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UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA, PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER I SESI AKADEMIK 2008-2009 IJAZAH SARJANAMUDA DENGAN KEPUJIAN |(OVEMBER MAS: 3 JAM KOD KURSUS : KKKJ4143 TAJUK PENYAMANAN UDARA DAN PENYEJUKAN ARAHAN Kertas ini mempunyai Bahagian A & B. 2. Jawab SEMUA soalan Bahagian A dalam buku jawapan yang diedarkan. 3. Jawab DUA soalan sahaja dari Bahagian B dalam buku jawapan yang diedarkan, 4, Kepilkan carta psikrometric yang digunakan dengan buku jawapan, 5. Jumlah markah keseluruhan kertas ini 100 markah. 6. Kertas soalan tidak dibenarkan dibawa keluar daripada Dewan Peperiksaan. No. Pendaftaran Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 5 muka surat bercetak, tidak termasuk muka surat KKKJ4143 SECTION A (40 MARKS) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION. QUESTION 1 (20 Marks) Explain briefly with diagrams if necessary for the following phrases used in air conditioning:- (a) How do you calculate the bypass factor for cooling coil in Air Handling Unit? (5 marks). (6) Describe the difference between the moist air dew point temperature and apparatus dew point temperature. (5 marks). (©) Explain the meaning of enthalpy of moist air and how it is calculated. (5 marks). (@ Give two reasons why CFC reftigerants are being banned from the use in future air conditioning system according to Kyoto Protocol. (5 marks). QUESTION 2 (20 Marks) (a) Draw a schematic diagram to show a central plant system for the chilled water air conditioning system for multi zones in a building. (5 marks) (b) Explain the system and give the important components that are required for the for central chilled water air conditioning system for 4-storey office building, (15 marks) KKKJ4143 SECTION B (60 MARKS) ANSWER TWO (2) QUESTIONS ONLY FROM THIS SECTION. QUESTION 1 (30 Marks) ‘A building has the following calculated cooling loads: RSH gains =310 kW RLH gains = 100 kW ‘The space is maintained at the following conditions: Room DBT =24°C and Room RH = 50% Outdoor air is at 30°C and 60% RH and 10% by mass of air supplied to the building is outdoor air. If the air supplied to the space is not to be at a temperature lower than 16°C, find: (a) Minimum amount of air supplied to space in m*/s. (5 marks) (b) Volume flow rates of return air, exhaust air, and outdoor air. (9 marks) (c) State and volume flow rate of air entering the cooling coil (6 marks) (@ Capacity, ADP, BPF and SHF of the cooling coil. (10 marks) (Use the given psychromatric chart), QUESTION 2 (30 Marks) An air handling unit (AHU) of an air conditioning system supply 5000 cmm air which has 20% fresh outside air at 35°C DBT and 27°C WBT and 80% retumed air at 24°C DBT and 50% RH. The air passed through a cooling coil with a bypass factor of 0.15 and at saturated coil temperature of 10°C. (a) Plot the cooling process on the psychromatric chart (10 marks) (6) Calculate the total cooling load of the system (15 marks) (©) Calculate the room heat gain. (5 marks) (Use the given chart). QUESTION 3 (30 Marks) The diagram given in Figure 1 represents a ducting layout of an air conditioning system from AHU. The distances are given in metres and the volume flow rates at the node are given in m’/s. Assuming that the velocity in the main duct A is 450 m/min, dynamic loss coefficient in elbow is K= 0.22, static regain factor in the fitting is KKKJ4143, R=0.75 and (1-R=0.25) and static pressure at each outlet is 3 mm H;0. By using the equal friction method (EF) and by completing Table 1 given, determine the duct sizes of an air conditioning system from section A to section G of the duct layout given. ‘You may use the formula for friction rate as, Ap/L = 2.268x10°x Q!*/D4 mm H2O/m Figure 1 Table 1. Calculate by EF method the Duct Diameters. Section | A B cl D E F G Ooms Lym 12 1 5 4 5 3 3 Diem py mim HO ‘Note: Marks will be given to each element completed in the table. SELAMAT MAJU JAYA. SHAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART NO. 2 S “10 a wons9s SPOOL “TO a HoHDIS SFTP DIM

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