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Super Signaling System

Dionicio A. Chapa

ID #3

Group Behavior Contingency Plan (BCP)

Super Signaling System
Model: The Super Signaling System is just like the traffic light system you see every day in the streets.
The traffic lights provide order and harmony throughout the city just as the signaling system does in the
Undesirable Behavior Targeted:
My students vocalize their confusion during lecture without raising their hands and some even get up
from their seats without permission. These disruptions unravel the focus of the entire class because
they in turn feed off each other by talking loudly. This undesirable behavior can be measured by the
how much understanding the students lack about the lecture or assignment. The more confused they
are, the more disruptive they become. The purpose of the signaling system is to address their questions
without class disruption.
Desired (expected) Behavior Targeted:
The expected behavior for the class to follow the rules of my classroom by not interrupting my lecture
because they are confused for unsure about the assignment. I expect them to follow the rules and to
respect their teacher whoever it may be. To this end the teacher can then better prepare the students
for the writing requirements in a post-secondary writing or literature class.
Teach the Desired Behavior:
I would teach this desired behavior by implementing the Super Signaling System. With the help of
another teacher or my aide I would have a training time which could consist of half the school period.
We would both role play the behavior in front of the class and then have a question and answer session
afterwards. Each student will have three cards: a green, a yellow, and a red card. If a student displays a
green card on their desk that means that they understand the lesson and have no questions. If a
student displays the yellow card that means that the student has question but can wait until the teacher
comes to a stopping point (3 to 5 minutes). If the student displays a red card then that means the
student is very confused and has one or multiple questions that need to be addressed quickly. Students
will use the signaling system to notify teacher or aide instead of vocalizing their confusion. By assisting
students and reducing confusion, it will be less likely they get up from their seat and disrupt lecture or
class. The signaling system also allows students to properly participate in classroom activities like asking
questions or being excused from class. Each time the students use the signaling system correctly they
receive positive reinforcement.
Types of Positive reinforcements- Reinforced- when & how:
1.) Immediate R+: The students, will receive immediate praise for the proper use of signaling system.
This type of immediate positive reinforcement builds their self-esteem and gives them a sense of pride

because they have done something right. This type of reinforcement will be given during regular class
2.) Delayed R+: The students have a self-monitoring checklist which they will fill out at the end of each
class period. Every time they sue the signaling system correctly, they can fill in one of two boxes and
earn points towards their Novel Interactive Learning Activity. They will either check yes or no, if no then
student must explain why. I will keep records and the class as a whole will have to earn 500 points every
two months for them to merit their Overall R+. The filled-out checklist will also count as points. Every
time the students turn in a checklist marked yes they earn 1 point and it goes up on the bulletin board
in front of the class. At the end of each class period we will review the added points and use that as a
lesser Delayed R+. A class of twenty students should earn approximately 100 point per week and with
four weeks in a month then student should have approximately 400 hundred points. I dont expect
them to accomplish this every month that is why the Overall R+ is only 500 points. As an added
incentive if the whole class does well all week and they get their twenty points then they will be given a
choice either have less homework on the weekend or have group review sessions for upcoming test so
they can share ideas and further explore key areas that will be on the exams. This will used as my
primary Delayed R+.
3.) Overall R+: The Novel Interactive Learning Activity is called The Bimonthly Brainstorming Bash and
will consist of brainstorming activity for an essay about an issue that is important to them. The main
group activity will consist of brainstorming for ideas and building an outline. The will be able to sit in
groups of four and can have food and drinks while they do it. I, the teacher, will provide the music and
will engage with students by guiding them through the process. They will use only color poster boards
and crayons or markers. This activity relates to TEKS standards for college readiness in following ways:
1.) Generate ideas and gather information relevant to the topic and purpose, keeping careful
records of outside resources.
2.) Evaluate relevance, quality, and sufficiency, and depth of preliminary ideas and information,
organize material generated, and formulate a thesis.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Division for P-16 Initiatives, College Readiness
Initiatives. PO Box 12788. Austin, TX 78711-2788.
Texas Education Agency, Division of Curriculum, College and Career Readiness Program1701 N.
Congress Avenue, Suite 3-121, Austin, TX

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