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Mt s cu t ting Anh trong phim:

- Cu trc: To be in the mood for doing sth = Mun lm ci g

Ti sao li khng dng want hoc would th bn hy xem trong phim hiu nh.
- T ng m khc ngha:
Sidekick = Tri k
Psychic = B ng, nh ngoi cm /sai kik'/
- Trick or treat? = Ko hay chi khm
Cm t ny hiu chnh xc ngha chng ta cn tm hiu v vn ha ca ngi M: Trong l hi
Halloween nhng a tr hay i thnh tng nhm v n g ca mi nh v ni "trick or treat" Ch nh
nghe thy ra ni "treat" v cho chng ko th s yn chuyn. Cn khng c ko s b chi khm hoc h
Hi thc ra nhng a tr nh trong tp phim ny ming cn hi sa c h da c ai. Nhng l 1 nt
vn ha p ca ngi M v mi ngi s khng ngn ngi cho cc cu b "Trick or treater" nhng chic
ko thm ngon...
Nghe thy ngt ngo qu nhng Toomva nhc li bn nha trong phim ny Hector k mt cu chuyn ma
thc th nghe s lm nh...

00:15 - This is the story of Bridget and Annie, who share a flat in London = y l cu chuyn ca Bridget
v Annie, h sng chung trong cn h London
00:19 - and the boys next door - Nick, and his friend Hector from Argentina. = V cc chng trai phng
bn Nick, v anh bn Hector n t Argentina.
00:23 - Hector and Annie still love each other. = Hector v Annie vn yu thng nhau.
00:27 - Bridget still loves herself. = Bridget vn yu bn thn c.
00:30 - And Nick loves babes, motorbikes and pizza. = V Nick yu cc c gi tr, xe my v bnh Pizza
00:35 - Stand by for Extra. = Cng n xem Extra.
01:24 - And I can see a great big bowl of dog food. = V ti c th nhn thy 1 t thc n ln cho ch.
01:29 - And on the bowl, it says a name. = V trn ci t, c 1 ci tn
01:34 - It says... = n l...
01:36 - 'Charley'! = 'Charley'!
01:38 - It must be teatime, Charley. = n gi ung tr ri, Charley.
01:43 - Guess what! = on xem!
01:46 - You've just met Brad Pitt. = Cu va gp Brad Pitt.
01:49 - What? Don't be ridiculous, Annie. = G c? ng v l th, Annie.
01:52 - I've just been to see Rose Marie. = T va gp Rose Marie.
01:54 - Who's Rose Marie? - My fortune teller. = - Rose Marie l ai? - My thy bi ca t.
01:57 - And she says I'm going to meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger. = V b y ni t sp gp mt
ngi l cao ln, p trai.
02:02 - Oooh! When? = Oooh! Khi no?
02:04 - She didn't say. = B y ko ni.
02:06 - Where? - She didn't say. = - u? - B y ko ni
02:09 - It must be true then. = ng nhin l tht ri.

