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Lauren Bailey

Informative Outline


General Purpose:

To Inform

Specific Purpose:

To inform my audience about the belief system agnostic individuals hold and
define what agnosticism is.


Agnosticism is the belief that there is no way to know for certain whether or not
there is a God lurking somewhere deep within the cosmos. Individuals who
believe in this way are called agnostics. Agnostics are just as human as
individuals who subscribe to other religions.
I. Introduction

Attention Getter:


Reason to Listen:

Many people today subscribe to agnosticism, so for the

sake of those who do, it is important to keep an open and
accepting mind.


Thesis Statement:

Agnostic individuals are no different than individuals of

any other belief system.


Credibility Statement:
1. I know and have known many agnostic individuals.
2. I have oftentimes studied and pondered the notion of agnosticism myself,
for validity.


Preview of Main Statement:

1. First, I will discuss the beliefs that agnosticism entails and the stereotypes that
accompany this particular belief.
2. Second, I will discuss the outlook of the agnostic, religious tolerance and
religious backgrounds.
3. Third, I will discuss childhood, family dynamic, and a perfect world.


Agnosticism is a growing trend and should be identified and understood by most



Agnosticism is the belief that an individual cannot know for certain

whether or not there is or is not a god that exists. It is often times
accompanied by stereotypes.
a. Some agnostics lean more towards the idea that there actually is or
actually isn't a god than others.
b. Many people who were raised in earlier generations automatically
assume that all agnostics are bad or cold-hearted people, when in all
actuality, they are as unpredictable as the humans of any other belief


The outlook of the typical agnostic, the religious tolerance they hold and
agnostic individuals religious backgrounds are comparable to those of
other individuals with different beliefs.
a. Agnostics have outlooks much like other individuals. They have both
good days and bad days.
b. Agnostics are typically tolerant of other belief systems, while many
areas and cultures will not tolerate this belief and characterize it as
c. Many individuals are raised being taught to believe in one way, and
then their beliefs change as they get older and their needs change.

Transition: The deeper parts of the agnostic individuals mind is also really quite interesting.

The childhood, family, and ideal world of the agnostic individual is very
comparable to the ideas of those who subscribe to even the more simple
belief systems.
a. Agnostics have diverse childhoods', just like every other individual has.
It is something that cannot be predicted, because they are just normal
human being, carrying out life like every other individual with a different
b. Family was complicated for the agnostics much like it is often times
complicated for those who subscribe to more conventional belief systems.
c. The ideal world was always described as calm and casual, and without
work. Agnostics have the dream of the easy life just like Christians,
Buddhists, neo-spiritualists, and everyone else has.



Review of Main Points:


Today I first discussed Agnosticism and accompanying stereotypes.


Second, I discussed the outlook of the agnostic, religious tolerance and

religious backgrounds.


Third, I will discuss childhood, family dynamic, and a perfect world.


Restate Thesis:

Agnostic individuals are no different than individuals of

any other belief system, and should be treated as such.



In conclusion, Agnostics are just as human as individuals that

subscribe to more conventional belief systems. Some agnostics
are great, and some aren't. They vary, just like all creatures and
human beings in this world.

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