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Carina Tapia



Title: What Makes up a Living Organisms Model

Grade: 6th
Subject: Science



Key Ideas and Details

Craft and Structure
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Objectives: To teach the students how to be able to identify and describe the
structure and function by guiding them how to create a model of cell and its parts
which are made of
Plasma membrane
Nuclear membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough)
Golgi bodies
Learning Outcomes: Student will be able to identify and describe the structure
and functions of a cell parts

Materials Needed:


PowerPoint presentation.
Video: Animals Cells Structure & Functions Animation Video for Kids
Half of a foam sphere, construction paper, foam, twine, yarn, clay,
markers, pipe cleaners, scissors, glue, toothpicks and tape.

1. First thing is to give a lecture on what is a cell its structure and its
functions using my PowerPoint presentation.
2. While I lecture the students would need to be taking notes on what I
would be writing down on PowerPoint presentation.
3. During my lecture so I can know if my students are understanding the
concept I would be asking questions on things that I went over.
4. Every time I finish explaining a part of the cell I would ask my students
if they have any question on what I have just explained.
5. After I finish lecturing I would show the five minute video it explains
what I just lectured.

Carina Tapia



6. While my student watch the video I would go around the classroom and
step up the station.
7. Each station would contain half a foam sphere, clay Half of a foam
sphere, construction paper, foam, twine, yarn, clay, markers, pipe
cleaners, scissors, glue, toothpicks and tape.
8. After the video is finished I would instruct students to get into a group
of 5. (Students who are in Special education would join a group but
she/he would get their own cell.)
9. I would then explain the activity and the reason why we are doing it.
10. They would need to use the material to show the organelles and display
the names of each one and where are they located in the cell.
11. They would have until the end of the class to finish the model.
12. While the student work on the model I would walk around just in case
they have any questions.
Assessments: My students will be graded by how well they can use the material
to make their own version on how a cell would look like and also on where they
locate each one and if its located in the right place on the model.

For students who are in a special education program they will be able to
participate in the group activity but they would be able to do their own cell
Also, their due date would not be due the same day as the rest of the
students. They would get a few more days.



For all my students I will be cutting the foam sphere.

I will also be setting up the stations with the supplies that will be needed
to complete the project.

XXI. Reflection on implementation:

I feel that my lesson and activity went really well. Yes my objectives were met. I
taught my students everything that has to do with the cell. My learning outcomes were
also met. Not all student understood the concept right away I need to repeat the
information a couple of times. Some students still need a little bit more help to full
understand the lesson. The reason I know this is because students still looked confused
during the activity group members were trying to explain to the concept to other group
members. The lesson went well student looked interested in the subject. Some students
interacted more than others. I could of have improved on my activity maybe next time I
would make the activity individually. Next time I would lecture but also so items of the
object to the class and explain what it does and where is it located in the cell.

Carina Tapia


Video Shown to the Class


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