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bout de souffl - Breathless

Breathless is a French film produced in the 1960s and was directed by Jean-Luc Goddard. What was
unusual about how his style of editing was that Godard used jump cuts without cutaways. This is
especially used the car scene. The female passenger in the car would be shown in lower key lighting
whilst the car is driving under a tunnel and a second later the scene would cut or jump to the woman
still being in the car but being driven in a different part of the location they would be driving in.
This effect was seen as a type of bad editing as the audiences eyes wouldnt be able to comprehend
the shot as it wasnt shown in a logical order. This meant that the person watching the film wouldnt
understand the jumps. This is also because the editing didnt use cutaways. The editing was just two
different footages put together. If cutaways were used, the scene would look more logical as the
audience would be able to see the characters actually driving through a city. This could have been
doing by filming the female passenger in a different angle or filming a prop such as a cigarette that
she could have smoked.

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