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TWS 4: Assessment Plan on all five lessons

Lesson One
My first lesson titled Leola and the Honeybears was designed to teach students how to give characters
traits in the book that they read. I chose to use Common Core standards dealing with reading and
writing. The lesson consists of a before, during, and after assessment and two activities. The preassessment was an informal assessment. The assessments are used to determine student learning in
agreement with the objective of the lesson.
The purpose of the pre-assessment was to determine if the students had ever heard of Goldilocks and
the Three Bears because Leola and the Honeybears was an African-American retelling of Goldilocks and
the Three Bears. When I asked them if they had ever heard of Goldilocks and the Three Bears they all
raised their hands and said yes. All the students were on the carpet sitting in a circle for the read aloud.
During Assessment:
The during assessment was a read aloud and it was designed to stop at various points in the story and
ask the students questions about what they thought would happen next or questions about different
characters. For instance, I had the students do a Think Aloud with their partner about Leolas actions
and her dialogue during the story. This was to help them better understand what a character trait was.
For the students that werent listening or that werent paying attention to the story, I stopped and
redirected them back to the story.
The post-assessment will be given when the read aloud is done. I discussed what it meant to write an
explanatory statement. The students were asked to write an explanatory statement about what trait
Mister Weasel had and why they thought he had that trait. I discussed what a trait was and as a class we
discussed Leolas trait. I walked around the room to make sure the students had at least two sentences
about the trait they chose for Mister Weasel and a sentence on why they chose that trait.

Assessment Plan Table for Lesson 1:

Lesson Objective

When given literacy

texts, students will be
able to describe
character traits of two
different characters and
use comprehension to
explain a trait of their
choice for Mister
Weasel in a paragraph


During Assessment

Format of


-Pre: Teacher
observation by show of
hands who answered
the question: Have any
of you ever heard of
Goldilocks and the
Three Bears?
-During: Observation of
who raised their hands
to answer various
questions throughout
the read aloud and who
participated during the
Think Aloud.
-After: Journal entry
about the trait they
chose for Mister
Weasel and why.

We discussed how
many sentences they
needed for the
explanatory statement.
I wrote a starter
sentence for the
students to look at to
help them write theirs. I
wrote the traits for
Mister Weasel on the
smart board so that the
students could see
them and see how to
spell them.

Use of Formative Assessment

I used my pre-assessment data to see if the students had ever heard of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
The data gathered during the lesson was used to see if the students could answer questions based on
information from the story and by making predictions of what was going to come next. The Think Aloud
was used to help the students get a better understanding of what a character trait is by using the actions
Leola made and her dialogue used in the story. At the end of the lesson, based on my data, I decided
that most of the students understood what a character trait was and how they can give a character a
certain trait.

Lesson Two
My second lesson titled Skeleton Math Fun was designed to teach students the different strategies for
multiplication by using a chart including equals groups, addition sentences, and arrays. I choose to use
Common Core standards dealing with math since it was a math lesson. The lesson consists of a before,
during, and after assessment and two activities. The pre-assessment was as informal assessment. The
assessments are used to determine student learning in agreement with the objective of the lesson. This
lesson was a review of the multiplication strategies that the students had learned in the previous week.
The purpose of the pre-assessment was to determine what the students could remember from the
multiplication strategies using different multiplication problems. The students were asked to make an
array, make equal groups, and write an addition sentence for the three different problems. The students
were at their seats while completing this part of the lesson.
During Assessment:
The during assessment was where the students helped me make a chart of the multiplication strategies.
I called on students that were being quite to give me the way to write out each strategy. The students
also helped me come up with a problem to start the chart off. At first, I had a couple students just
blurting out answers and not raising their hands so I finally had to say that I wasnt going to continue to
teach until everyone stopped yelling out and raised their hands so that I could call on them. Once I set
that rule, the rest of this assessment went well.
The post-assessment will be given when the chart is completed. The students played a game including
multiplication while using dice. The game consisted of a Skeleton that was cut with different parts like: a
skull, two arms, a body, and two legs. The students had to roll the dice and multiply the numbers on the
two dice to get their answer. The students could only role a product of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1. Once the
students played the game a few times, I then gave the students a piece of black construction paper and
asked the students to glue their skeletons on the paper and give it a name. We used their skeletons to
repeat what the skeleton said in the story called Skeleton Hiccups.