02:11 - Maybe I'll meet him at tonight's Halloween party. = C th t s gp anh y bui l Halloween
ti nay.
02:15 - Have you read your horoscopes for today? = Cu xem t vi ca cu ngy hm nay ?
02:17 - No. - Read mine. = - Ko. - Xem cho t i.
02:20 - Aquarius, Libra, Leo... = T, Su, Dn...
02:25 - Ah, Taurus - the Bull. = Ah, Kim Ngu - con b
02:29 - 'Taurus - today, you will be in for a big surprise.' = 'Kim Ngu ngy hm nay, Cu s c mt s
bt ng ln.
02:33 - Ooh, goody. = Ooh, tuyt vi.
02:40 - I'm getting a name... = T c 1 ci tn...
02:42 - It's...Nick. = L ...Nick.
02:46 - Gigi, you must be psychic. = Gigi, Em l b ng.
02:50 - Sidekick? - No. = - Sidekick? - Ko.
02:52 - Not 'sidekick', 'psychic'. A fortune- teller. = Khng phi 'tri k', 'b ng'. Mt thy bi. (khc
nhau l ln ging khi ni {\b1}"kick" {\b}= trng m)
02:57 - Someone who can see the future. = Mt ngi c th nhn thy tng lai.
03:00 - Ah, like Nostradamus? = Ah, ging nh Nostradamus? (1 nh tin tri ni ting)
03:02 - Who? - Kind of. = - Ai? - Kiu nh..
03:05 - Like horoscopes, or tarot. = Ging nh xem t vi, hoc bi bi.
03:09 - The tarot. The Death card. = Bi bi. L bi cht trc.
03:14 - Look, it's Bridget with no make- up. = Nhn ny, l Bridged khi khng trang im
03:17 - Like... having the palm of your hand read. = Ging nh... xem bi tay cho anh vy.
03:22 - Ah, rubbish! There's nothing there. = Ah, kh tht! Chng thy g.
03:25 - What a surprise! = Bt ng lm sao!
03:28 - Come here, give me your hand. = Li y, a tay y.
03:30 - I'll give you a lesson. = Em s dy anh cch xem.
03:33 - This one is your life line. = y l ng i ca anh.
03:36 - This one is your love line. - Oh, yes? = - y l ng tnh yu ca anh. - Oh, phi?
03:40 - And this one is your...punch line! = V y l ng... c m!
03:45 - Punch line? = ng nm m?
03:47 - She means it's the end of my lesson. = c y l ht bi hc.
03:50 - Hey, Hector. = ny, Hector.
03:52 - What happens when you go to a fortune- teller's house? = iu g s xy ra khi cu n nh mt
thy bi.?
03:59 - Come in! = Mi vo!
04:04 - Ha ha! = Ha ha!
04:06 - Let's see what your horoscope says. = Xem t vi ca anh ni g no.
04:08 - You don't believe all that rubbish? = Em ng tin hon ton vo th rc ri
04:10 - Rose Marie says Bridget is going to meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger. = Rose Marie ni rng
Bridget sp c gp 1 ngi l cao ln, p trai
04:15 - Hector... = Hector...
04:17 - Bridget, this is my tall, dark, handsome stranger. Get your own! = Bridget, y l ngi l cao ln

p trai ca t. T tm ngi cho cu i!

04:24 - Who is Rose Marie? - My fortune- teller. = - Rose Marie ai? - Thy bi ca em
04:28 - Is she good- looking? Could she find me a cute babe? = Nhn c y c p khng? C y c th
tm cho anh 1 c b d thng khng?
04:33 - Do you want to hear your horoscope? - Go on then. Aquarius. = - Anh mun xem t vi ca anh ko
no? - Xem i no. mnh bo bnh.
04:38 - Aquarius, eh? I should've guessed. = Mnh Bo bnh ? Em on nh.
04:42 - 'This week, beware of black hair = Tun ny, hy cn tht vi mi tc en.
04:46 - and the number three.' = V con s 3
04:52 - That means that three babes with black hair are going to chase me. = Vy l c 3 c gi tc en
theo ui anh.
04:58 - Spooky! - Can I be Aquarius? = - Bin! - Ti c th lm mnh Bo bnh khng?
05:02 - No! - Come on, Hector, let's go out. = - Khng! - No Hector, i thi.
05:05 - I'm going to meet some black- haired babes. = T s gp vi c b tc en.
05:08 - Put that umbrella down - it's very unlucky. = B ci xung n rt khng may mn
05:11 - But I'm feeling lucky. = Nhng anh ang thy may mn.
05:23 - I wish I could meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger. = T hy vng s c gp mt ngi l cao
ln, p trai.
05:27 - Well, let me look into my crystal ball. = Vy t xem trong qu cu pha l nh.
05:31 - Annie, that's a goldfish bowl. = Annie, l ci b c m!
05:36 - So? I got it right for Charley. Didn't I, Charley? = Vy m t lm c cho Charley. Phi vy
khng, Charley?
05:44 - That could be my stranger now. = c th l ngi l ca t.
05:52 - Hello, Bernard. = Cho, Bernard. (Bernard l tay hng xm lm cm)
05:54 - Hello, Bernard. How are you? = Cho, Bernard. Anh khe khng?
05:56 - Not happy, not happy at all. = Khng vui lm, khng hon ton vui.
05:58 - I've lost my Marbles. = Marbles ca anh b mt.
06:01 - Oh, dear, Bernard's lost his marbles. = Oh anh yu, Bernard b mt Marbles.
06:04 - What? = G c?
06:07 - You mean Marbles your cat? = Anh mun ni Marbles l con mo ca Anh?
06:09 - And she's not well - she's got a cold. = V n khng khe - N ang b cm lnh
06:12 - Oh, well, I'm sure you'll find her. = Oh, Em chc chn s tm c n.
06:15 - We'll look out for her, Bernard. = Bn em s i tm n, Bernard.
06:17 - I hope so. Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear. = Hy vng th, oh, cho, oh, cho, oh, cho.
06:25 - Poor Bernard. = Bernard ti nghip.
06:27 - He's lost his marbles. = Anh ta b mt Marbles.
06:29 - It had to happen. = N gp vn .
06:49 - And on the bowl, it says a name. = Trn ci t, c 1 ci tn.
06:53 - It says...Charley! = N l...Charley!
07:06 - Hello, Bernard. = Hello, Bernard.
07:15 - Oh, dear, Bernard's lost his marbles. = Oh, anh yu, Bernard b mt Marbles.
07:28 - You don't believe all that rubbish, do you? = Em ng tin hon ton vo th rc ri .

