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Saint Josephs University

Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System

Lesson Plan Format
Candidates Name: Chelsea Mercurio

Subject: Reading Grade

Level: Second Grade

Course: SPE 329

Duration: 50 min.

Lesson Topic: Reading comprehension.

Essential Questions (Linked to Big Ideas):

Comprehension requires and enhances critical thinking and is constructed through the
intentional interaction between reader and text.

Learner Outcomes (Instructional Objectives):

As a result of this lesson, the students will be able to identify the

beginning, middle, end of a story.

As a result of this lesson, the students will be able to accurately

summarize a story.

As a result of this lesson students will be able to identify literary

elements (character, setting, and plot) in select reading.

Related Academic Standards: PA Standards:

1.3.2.C: Identify literary elements (characters, setting, and plot) in selected readings
1.4.2.B: Write informational pieces using illustrations when relevant (e.g., descriptions,
letters, single-topic reports, instructions).
1.6.2.A: Listen actively and respond to others in small and large group situations.
Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions.


The book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
White board
Dry erase markers
Construction paper
Aluminum foil
Glue sticks
Worksheets (attached)
Instructional Procedures: Direct Instruction Lesson (Italics is what the teacher says)
Introduction (15 min):

When introducing the lesson have students sit on the floor in front
of the white board. To get the students excited about the lesson begin by
describing the story and say, Today we are going to be reading a story called The
Rainbow Fish. The story is about a fish that has something special and does not
want to share it with his friends? Then ask students; do you have something at
home that is special to you? Would you share that special something with a
friend? Then draw students attention to the vocabulary words on the board
(summary, plot, character, and setting). Ask students; can anyone tell me the
definition of one of the words on the board? After students answer and the teacher

records the (correct) answers on the board explain to students by saying, While
youre reading I want you to take notes and try to see if you can identify the plot,
characters, and setting of the story. Listen closely. The teacher should pass out
reading journals to each student to take notes.

Begin reading the book, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

During reading say, I hope everyone is taking good notes on our story. After
reading say, that was a great story! What did you think about it? Then say, I hope
we all were taking good notes during the story. Look at your notes. What do you
think the plot of the story was? Write students responses on the board. What was
the setting of the story? Write students response on board. Who were the
characters? Now take out 3 pieces of pre-made lamented sections of the story on
the board write the words beginning, middle, and end.
Ask students, What happened in the beginning of the story? Was rainbow fish
a good friend? Why? Why not? Then have students identify the paper that
summarizes the beginning of the story. What happened in the middle of the
story? Again have students identify the paper that summarizes the middle of
the story. What happened at the end of the story? Why did rainbow fish decide
to give up his shiny scale? Would you do the same thing if you were in
rainbow fishes position? End discussion.

Developmental Activity (25 min):

Split up students into equal groups at tables. Give every student a

rainbow fish worksheet. On the worksheet students will have to summarize the
rainbow fish story in a paragraph of at least five sentences (using the notes they
took and class discussion).

The teacher will go around, make observations, and read what

students have written. The teacher will ask questions to students who may be
struggling in order to get them on the right track.

After creating the summary students will ask to share it with the
other students at their table.

Then, the teacher will handout construction paper, scissors, and

glue sticks to each table. The teacher will say, now we are going to create the
rainbow fish to go with our summaries! The students will then be asked to create
rainbow fish using the supplies. The teacher will also hand out a small piece of
aluminum foil to each student for the shiny scale.

Closure (10 min):

Have students regroup as a whole class in front of the white board.

Ask students to volunteer to share their summary and picture. Ask students, Why
do you think it is important to be able to identify the key elements in a story?

Addressing Learners Diverse Needs

Accommodations and adaptations (IEPs, 504 Plans, at-risk students)

Adaptions made for the following students:

Marvin is a student with a mild intellectual disability. The following indicate his present
levels of performance (PLOP):

First grade reading level

First grade math skills

Low level written expression skills

Receptive skills low, but higher than expressive skills

Cooperative with teachers and peers

Low adaptive behavior skills

Full-scale IQ is 65


Marvin will be given a separate worksheet from his peers that has a
section labeled; beginning, middle, and end to help him structure his summary.

Marvin will also be giving typed vocabulary words with

definitions for his summary.

Marvin can work with peers however; he will be closely monitored
and assisted.

Marvin will be given a checklist that he must follow when writing

his summary. Marvin must complete the checklist with teacher guidance when
writing his summary and will be given an extra 10 min for the activity.

Behavioral Objectives:

Marvin will write three sentences (instead of 5) each summarizing

beginning, middle, and end of The Rainbow Fish when told to do so, with teacher

After completion of the summary Marvin will be asked to read it to

a peer and have the peer make any helpful suggestions to help better Marvins

The summary will be checked for accuracy in terms of

demonstration of understanding of The Rainbow Fish.

Marvin's grammar and spelling will not be graded because the

primary purpose of the lesson is reading comprehension however, spelling and
grammar will be checked for accuracy in order to help Marvin be able to write on
a higher level.

