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Class Rules:
1. You treat
everyone with
2. You ONLY talk
when directed
to do so
3. You stay on
task the entire

1. You do not talk when
others are talking
2. You come into class and
get right to work on your
3. You complete every
assignment given to you
4. You stay on task the
entire period
5. You ask for help when
you need it

Behavior Contingency Plan:

Get in Line or Fall Behind
Learning Activity: The class scavenger
hunt will be an activity where students
will explore the entire school finding
different forms of the linear functions.
The activity will reinforce the class goal by
getting students actively involved.
Undesirable Behavior: Incomplete
Incomplete assignments are any
assignments that have not been finished,
have missing answers, have wrong
answers to questions, not turned in on
time, or not completed by the student
during the given time period. This
interferes with student learning because a
students grade will drop for work that is
incomplete. A student who has
incomplete assignments will not be
successful in the class because they will
be behind on the material they are
needing to learn.
Desirable Behavior: Complete
Completed assignments are any
assignments that have been turned in on
time with all questions answered at 80%
level of mastery or better. The behavior
that will be reinforced is the assignment
being turned in on time completed at an
80% mastery or better.

Types of Reinforcement:
1) Immediate reinforcement:
When a student has turned in a
completed assignment they
will be given a piece of the
linear function puzzle to put on
the board.
2) Delayed reinforcement: Once
the class has completed one of
the linear functions, the class
will participate in a
investigation of that function
using linear food.
3) Overall reinforcement: Once
the class has completed all
three linear functions, the class
will participate in a scavenger
hunt of the three types of
linear functions.
4) How to administer: As
students are working, the
teacher will be walking around
checking work as they go.
When they turn in the
completed work, the teacher
will easily be able to check for
80% mastery because it was
checked along the way. Pieces
of the puzzle will be cut and
ready to hand to the students
as the completed work is
turned in.

Sarah Ashton
SPED 5326
Teach the Desired Behavior: In order to teach the
students how to complete assignments, the teacher
will first model how to complete an assignment and
what a complete assignment looks like. Once the
behavior has been modeled, the next step will be to
walk through how to complete an assignment. Then,
the students will complete an assignment on their
own. If the student is still struggling to complete the
assignments, the teacher will assist the student
where he or she is lacking.
Teach the Plan: The students will first be given a
piece of the puzzle for the shortest equation when
they have completed an assignment at 80% mastery.
Once the first equation puzzle is filled, then the
students will participate in the hands-on activity
using linear foods. Then, the next time students
complete assignments, they will be given pieces to a
longer linear equation puzzle. If the students do not
meet the requirements of a completed assignment,
then students will not be given a piece of the puzzle.
Options: Two class periods will work on the puzzles
to compete against each other. The first class to
finish all three equations will be given a class reward
during the scavenger hunt. Once the classes have
completed the linear equations twice, other
algebraic equations can be used and then the class
activity can still be a hands-on exploration of the
equations. This activity can also be used to reinforce
class expectations and class rules. Students can be
rewarded for other desired behaviors.

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