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So, is it really possible to increase height after Pubertal Growth Spurt?

If you ask me if it's possible to increase height after pubertal growth spurt, it's of course
possible!!!! Like I said, our long bones fuse only at the age of 20-22, hence it's possible
to tap the additional inches after the growth spurt phase. This can be done effectively by
naturally means, using a combination of both exercises and food supplements. Further,
the cartilage within the vertebral column of our upper body has the ability to grow even at
a late stage of 25-27 years, hence it's possible to increase one's height through these
exercises and food supplements.

While choosing to adopt a "Grow Taller" strategy, one

should make sure that they completely understand the secret behing growing taller and
must also be ready to spare time and effort to attain the goal of adding those additional
inches to your height

Here, I am going to tell you the list of both Exercises and food supplements, the
combination of which will enable to grow taller effectively using natural means. Make
sure that you read them throughly before starting your "Grow Taller" regime


1. Pilates: Pilates is a collection of innovative and effective stretching exercises, that will
enable you to stretch each and every part of your body, thereby stretching every cartilage
and joint to tap the additional growth potential. Pilates exercises are done as both free
exercises as well as by using equipments. There are lot of books on Pilates available in
the market as well as eBooks and DVDs which could be bought online

2. Yoga: Yoga is similar to Pilates but it concentrates more on enhancing your internal
body function rather than Raw stretching, like Pilates. By doing Yoga, your hormonal
flow will be optimised and your metabolic rate will be enhanced. So, it's advisable to
perform Yoga atleast 2 days a week while doing a "Grow Taller" Regime. Like Pilates,
Yoga material can also be obtained online, as well as purchased in book format

3. Grow Taller exercises at Home: Apart from Professional Yoga and Pilates exercises,
one can follow the below simple Home exercises which can help you with your "Grow
Taller Regime"

(i) Ankle Weights: "Ankle Weights" is a revolutionary stretching exercise which

stretches the cartilage and ligaments between your thigh and shank bones. This will
enlarge the cartilage and bones of your knee and aid in height increase. However, Care
should be taken while doing Ankle weights as it may cause injury to your knee. Start with
smaller weights and gradually add more weights to your ankle. Further, remember that
Ankle weights will not yield miraculous results overnight, but is a very powerful exercise
and will provide good results, if done regularly for atleast a few months

(ii) Hanging: Hanging is a simple but very powerful exercise which stretches your
vertebral column and especially, the cartilage between your vertebral column. While
Hanging, make sure that the bar is fixed sturdy and your feet is atleast 4 inches is off the
ground when your hang off the bar. Stretch for 1-2 minutes and repeat for 2-3 sets

(iii) Jerk kick: High impact exercises work well when combined with stretching
exercises. One of them is the Jerk Kick, practised most by kick boxers and martial
artistes. It's simple, just kick your lower leg with maximum force as if you are kicking a
"Punchbag". The kick should be spontaneous and very powerful. This will strengthen the
cartilage in your knee. It is for this very reason that kick boxers have longer legs when
compared to their upper body

(iv) Jumping: Vigorous jumping, similar to that of a "Slam Dunk" in Basketball helps
you to stretch your body. It's not necessary that you have to go to a basketball court to do
this; it can be done right at your home

(v) Maintain straight posture: Even without an actual increase in height, one can add
an inch to their height by maintaining a straight posture. incorrect posture will make the
cartilage of the vertebral column to be compressed leading to a reduction in height. So,
always maintain proper posture while you walk, sit or even sleep

Food Supplements:

Food supplements are as essential as practising exercises in a "Grow Taller" regime,

because one has to make sure that the right nutrients and amino acids are frequently
loaded in the body to enhance growth of bones and tissues

(i) Calcium: Calcium is an essential element for skeletal growth and aids in the linear
growth of long bones. During puberty, calcium absorption is maximum in the body and is
the stage where there is a spurt in growth of long bones. Even after puberty and long
bones growth ceasure, calcium can help in thickening of bone and cartilage. So, it is
essential to maintain optimum intake of calcium to maximize growth potential