John is a student with ADHD. The following indicate his present levels of
performance (PLOP):

Second grade reading and math levels

Difficulty following more than one step directions

Does not complete assignments


Works well when engaged in activities involving physical

Organizational issues

Full-scale IQ is 95


John will be given teacher typed notes to him instead of taking his
own during the read aloud.

John will be given an alternative activity to the summary. The

alternative activity will be for John to perform (act out or use puppets) a part of
the story The Rainbow Fish. This will be presented to the closure portion of the
lesson when students share their summaries.

John will be given a checklist while he writes his dialogue for his
puppet show.

The teacher should monitor John and make sure he sits somewhere
up front during class discussion.
Behavioral Objectives:

John will write 30 words of dialogue with accuracy, when told to

do so by the teacher.

John will follow the checklist of steps he must complete with

accuracy while writing his dialogue.

John will perform the puppet show to the class, accurately retelling
a part of The Rainbow Fish, when asked to do so by his teacher.

Alisha is a student with an emotional/behavior disorder. The following indicate her

present levels of performance (PLOP):

On-grade level in reading and math

Difficulty cooperating with peers

Becomes easily frustrated

Demonstrates low self-esteem

Does not complete assignments

Exhibits attention seeking behaviors

Full scale IQ is 112


Alisha will be given a partner to work on her summary with to

enhance her cooperating with peers skills. After her summary she will have to
share it with her partner. Her partner must share their summary with her. After
sharing of the summary Alisha will be given a checklist with three question she
must ask her partner to encourage dialogue. Her partner will be given three
questions to ask her. Alisha does not have to share her summary with the entire
class but, instead can share her summary with her teacher separately.

Behavioral Objectives:

Alisha will have to write a 5-sentence summary of The Rainbow

Fish with accuracy when told to do so by the teacher.

Alisha will have to ask her partner three questions (given by the
teacher) to her partner when told to do so by the teacher.

Alisha will have to completely answer 3 questions from her partner

when told to do so by her teacher.

Alisha will have to share her summary with her teacher separately
from the whole class.
Language adjustments made for specific ELP levels (include ELP level and PA ELP
PA ELP Standard: R. 3. A1. Retell stories using a series of pictures.

The student will be read The Rainbow Fish in native language. The
student will be given vocabulary in native language. The student will have an
alterative activity where he or she has to match the vocabulary words in English
with her native language and accompany each with a picture. The student will use
the pictures and English words of the vocabulary words with native translation as
flash cards.
PA ELP Standard: R. 3. A1. Match sentence strips to illustrations in a story.

The student will have the same assignment as the student on the entering level. In
addition the student must match sentence strips to an illustration in The Rainbow Fish.
The teacher will check the students work for accuracy.

PA ELP Standard: R.3. A1 Sequence a series of illustrated sentence strips to tell a story.
The student will have the same assignment as the beginning student. In addition the
student will have to sequence sentence strips from The Rainbow Fish and accompany
with own illustration.

PA ELP Standard: 1.6D Retell a story using picture prompts with a partner.
The student will summarize the story The Rainbow Fish to the teacher using picture
prompts. The student will be given vocabulary in his or her own language.

PA ELP Standard: R3. 1A. 3 Participate in a reading/ literature circle to draw conclusions
about grade level text.
This student will have the same assignment as the general education class. Vocabulary
will be given in both native language and English. The student can take notes in native

Challenges for advanced learners: Advanced learners will have to write 7- sentences in
their summary. They will also have to respond to an additional question, What did you
think of the story The Rainbow Fish? Advanced learners will be asked to assist others
with their summaries when they are finished with their own.

Formative/Summative Assessment

Formative assessment: Students will be assessed formatively

during class discussion and observations of activity. The teacher will record and

take note of students answers after reading The Rainbow Fish. Take notes of
which students were able to recall what happened in the story and which students
were able to accurately identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Observe students as they complete the paragraph. Make note of if the students are
able to summarize The Rainbow Fish accurately. Teacher can check for
spelling/grammar issues but, primarily focus on content because that it the
primary purpose of the lesson. In concluding discussion analyze what students
were able to learn from The Rainbow Fish in terms of being a good friend, by
how much they were able to add to their friend definition.

Summative: Collect students summaries and rainbow fish picture.

Did students accurately summarize the story. Did they identify a beginning,
middle, and end? Did they include what it means to be a good friend?

Data Analysis and Reflection on Planning/Instruction; Plans for Reteaching (as



The Rainbow Fish

By Marcus Pfister

Below, write a summary of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus

Pfister. Be sure to include our vocabulary words (plot,
character, and setting). Your summary must be at least five
Below, write a summary of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus
Pfister. Be sure to include our vocabulary words (plot,
character, and setting). Your summary must be at least five

Summary Checklist

Yes, I wrote five sentences.

Yes, I included the below

vocabulary in my summary.




Yes, I checked my summary for

spelling and grammar mistakes.
Yes, I shared my summary with a

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