Assessment Plan Table for Lesson 2:

Lesson Objective

When given a chart of

the strategies for
multiplication, students
will be able to identify
the different strategies
including equal groups,
addition sentences, and


During Assessment

Format of


-Pre: Teacher
observations by who
finished the math sheet
and who knew how to
complete the math
-During: Observation of
who raised their hand
to help me make the
multiplication strategy
-After: Played the game
and understood the
game, which students
used their skeletons
during the story
Skeleton Hiccups.

The students that had a

hard time reading the
directions for the game,
I went to their table
and read them out loud
so that they could
understand them
better. For the students
that finish early, I will
allow them to continue
to play the game or
they can read a series
book. I also explained
the rules of the game
very thoroughly and
even played the game
with my teacher to
demonstrate how the
game would work.

Use of Formative Assessment

I used my pre-assessment data to see if the students knew the multiplication strategies from the
previous week. The data gathered during the lesson was used to see if the students could take the work
they did on the math sheet and relay it to help me make the chart. At the end of the lesson, based on
my data, I decided that most of the students understood the different multiplication strategies and
how/when to use them.
Attachments: I will attach a blank copy of the math sheet, rules for the skeleton game, and the skeleton
cut out that was used.

Lesson Three
My third lesson titled Comparing/Contrasting Two Cinderella Stories was designed to teach students
how to compare two different stories by using a chart that included: title, main characters, setting,
problem, and solution. I chose to use Common Core standards dealing with reading and writing. The
lesson consists of a before, during, and after assessment and two activities. The assessments are used to
determine student learning in agreement with the objective of the lesson.
The purpose of the pre-assessment was to review what we already discussed about the first Cinderella
story we read. I read the original Cinderella on Tuesday of that week and we filled out the chart. All the
students were sitting on the carpet for this part of the lesson with their clipboards and a pencil.
During Assessment:
The during assessment was a read aloud of the second story called Cinderella Skeleton and it was
designed to stop at various points in the story for the students to fill out their charts. I asked the
students a lot of different questions based on pictures from the story to help them fill in their charts. I
also referred back to the first story we read to show them some of the similarities.
The post-assessment will be given when the read aloud is done. I asked the students to compare both of
the stories side by side for a few minutes. Once the students were done comparing the stories, I passed
the rules for a game called Roll and Retell. This is a game where they students took turns rolling a dice
and asking and answering specific questions about the story. I asked the students to put away their
charts so that they could go off of memory instead of just looking at the answers on their charts. I
walked around the room to make sure the students were on task and playing the game correctly.

Assessment Plan Table for Lesson 3:

When given literacy
texts, students will
be able to compare
and contrast two
stories of Cinderella
using a chart with
different categories


During Assessment

Format of


-Pre: Teacher
observations on
students who were
answering questions
about the previous
Cinderella story that
we read.
-During: Observation
of who raised their
hand to fill in the
charts when we came
to an answer in the
-After: Played the
game and understood
the game, which
students could recall
what happened in
both stories to play
the Roll and Retell

The students that had a

hard time reading the
directions for the game,
I went to their table and
read them out loud so
that they could
understand them better.
For the students that
finished early, I will
allow them to read a
book of their choice or
help another student in
their group. I also made
another chart for the
early finishers to
complete on the series
book they were reading
at the time.

Use of Formative Assessment

I used my pre-assessment data to see if the students could recall the information they recorded from
the first story. The data gathered during the lesson was used to see if the students could answer the
questions on the second story just like they did with the first story. At the end of the lesson, based on
my data, I decided that most of the students could compare/contrast two different stories by recalling
what happened in each one to answer a set of questions.

Attachments: I will attach a copy of the chart that was used for the two stories, questions from the Roll
and Retell game, and a blank copy of the chart for the series book.

