Differentiation Portfolio Rubric

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Your choice of Learning

Objectives that match your


Little Accomplishment

Partial Accomplishment

Substantial Accomplishment

My portfolio includes
evidence of progress towards
my meeting my goal
throughout the course by
recording weekly notes and

My portfolio has 1-2 pieces

of evidence showing thought
in progressing towards my

My portfolio 3 to 6 pieces of
evidence showing thought in
progressing towards my goal.

My portfolio has 7 to 9 pieces

of evidence showing thought
in progressing towards my

My portfolio provides
multiple strategies to
differentiate within
mathematics instruction and

My portfolio provides only 2

or less general strategies for
the purpose of differentiating
within mathematics
instruction and activities.
My portfolio provides 2 or
fewer examples, possibly of
repeated strategies, for the
purpose of differentiating
within mathematics
instruction and activities.

My portfolio provides 3-4

different types of strategies
for the purpose of
differentiating in mathematics
instruction and activities.

My portfolio gives evidence

of how I will use
differentiation in
mathematics in my future
Total Points _12_ out of 12
12 points = A+ (100%)
11 points = A (96%)
10 points = A- (91%)
9 points = B+ (89%)
8 points = B (85%)
7 points = B- (81%)
6 points = D (65%)
Less than 6 points = F (50%)

My lesson plan includes a

general, unclear statement of
differentiation that is not
related to my lesson.

My lesson plan includes

differentiation, but it is
unclear how it relates to my

My portfolio provides 5-6

examples of repeating
strategies that show a purpose
of differentiating within
mathematics instruction and

My lesson plan clearly shows


Full Accomplishment
My portfolio has 10 or more
pieces of evidence showing
thought in progressing
towards my goal.

My portfolio provides 6 or
more different types of
strategies with examples for
the purpose of differentiating
within mathematics
instruction and activities.

My lesson plan clearly shows

differentiation and my
portfolio includes a reflection
piece of ways I will include
differentiation within my
mathematics instruction for
my future class.

The top of the webpage just includes every part of this portfolio that has been completed over the course of the semester,
including my mathematical timeline, self-evaluations (part 1 and 2), my goal plan, my goal update #1, and my goal update #2 (the
rubric). My differentiation portfolio begins with documents that I read, which I conveniently found under the differentiation file folder
on Canvas. Along with each of these files, I have written a brief statement about what the document is about. Under that are three
quotes that I found during readings throughout the semester in math and science. Following those quotes, are notes that I took about
the practicum experience, both in my own and in a classmates practicum that I heard about. After those notes, I included work that I
have completed to show how I have been incorporating differentiation. There is an example from my social studies lesson plan,
science circus, science lesson plan, and math lesson plan. Under those examples, I provided some of websites that were included on a
different document in the differentiation file folder on Canvas. Along with the websites, I included the name of each website, as well
as a brief description of what can be found on each. Below the websites, I directly described different strategies that can/should be
used in instruction. At the bottom of my differentiation profile, I included a short reflection about implementing differentiation in my
future class.
I believe I have achieved everything on my rubric, which is reflected in my self-evaluated scoring. In my portfolio there are
many more than 10 pieces of evidence that show progression towards my goal. Not only was there a lot of evidence, but the evidence
was provided with many different types of information as well (documents, quotes, notes, examples of my work, and websites). There

is a section in my portfolio that is specifically for strategies. These strategies are somewhat stated in other areas of the portfolio, but I
made a point to directly state them for clarification and easy access. In this section, more than 6 strategies were stated, and each
strategy had a short description and noted an example. The differentiation used in my math lesson plan was included in my portfolio
as well as other lessons. Also, at the very end of my portfolio, there is a short reflection, which completes that requirement. Making
note of all of these things, it is clear that I have fully accomplished everything that needed to be done on my syllabus.
Everything that is provided in my portfolio is evidence of my efforts to meet my goal. Many pieces of evidence were readings
or quotes found in readings, which means that I have made the effort to pull out information on differentiation and read up on it. Also
including notes from practicum means that I have been actively seeking out ways to use differentiation in hopes of observing it.
Providing examples of how I have used differentiation in my assignments show evidence that I have been working to apply what I am
learning. The list of strategies included shows how I have thought about the material learned and created a list to include basic ideas.
The online resources provided at the end just shows effort to research to have more information about differentiation in the future. The
evidence that I have provided should be substantial enough to demonstrate how I have been working to achieve my goal.
I have learned a lot more about differentiation that I thought I would. I have truly come to an understanding about
differentiating the content, process, and product by interest or readiness. Another thing I have taken into consideration is how
important it is for the teacher to know the student because knowing your students needs allows for proper differentiation. ELL
students, special needs students, and gifted students have specific needs that should be addressed for differentiation.

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