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A Christmas Carol Webquest

Directions: Go to this website Click on the
links found at the end of each question to do some research. Then, write down your findings onto this

1. The story takes place during the Victorian Era - a period of history from 1837-1901
during the reign of the Queen Victoria. Where is Camden Town located? Be specific.

2. Tiny Tim was a little boy who had an illness which made it difficult for him to walk
without a crutch. What disease did he have? Hint: scroll down to Tiny Tims Ailment.

3. When Scrooge is asked to donate money to the poor, he refuses and asks, Are there no
prisons? And Union workhouses? What is a Union Workhouse? What was it like? What
did they eat?

4. Plum Pudding and Smoking Bishop are two treats mentioned in A Christmas Carol. What
are their main ingredients? What did they make it in? The information can be found in
the left column. Scroll down youll find it!

5. Visit this website and select six or more important events in Charles Dickens life. Place
the events on a timeline in correct order.

A Christmas Carol Webquest

6. Create a list of at least 5 hardships that child laborers (Working Children) faced during
Victorian Times.

7. Back in the Victorian era, their coins were called: pound, shilling, and pence. Scrooge
paid his worker fifteen shilling a week. What could you buy with that? Scroll down to
find Fifteen Bob a week.

8. Scrooge was afraid to move the bed curtains for fear he would see another spirit.
What are bed curtains?

9. Back then, parlor games where played at holiday gatherings. Scrooge watches as his
nephew and guests play, Twenty Guesses. Explain how this game is played.



Visit Victorian Christmas Menus. Create a menu for Christmas Dinner.

What impact does A Christmas Carol have on society today? (See handout to
answer this question. The answers are not found on the internet).

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