doing it relatively routinely.

November 25, 2014

This is a picture of Mars next to a planetary nebula.
I liked this because it was so bright and colorful against a black and brown
background, and it just looked really pretty.
E-portfolio Week 14

November 29, 2014

This is a comet taken by the Rosetta mission lander.
I chose this picture because it looked really cool, how it looks 3D. It reminds
of when 3D first came out and how terrible it was and now it is so much
better, its great.

November 30, 2014

This is a Large Magellanic Cloud.
I chose this because how cool it looks with the bright star colors and the dark
black clouds. It really stood out to me how awesome it all looks together, plus
you can see a seahorse in the clouds.

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