(ii) Protein/Amino acids: Proteins are the essential building blocks of the body, and as
such one should load proteins as much as possible. Proteins can be loaded through protein
supplements and amino acids supplements such as Whey Protein. Further amino acids
such as Arginine, Ornithine and Lysine help in production of Human Growth
Hormone(HGH) from the pituitary gland, which helps in height growth. However, it's
necessary to choose the correct supplements according to the nature of your body and
your growth condition

(iii) Human Growth Hormones: Human Growth hormones, popularly called as HGH
or GH are synthetically or naturally extracted hormones which is similar to the hormone
Somatotropin which is produced by the human body itself. Individials lacking HGH may
report slow growth levels, and HGH injection may help them to grow taller. HGH is
available as injections, tables or Oral sprays. In fact, the amino acids L-Arginine and LLysine are used as potential medicines to boost HGH production in the body

(iv) Avoid Fats/Carbohydrates: Excess intake of Fat and Carbohydrates will interfere
in protein absorption of the body, hence it is necessary cut Fats/carbs as much as possible.
To obtain optimum protein utilisation, one can take natural protein foods such as Soy,
Oats, Milk, Eggs, Meat etc. Soy is very rich in Protein, and fat/carb content is almost nil

This is a simple but an extremely effective stretching exercise which you can do at your
home. All you need to have is a solid bar strong enough to hold an individual, fixed at
least 7 feet above the ground such that the distance between your feet and the floor is
atleast 4-6 inches. Hold your arms neither closer nor wider and start hanging. Hold as
long as you can, and as you begin to tire, slowly swing back and forth and try to touch the
ground with your feet. This will flex your spine and elongate it, so that you can add few
inches to your height
Make sure that you flex your spine while stretching, and not merely twisting your wrists
Perform the Workout 3 times a week for optimal results

This is basically a Yoga
exercise intended to
stretch your spine and
make it supple and
flexible, so that the
cartilage between your
vertebrae grows thereby
increasing your vertical
Lie on the floor face
down with palms on the
floor under your
shoulders. Begin to arch
your spine up leading
with your chin. Arch as
far back as possible. Do
3-4 repetitions with each repetition lasting between 5-30 seconds

This is an excellent

workout to stretch your spine and lengthen your upper body. Apart from your spine, it
also stretches and lenghthens the vertebrae of your neck.
Lie on your back with your arms along your sides, palms down. With your legs together,
extend them straight up toward the ceiling and bend them backwards so that they touch
the floor. It may not be possible to touch the floor at first, but you can do this by practice.
The more your stretch, the more your spine lenghthens

Sit up tall on a mat.
Your legs are extended
about shoulder width
apart, and your feet are
flexed. Reach the top of your head but let your shoulders stay relaxed. Inhale and extend
your arms out in front of you and slowly bend forward and try to touch the tips of your
toes. If you are able to touch your toetips, stretch even forward so that your spine is
flexed to the maximum extent.
Do 3-4 repetitions and hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds

This exercise is solely
intended to increase the
length of your lower
body, by stretching the
cartilate between your
knees. Prolonged
stretching will elongate
the cartilage and increase its mass, which in turn will increase the length your lower body
Sit on a high chair and use a Ankle weight fastener to add weights to your ankle. Start
with small weights initially and gradually increase as you go on. Allow your legs to
stretch down with the pressure of the weights. Once completed, remove the weights and
relax your legs by kicking your legs gently for 5-10 times, and then vigorously for 5-10
times. This will flex your knee cartilate to enable it to grow in length
Perform the Workout 3 times a week for optimal results

Apart from exercises,

your body needs
HGH(Human Growth
hormone) that is
essential for the growth
of the long bones of
your body. HGH is
secreted in your body by
the pituitary gland and it
helps in the growth of
bones and cartilages in your body. Through HGH is naturally produced inside your body,
you need ample Growth Hormone to ensure maximum growth of your body. Artificial
HGH can be obtained through Pills and Sprays and these augment the growth of your
The best and most effective HGH enhancer is the amino acid Arginine, which is available
in its pure form as L-Arginine. L-Arginine stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete growth
hormone and thereby increase your height. L-Arginine works well when combined with
L-Ornithine, which is an other amino acid. L-Arginine also works well with L-Lysine and
L-Glutamine. Arginine/L-Argininesupplements are available in Pills and the popular
brands are Growth Enhancer, Growth Flex, Growth Booster etc

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