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Desirable behavior:

attendance- showing up to group/class on time
listening- wait until it is your turn to speak and raise hand for teacher or instructor to call on you to speak.
sharing- share ideas and toys/ equipment with others
Join in- Take part of the activity and interact with peers

Undesirable behavior:
absence or late- participant shows up to group after the start time and does not have a written note from
dr. or nurse. Participant does not show up to group at all.
Interrupt- talk to others when instruction is being given. Participant does other activities than what they or
the group should be doing.
Isolation- standing off to the side and
Injury- fighting with peers verbally or physically and or hurting ones self.
Types of Positive Reinforcements:

Immediate- Flower or lay

2. Delayed- Build a necklace with the flowers given
3. Overall- Aloha Day
a. Social event for all of the participants
i. Crafts related to a Hawaii theme ex: make flower necklace or head band
ii. Hawaiian themed games ex: limbo
iii. cook out or Lua
Interactive Learning Activity:

Teaching the desired behavior:

1. use cue cards
2. watch video clips or what desired behavior looks like
Teaching the plan:
1. bring out model
a. use model to visually show students
i. what the desired behaviors are
ii. What the desired behaviors look like
iii. What the reward

1. Change the target behavior

2. Change the theme of the plan
3. Change difficulty of level to obtain reward

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