07:43 - ..are going to chase me. = ..are going to chase me.

07:45 - Spooky! = Bin !
07:51 - I'm feeling lucky! = Anh ang cm thy may mn!
08:04 - This is a true story about a man and wife on their honeymoon. = y l cu chuyn c tht v
mt ngi n ng v v trong tun trng mt ca h.
08:11 - They were in the car, it was late. = H ang trong xe, Lc mun.
08:19 - The wife broke her mirror, which means seven years bad luck. = Ngi v nh vi chic gng,
iu ny c ngha l 7 nm khng may mn.
08:24 - Just then, they ran out of petrol. = Ngay sau , h ht xng.
08:30 - So, the man told the wife to go for petrol. = nn, ngi n ng bo vi mnh i ly xng
08:36 - He's the man, he should've gone. = ng ta l n ng, ng ta nn i mi phi.
08:39 - Equal opportunities. = 1 C hi bnh ng cho c y.
08:43 - The wife was gone for a long time. = Ngi v i rt lu.
08:47 - Then... = Sau ...
08:51 - He heard a noise on the roof of the car. = ng ta nghe thy ting n trn lc t.
08:54 - It got louder. = N to dn.
08:58 - And then... = V sau ...
09:00 - his wife appeared. = V ng ta xut hin.
09:03 - She smiled and walked away. = C mm ci v bc i mt.
09:06 - The noise was very loud. = Ting ng rt to.
09:10 - The man got out of his car and standing on the roof, he saw... = ng bc ra khi t ca mnh
v ng trn mui t, ng ta nhn thy...
09:18 - a madman holding his wife's head! = mt ngi in ang cm u v ng y!
09:26 - So, the banging was... = Vy, nhng ting ng l...
09:31 - ..her head? = ..u c y?
09:35 - But he'd just seen his wife. = Nhng anh ta va nhn thy v mnh m.
09:38 - That... = l...
09:42 - was her ghost. = hn ma ca c y.
09:47 - Is that a true story? = l cu chuyn tht ?
09:49 - Yeah. = Phi.
09:51 - Tell us another. - No, don't. = - K chuyn khc na i. - Khng, thi.
09:54 - I mean, it was a bit dull, wasn't it? = Anh ngh, n c cht m m ng khng?
09:57 - Come on, let's go shopping for the party. = Thi no, Hy i mua sm cho bui l.
10:00 - Yeah, I'm in the mood now. = Phi ri, t cng ang mun i
10:02 - Are you coming, Nick? = Cu c i ko, Nick?
10:05 - No. See you later. = Ko, hn gp li sau.
10:16 - One, two... = Mt, Hai...
10:19 - Beware of black hair... - Three apples. = - Coi chng vi mi tc en... - 3 qu to.
10:22 - ..and the number three. = ... v con s ba.
10:26 - So what? There are three apples. = Vy xem no? C 3 qu to.
10:30 - Big deal. = C g gh gm no!
10:41 - Seven years of bad luck... = 7 bn khng may mn...

10:46 - What rubbish! = Th rc ri g th!

