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7th Grade

Earth Science
December 1-5
Date Assigned


Today, in class, we discussed where fossils fuels are found, how
humans obtain fossil fuels, and the problems associated with fossil
fuels. We also began a discussion on alternative resources that we
can utilize instead of fossils fuels.
Homework: Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What kinds of organisms play an important role in coal
2. In a given area, which would be older: peat or lignite
3. List the main countries that produce and export petroleum
4. Where in the United States are coal, natural gas, and
petroleum found?
5. Describe how petroleum, natural gas, and coal are extracted
from the Earth.
6. What is the relationship between petroleum and liquid fossil
7. Explain why we use different methods to extract fossil fuels
from the Earths crust.
8. When an oil and gas reservoir is drilled, which substance is
generally encountered first-oil or natural gas? Why?
9. Coal beds have been found in Antarctica. Explain how this
could be. *Remember, coal is formed from decayed swamp
plants. *
10. What form(s) of alternative resources would be best suited
for our environment (Alabama)? Why?
We will complete Chapter 5s discussion of energy resources today.
We will begin preparing for next Mondays Chapter 5 Test. We will
work together to complete pgs. 128 & 129 in our textbook. Pages 128
& 129 in our textbook will act as our study guide. The students and I
will go over their answers and will discuss any questions that they
might have.

Due Date


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