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Marketing management definition

How actually we deliver product based on customer needs and wants

Needs: something that u cant postpone
Wants: something that u can postpone
Holistic Marketing (exam) integrated to
1. Internal marketing.
2. Integrated marketing.
e.g. agoda.
3. Performance marketing.
4. Relationship marketing,

Balance sheet provides an estimate of the cumulative investment made by
shareholders in their firm at a given point in time known as owners equity, net
worth, etc
The fundamentak balance sheet equation:
Owners equity = Assets Liabilities
Assets = Liabilities + Owners equity
Cash and Cash equivalents
Marketable Securities
Account Receivable
Tangible Assets
Intangible Asset
Patents, copyright, etc..
Goodwill is the difference between the acquisition price of another
company assets and its reported net book value. Goodwill is not
amortized but is subjected to annual impairment test

Short-term debt
Notes payable
Account Payable
Also called trade payables
Accrued Expenses
Long-term liabilities have a maturity longer than a year
Long-term debt
Long term debt at the end of a priod=
Long term debt at the beginning of the priod
- portion of long term debt due during the period
+ New long term debt issued during the period
Pension Liabilities
Deferred taxes

The Income (profits and losses) statement

Net sales = sales

o Are recorded net of any discount and allowances
Gross profit
Operating profit
o Extraordinary items (terjadi kecelakaan dimana harus mgeluarkan
biaya. Insurance? Insurance tidak selamanya mengcover biaya2
Earning before interest and tax (EBIT)
Earning before tax (EBT)
Earning after tax (EAT)
Addition to retained earnings

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