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New Curriculum

M.R. Ravi
Associate Dean Academics (Curriculum)
Nov 11, 2014

Curricular structure: B.Tech.

145-155 credits (depending on Discipline); 34 credits in I year
Average Credits per semester: Min: 18.5 22.2 ( 5 / 6 sem)

Max: 20.2 24.2

Typical time commitment: 1+2 hrs per credit per week over one semester

Non-graded compulsory units: (Not counted as credits): 15

Intro(NIN), Language(NLN), Ethics(NEN), NSS/NSO/NCC, Comm. Skills(NQN): 2 each
Design and Practical Experience: 5 units
Typical time commitment: 3 hrs per unit per week over one semester
Remember: NIN; NLN; NSS/NSO/ NCC: should be completed in 4 semesters, without
which 5th semester cannot be registered.

Curricular structure: B.Tech.

Proficiency-linked options
Minor Area
Interdisciplinary Specialization
Departmental Specialization
First one: (20 credits including 10 credits of OC)
Any additional: 20 credits

Total : 155-165 credits in 4 years

Total : 175-185

Compare with current curriculum: B.Tech: 180 credits.

Dual degree option: B.Tech. -10 (OC credits) + 48-54 (M.Tech.credits):

183 199 credits in 5 years

Some notes
How curriculum review happened

Happens every 10 years

CRC constituted in 2010, concept paper made in 2011
Discussed and approved by Senate in March 2012
Undergraduate Curriculum Implementation Committee made in September 2012
First year courses ready just in time for July 2013 semester.
As you study, curriculum is also getting ready.
Programme structures, Semester-wise schedules, core courses, Departmental Electives, Open electives,
Minor and Departmental / Interdisciplinary Specializations..
Each is proposed by Depts, discussed in UCIC, discussed in Departments, revised as per feedback,
discussed in Senate and finally approved: a cycle time of 6-9 months.

Courses of study still brewing.. Hopefully will be given to you in print in January
For now, what is cooking?
You can see the current status in the Senate-related pages on the UCIC website


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