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Boyd 1

Leah Boyd
Sarah Crist
English 4
October 21, 2014
Al Qaeda stands for the base in Arabic. Al Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist network made
up of regional organizations which have little communication with Osama bin Laden, which is
the leader and the founder of the group. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria know as ISIS started
off as an al Qaeda group. The primary goal of ISIS is to create an Islamic state across areas in
Iraq and in Syria. The group reaches various obstacles by other nations trying to stop them.
Allies of the United States are also providing support to help destroy the militant group. The U.S.
government is joining together with other nations in order to prevent ISIS from becoming a
bigger threat.
The United States has joined with many other countries battling the group of ISIS. The
U.S. is also providing strategies and training to these Middle East countries. According to CNN,
American military power is unmatched, but this can't be America's fight alone" (Fantz).
America has one of the strongest militarys, but if other major countries provided military help it
could make this battle much faster. If other major countries provided support to the United States
defeating ISIS would be faster because it would start decreasing the growth of the terrorist group.
There is a large amount of air strikes that has been successful in order to defeating ISIS.

Boyd 2

There are many nations that are fighting ISIS as well. Arab partners are also joining the
United States to conduct airstrikes against ISIS. As stated by CNN, The campaign of airstrikes
against ISIS in Syria has pitted several Arab countries into action alongside the United States
(Mullen). This is very significant because it is very difficult to get Arab states to conduct
airstrikes against other Arab states. Saudi Arabia took part in at least two airstrikes and has
agreed to receive American training as well as many other nations. The nations that are battling
ISIS are growing day by day.
There is also one major factor playing a role in Americas battle with ISIS. As the United
States government takes its attention away from ISIS because of the virus that is called Ebola
spreading throughout the Middle East causes a major setback with the U.S. involvement. There
are concerns of putting United Sates forces on the ground because of battling with the Islamic
state with the Ebola virus evolving. According to CNN, Gen. Martin Dempsey also touched on
his concerns about the spread of the Ebola virus and what's more to come in the coalition battle
against murderous Islamic extremists (Fantz). If the situation gets significantly worse, war
could erupt because airstrikes is not enough to defeat ISIS.
ISIS is known for killing dozens of people and carrying out public executions,
crucifixions and other acts. However, the United States is establishing a new winning strategy
that could possibly help defeat ISIS. Arab nations then joined U.S. forces to conduct two waves
of airstrikes against ISIS targets. The United States government is also concerned about the virus
called Ebola that has been a threat to Americans, this causes the government to take its
surveillance off of the Islamic militant group and focus on the hazard it brings to Americans. To
prevent ISIS it is beneficial for the United States to join other nations.

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Works Cited
Fantz, Ashley, Jim Sciutto, Elise Labott, and Khushbu Shah. "Who Is Doing What in the
Coalition Battle against ISIS?" CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 02
Nov. 2014.
Mullen, Jethro, and Becky Anderson. "U.S.-led Airstrikes on ISIS in Syria: Who's In, Who's
Not." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
"Which Countries Are Doing What in the ISIS Coalition? - NBC News." NBC News. N.p., n.d.
Web. 29 Oct. 2014.

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