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——— Paper 4 Lisiening Paper 4 Listening (40 minutes) @ You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 You hear part of a radio programme. What is the person talking about? A cooking B weather 1 © gardening 2 You hear two people talking on a train. How is the woman feeling? A worried ecompeats B relieved (2) © angry 3 You hear two friends talking. What is the woman's opinion about the possible tax increase? A. The government won't use tax income sensibly. B_ Wealthy people are right to move abroad € The increase is necessary to have better public services. 4 You hear two friends talking on a park bench. What are they discussing? A adrink B asalad 4) Cis © acake 5 You overhear two people talking on a bus. What is their relationship? A. husband and wife B boss and employee C friends 6 You hear someone talking on the radio. What has happened? A aroad accident B acrash ina car race [6] some injuries due to flooding 7 You hear two people talking in a restaurant. Where does the man want to sit? A. by the window B_ near the kitchen 7 € ata quiet table | | 8 You hear a radio show about a new book. How much does the woman like the book? A. very much B alittle 8 € notat all 230 > a Listen toa m TEST L Bart 2d tructor talking about a weekend course. For questions 9-18, fill in the [2M missing information. KK Helvellyn Hall weekend course Speaker'sname James Teaches 9 Meals Meals will be in 10 After the meal you should i Rules Please leave 12] in entrance hall. Please don’t B Changes to programme Cancelled option 14 instead can choose from these three choices: new option 15] also 16 i Music for dancing to be provided by [ 18 a | Paper 4 Listening B Part 3d @ You will hear five different people talking about what they like about their work. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-F each person’s main reason for enjoying their work, Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. (A The financial rewards of the job are good. co Speaker1 | [19] B The practical nature of the job is satisfying Speaker 2 [20] | enjoy the contact with other people. Speaker 3 21 D The independence is what is important for me. Speaker 4 [ [22) E | love the chance to travel. Speaker 5 [23] FI never stop learning. &. TEST 1 LP @ You will hear a radio interview with Tania Brown, who is talking about how dissatisfied consumers should make complaints. For questions 24-30, decide which of the statements are TRUE and which are FALSE. Write T for TRUE or F for FALSE. @ 24 Tania works for an organisation that aims to publicise and protect [24 the rights of people who buy goods or services. 25 Tania says it is important to know what you want to achieve through 25 your complaint. 26 Tania advises discussing what to do with a friend. 26 27 Tania recommends making a preliminary enquiry about complaints 27 procedures in person. 28 If you phone the company you should write down the name of 128 the person you spoke to. 29 Carefully hand-written letters are more likely to get successful results 29 than typed ones. 30 You should make it clear in your letter how long you are prepared [Bo to wait for a response. << 2

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