Lesson 4

My fourth lesson titled Veterans Day was designed to teach students the five major parts of writing a
letter and to also teach them some background information about Veterans day. I chose to use
Common Core standards dealing with writing. The lesson consists of a before, during, and after
assessment and three activities. The assessments are used to determine student learning in agreement
with the objective of the lesson.
The purpose of the pre-assessment was to see what the students already knew about Veterans Day. I
asked the students questions like: What is Veterans day, When is Veterans day celebrated, What is a
Veteran, and What do Veterans do. Most of the students could answer some of the questions.
During Assessment:
The during assessment was a flipbook that the students filled out with the questions listed above. We
went through and answered every question of the flipbook. We also discussed the five different
branches of the military.
The post-assessment will be given when the flipbooks are completed. I had a letter written out on chart
paper and went through the letter with the students and circled/labeled the different parts of a letter.
Once this was completed, I passed out a hand cut out and the students put each part on a different
finger of the hand starting with the heading on the thumb and ending with the closing on the pinky
finger. Once this was completed the students wrote a letter to a Veteran thanking him/her for their
service and three to four different things they learned about Veterans day.

Assessment Plan Table for Lesson 4:

When given a letter
on chart paper, the
students will be
able to identify the
five major parts of a


During Assessment

Format of


-Pre: Teacher
observations on
students who were
answering questions
about Veterans day.
-During: Observation
of who raised their
hand to answer the
questions from the
-After: Teacher
observation of the
students that knew
the parts of a letter
and who completed
their hand cut out
and their letter to a

The students that had a

hard time writing their
letters and filling out the
envelopes I will walk
over to their table and
assist them. I also wrote
the address of one
Veteran that a majority
of the class wrote to on
an envelope and put it
under the doc camera
for the students to see. I
allowed the students to
sit on the carpet to see
the board and I also
allowed the students
that couldnt see to
move closer to the front.

Use of Formative Assessment

I used my pre-assessment data to see what the students already knew about Veterans day. The data
gathered during the lesson was used to see if the students could answer the questions in their flipbooks.
At the end of the lesson, based on my data, I decided that most of the students could write a letter using
the hand cut out I gave them that they filled out.

Attachments: I will attach a copy of the hand cut out and a copy of the front of the Veterans day

Lesson 5

My fifth lesson titled Catawba tribe was designed to teach the students different facts about the
Catawba tribe. I chose to use a Social Studies standard for third grade. The lesson consists of a before,
during, and after assessment and two activities. The assessments are used to determine student
learning in agreement with the objective of the lesson.
The purpose of the pre-assessment was to see what the students already knew about the Catawba tribe.
I knew the students went on a field trip to see different Native American tribes. Most of the students
told me a few things they remembered from the field trip.
During Assessment:
The during assessment was for the students to fill in a graphic organizer that was based on information
from the PowerPoint. The students had already used this same graphic organizer to fill in information on
the Cherokee and Yemassee tribe.
The post-assessment was given when the PowerPoint was completed. The students made clay bowls
based on pictures from the PowerPoint on the Catawba tribe. I demonstrated how to make the bowl
and then called the students to the table to get some clay and go back to their seats to complete their
bowls. Once all the students were finished, we put the bowls on a shelf to dry over the weekend and
when the students returned they painted the bowls.

Assessment Plan Table for Lesson 5:



When given a
PowerPoint on the
During Assessment
Catawba tribe, the
students will be able
to list different facts
into a graphic

Format of


-Pre: Teacher
observations on
students who already
knew some facts
about the Catawba
-During: Observation
of who raised their
hand to ask questions
during the
PowerPoint and who
was filling out their
graphic organizers.
-After: Teacher
observation of the
students that made
their clay bowls.

The students that were

having a hard time
molding their bowls, I
went to their table and
helped them the best I
could without doing it
for them. For the
students that were
having trouble keeping
up with filling in their
graphic organizer, I
walked over to them on
the carpet and kneeled
down beside them and
helped them. I also got
the students beside the
other student to help
with filling it out.

Use of Formative Assessment

I used my pre-assessment data to see what the students already knew about the Catawba tribe based
on their field trip they had taken towards the beginning of the year. The data gathered during the lesson
was used to see if the students could fill in their graphic organizers. At the end of the lesson, based on
my data, I decided that most of the students could make their clay bowls with minimum help from me
and other classmates.

Attachments: I will attach a copy of the graphic organizer the students used to collect information on
each Native American Tribe of South Carolina.

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