10:56 - I think I'll go back to my apartment now. = Mnh ngh mnh s quay v phng by gi.
11:08 - Black hair. = Mo en... tc en.
11:13 - Right, keep calm. = Phi, bnh tnh.
11:17 - Nice pussy. = Hng p.
11:55 - Who's there? = Ai ?
12:11 - Number...number three. = Con s... con s ba.
12:32 - Stop! = Dng li!
12:45 - Nick? Nick? Nick? = Nick? Nick? Nick?
12:50 - He's coming round. = Anh y tnh li ri.
12:53 - What's going on? Why are you dressed like that? = C chuyn g vy? Sao mi ngi n mt th?
12:55 - Nick, have you forgotten? = Nick, Anh qun ri sao?
12:58 - It's Halloween. We're going to the party. = L l hi Halloween. bn em sp i d l hi.
13:01 - Oh, yeah. = Ah, Uh.
13:03 - I cannot get this knife into the pumpkin. Can you...? = T khng th cm con dao ny vo qu b
ng into the pumpkin. cu lm c ko...?
13:07 - Yeah. = Uh.
13:19 - Trick or treat? = (Tr chi khm 'trick' xin ko 'treat' trong l hi Halloween)
13:25 - Treat. = Ko.
13:30 - There you are. = Ca cc em y.
13:32 - Thank you. = Cm n.
13:39 - Aren't they sweet? - Yeah. = - Chng ng yu nh? - Uh!
13:42 - Sweet. = ng yu.
14:06 - This is a true story about a man and wife on their honeymoon. = y l cu chuyn c tht v
mt ngi n ng v v trong tun trng mt ca h.
14:38 - I think I'll go back to my apartment now. = Mnh ngh mnh s quay v phng by gi.
14:48 - One, two...three apples. = Mt, hai... ba qu to.
15:24 - Those witches were very cute. = Nhng ph thy ny rt d thng.
15:28 - I think the small one fancied you. - You think so? = - T ngh ch b hm m cu. - Cu ngh vy
15:32 - Boys, they weren't pretending. = Cc anh chng ny, h ko cn phi ng gi.
15:35 - They really were witches. = H thc s l ph thy.
15:37 - They were ugly enough. = H xu ri.
15:42 - Hey, the lights have gone out. = Ny, mt in ri.
15:44 - It must be the storm. = C th do bo.
15:47 - A power cut! = B ct in ngun ri!
15:51 - What was that? = Ci g th?
15:52 - Who was that? = Ai th?
16:07 - Bernard, what are you doing on the roof? = Bernard, Anh ang lm g trn nc nh th?
16:10 - I still can't find my Marbles. = Ti vn cha tm thy Marbles ca ti.
16:14 - Your marbles? - His cat. = - Marbles ca anh? - Mo ca anh y.
16:16 - Bernard, I really don't think that you should be on the roof. = Bernard, thc s khng ngh l anh

c th ng c trn nc nh.
16:27 - Bernard, are you OK? = Bernard, Anh n ch?
16:30 - Yeah, fine. I'll kill that cat when I find it. = Uh, n. Anh s git con mo khi anh tm thy n.
16:41 - I know, we'll light a candle. = T bit, chng ta s thp 1 cy nn.
16:56 - Well, there's no television, so I guess it's time for bed. = Well, khng c ti vi vy t on l
n gi i ng.
17:01 - Oh, no! = Oh, no!
17:03 - What's the matter, boys? Are you scared of the dark? = C vn g vy cc anh? Cc anh s
bng ti ?
17:07 - No. = No.
17:09 - Well, if you're not scared of the dark, then let's play a game. = Well, nu cc anh ko s bng ti,
th cng chi tr chi nh.
17:14 - A game? - Let's get the ouija board out. = - 1 Tr chi? - Vy ly bn ouija ra i..
17:32 - B - that's you, Bridget. = B - L em, Bridget.
17:34 - Fan- ci- es... = Fan- ci- es...
17:39 - N - that's you, Nick. = N - L cu, Nick.
17:41 - Bridget fancies Nick! = Bridget hm m Nick!
17:43 - Don't be so childish. Give that to me. = ng qu tr con th a n cho em.
17:50 - It's getting warm. I can feel... = N c hi m. T c th cm thy...
17:55 - It's starting to move. = N bt u di chuyn.
17:59 - H - that's you, Hector. = H - L anh, Hector.
18:18 - Depart. But I am not leaving. = Khi hnh. Nhng anh khng ri i.
18:21 - Depart. = Khi hnh.
18:23 - 'Dearly departed' means dead. = 'K khi hnh' c ngha l cht
18:30 - That's it, I am leaving. = Vy l, Anh phi ri i.
18:32 - Hector, sit down! = Hector, ngi xung!
18:45 - You are moving the glass, Bridget. - No, I'm not. = - Em ang dch chuyn ci cc, Bridget. - Khng
em ko lm.
18:50 - N - I think it's for you, Nick. = N - Em ngh l anh , Nick
18:53 - Oh, great, it'll be about babes. = Oh tuyt vi, N s l cc c gi.
19:14 - Three what? = Ba l g?
19:15 - Didn't your horoscope say, 'Beware of the number three?' = Ko pha t vi ca anh ni l , 'Cn
thn vi con s 3 sao?'
19:19 - Oh, yeah. = Oh, Uh.
19:22 - You don't believe that rubbish, do you? = Mi ngi khng tin th rc ri phi ko?
19:24 - Of course I do. Don't you? = Tt nhin em tin ri. Anh ko tin ?
19:29 - Well, the lights are back on. = Well, n c in ri.
19:32 - I'm tired. = T mt ri.
19:34 - Why don't you depart then? = Ti sao anh ko 'khi hnh' i?
19:37 - Great idea. Come on, Hector, let's go. = Tuyt vi. Thi no Hector, i thi.
20:03 - Hector? - Eh? = - Hector? - g?
20:05 - Do you believe in horoscopes? = Cu c vo tin l s t vi khng?

