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South Island School Mail - Teamwork & Leadership RAFT BUILDING

2/12/14 12:24 pm

Dylan JONES <>

Teamwork & Leadership RAFT BUILDING

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Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 2:37 PM

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Teamwork & Leadership RAFT BUILDING

Name: *
Dylan Jones

Describe the task *

In detail, what was the aim of the task? How many teams? What was the team dynamic? Timings? Rules &
For this task we were told to build a raft out of bamboo, tires and rope. The catch was
that in our group 2 people were blindfolded, 2 people couldn't speak and the last 2
people could do anything. We were then told to race the other team. The race was
100m and it starts on the beach into the water around a canoe then back to the start.

What was your role in the team? *

What did you do? How did you contribute? Leader or teamworker?
In this task I was pumping the tires which were used to keep our raft afloat, there
were six tires and 2 people pumping, we had discussed when one of us was gonna
pump and maintained a organised behaviour. As a team I found that no one took the
role of a leader, I think this because we knew what to do, this goes for those who
couldn't perform any actions as well since I feel that they supported others instead of
taking some level of authority.

How did you perform as an individual? *

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South Island School Mail - Teamwork & Leadership RAFT BUILDING

2/12/14 12:24 pm

For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other individual performances in your team and relate to theory.
As an individual I performed well as I contributed as much as I could and even asked
to do more once I had finished. When blindfolded I was to pump the tires, me and my
other teammate who was blindfolded managed time well by deciding who pumps the
tire and how long. In relation to Belbins theory I took on the role of completer finisher
as I did my job at the best of my abilities. I felt like I good have been less of a
distraction for others, I will do this by being more of a co-ordinator so that I can
contribute to the team.

How did you perform as a team? *

For the M & D criteria make comparisons with other team performances and relate to theory.
As a team we performed well as there was little conflict. Not to mention we had won
the race. We communicated well, and we were organised. Because of this we managed
our time perfectly and performed excellently. We had previously worked in teams with
the same people and therefor had past the stage or storming and had reached a
norming stage. Our team was temporary and included a challenge, because of this it
gave us motivation to work well with each other in order to achieve the task. The
disabilities put upon us did make communicating hard (When making the raft)
however I think we could have co-operated as a team better making the team more
organised. By doing this we can focus on the task and less on ourselves as individuals,

What were your strengths? *

Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities, confidence, motivation,
resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening, awareness, creativity etc
As an individual I found that I managed my time well, as my teammate and I
coordinated when to pump the tire. I was motivated in the team due to how fast we
built the raft at a good level of quality, I found that because of this I worked at a good
pace and stayed in a positive manner.

What were your weaknesses? *

Communication, problem solving, time management, supporting others, physical abilities, confidence, motivation,
resolving conflict, praise, questioning, body language, listening, awareness, creativity etc
In this task my biggest weakness was supporting others, instead of being helpful
towards my team ( other then doing my job), I became more of a nuisance which
wasn't helpful to my team. However I had changed that when racing.

How could you improve for next time? *

Make future recommendations for yourself, your team and other individuals / teams.

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South Island School Mail - Teamwork & Leadership RAFT BUILDING

2/12/14 12:24 pm

For the tasks my weaknesses lied within my ability to support others and physical
abilities. To improve I would actually support my team members by offering help, or
positive feedback. As for my physical ability I should ask other people for work to do,
and if no one has something for me to do, I will contribute in other ways such as
leading the group and be more of a implementer or/and co-ordinator.

Was there any conflict in the group? *

If yes, describe why and how was it resolved? If no, what did the leader do to ensure this was the case?
The level of conflict was low, this was due to our disabilities so many of us just got on
with work, however when conflict had arise we sorted out the problem in a smart
manner and found out a solution that would benefit both of us, problems were minor
though and was handled swiftly.

How else could you use relevant theory to analyse the overall performance today? *
Leadership styles, Belbin, Tuckman, Adair, Honey, Margerison & Mccann, Woodcock,
In the group I felt that those who couldn't do anything but talk and see picked up the
role of monitor evaluator and Co-ordinator as they were focused on finishing the
task, they decided how the team should perform with logical thinking and good sense
of judgement. To the people who were blindfolded (Me) were complete finishers this is
because we didn't have much to do so we did our perfected our task to the best of our
abilities.To those who couldn't speak in my opinion were shapers as they did the most
in the group and finished the raft. In relation to tuckmans theory I felt that we were
already in the area of performing, this is because we have worked in teams before and
know each other well, in school there has been conflict and therefor meant we had

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