20:08 - Of course not. - No, of course not. = - Tt nhin l ko. - Ko, Tt nhin l ko!
20:10 - They're silly. = Chng tht v vn.
20:12 - 'Beware of black hair and the number three.' = 'Cn thn vi tc en v con s 3.'
20:14 - Rubbish! - Yeah. = - V vn! - Uh.
20:16 - It could've meant, 'Beware of those three witches we met at the party.' = C th l 'Cn thn vi
3 ph thy chng ta gp bui l.'
20:25 - Well, they did have black hair. = Well, h khng c tc en.
20:27 - Or those three trick or treaters. = Hoc 3 nhc lm tr 'Trick orTreat'
20:29 - Trick or treat? = Trick or treat?
20:33 - Or the black cat. = Hoc con mo en.
20:38 - What was that noise? - Probably the wind. = - Ting n g th? -C l l gi.
20:43 - Yeah, the wind. = Uh, gi.
20:50 - Hector? - Eh? = - Hector? - Oi?
20:54 - Can I get into your bed? = T vo ging cu c ko?
20:56 - OK. = OK.
21:08 - I'm not afraid of the dark. - Nor am I. = - T ko s bng ti, - T cng th.
21:12 - I've only got one torch - it's good to share. = T ch c 1 ci n pin C th dng chung.
21:19 - The storm's finished. = Ht gi ri.
21:26 - What's that noise? = Ting ng g th?
21:30 - It's in the room. = N trong phng.
21:35 - It's getting nearer. = N ang ti gn hn.
21:50 - Who's that? - I don't know. = - Ai th? - T ko bit.
21:53 - Nick, there is something touching my legs. = Nick, C th g ang chm vo chn t.
21:58 - Well, it's not me. - I know. = - Well, Khng phi t. - T bit.
22:01 - But there is something touching my legs. = Nhng c th g ang chm vo chn t.
22:17 - Bernard, did you hear that scream? = Bernard, Anh c nghe thy ting ht ko?
22:22 - What are you doing? = Anh ang lm g vy?
22:24 - I think Marbles is in there. = Anh ngh Marbles ang trong .
22:28 - Right, we're going in. = Phi chng ta s vo trong.
22:36 - Hector, Nick? What's the matter? = Hector, Nick? C chuyn g th?
22:39 - Marbles, there you are! = Marbles, my sao!
22:45 - How's your cold? = My ht lnh cha?
22:48 - Are you two OK? = 2 Anh n ch?
22:51 - What's wrong? = Sao th?
22:53 - Has the cat got your tongue? = Con mo n mt li cc anh ri ?
23:08 - Next time in Extra:: = n xem Tp Extra tip theo
23:11 - Nick goes shopping. = Nick i shopping.
23:15 - Hector tells Annie the truth. = Hector ni vi Annie mt s tht.
23:18 - And why has Bridget got so many admirers?

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