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One reader appears grateful for these efforts [Thank you for all the thought and time

you put into

these "blasts". I pass them on in part or whole to others]; others contribute data that are turnedaround as expeditiously as possible. Curiously, the blogger @ PoliticsPA has been quiescent for a day;
perhaps he finally has come-up-dry when trying to reply to my truth-telling.
I received two Fortune Cookies yesterday at a local Chinese-Food Buffet because I both
pre-tipped a waitress [who then provided a stale one] and thanked another waitress for
a Diet-Coke refill [who then provided a crisp one]; they are both encouraging [The
mightiest oak in the forest is just a little nut that held its ground and A frivolous gift is
a gift, nonetheless]. My conjoint interpretation is that its worthwhile to persevere in
efforts to disseminate truths, even if some recipients are occasionally inattentive. {For
example, listen to a clip of Milton Friedman discuss Americas upward-mobility.}
Dems continue to squabble after the Midterms [Dems assail Wall Street ties in Obama administration;
Cassidy up 15 points on Landrieu; Dem favorable rating sinks to record low (36% have a favorable view,
now lower than that of the GOP); 2016 retirements could complicate Dems' comeback plans; Warren
trounced Clinton in poll of liberal group; Rep. Grayson: Obama's immigration delay hurt Dems; Southern
Dems cant win]. Meanwhile, Rs are energized [GOP game plan: Make Dems the party of no] as 13
Republicans are vying for POTUS-16 (prompting a Conservative reaction to The Hill: You can always
tell the lefties; they push Christie, Huckabee and Bush as top-tier runners, when conservatives know
they will never make a primary - if they run at all); CONSERVATIVES MOVE TO THWART JEB and Rick
Perry leads way in Iowa events. {Also, The Dem-Academia junk science axis has dug-in.}
Illustrative of the importance of the House [and, perhaps, joint-Senate] BenghaziGate
Committed is a another report suggesting The House Intelligence Committee Benghazi
Report was a Whitewash. {Also, as predicted here a few days ago, the fighter who lost
to Mickey Rourke 'was paid to throw the bout.'}
Israel continues to attempt to disseminate its message [Words matter: how vocabulary defines the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict; While terror rages in Jerusalem, Israel-Jordan relations hang in the balance;
three Palestinians charged in plot to attack MK Feiglin and Glick on Temple Mount]. Those who wish to
review the legality of Israels controlling Judea/Samaria should read the Levy Report [starting on page 9]
and a digest thereof [c/o Arlene Kushner, with a map and reference to Oslo]; the political turmoil
triggered by a candid assessment of Democracy and the Jewish State could even lead to early elections
despite the fact that Palestinians continue to promulgate The Big Lie. Also, now that Hamas Said the
Palestinian Unity Government [which had been a faade] Is Over, it will be intriguing to note BHOs
rationalization for funding Hamas [terrorists], which is in turmoil (and is Plotting New Violence), in
conjunction with reconstruction of Gaza. {Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, the so-called "moderate"
President of the Palestinian Authority, said that his people will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.}
Meanwhile, terrorism continues globally, targeting Israel and Jews [ISIS kidnapped
Canadian-Israeli (former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds); Islamic State
planned to hijack Israeli ship; Shots were fired at Israeli bus in West Bank (no injuries);
Turkish cleric says Israel behind Islamic State; Erdogans Turkey is an Emerging State
Sponsor of Terrorism ("The American Foreign Policy with Syria has been feckless while
Turkey has been reckless); Israeli seriously injured in suspected hit and run in West
Bank}. {Also, note that the Media Imbalance Toward Israel has Become Rooted.}

Illustrative of the injustice of BHOs Immunity-Order, also, is the fact that Iraqis Who Served U.S. Seek
Visas...and Wait; meanwhile, it still seems that Republicans will not stop Barack Obamas executive
overreach; also noted is the utterly ridiculous claim made by House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers
that, in the upcoming slap-fight with Obama over his brutalization of immigration law, the GOP could
not touch the funding of the Citizenship and Immigration Service because it is funded mostly by fees
paid by visa applicants. {Also, KRAUTHAMMER feels the GOP SHOULD RUN ON 'BUILD A DAMN FENCE,'
and Poll confirmed that the GOP, not Obama, will be blamed for a new government shutdown.}
Illustrative of the domestic-terrorism threat of Islamism enhanced by Illegals, Oprah
Winfreys Chicago-based studio was targeted in a foiled terrorist truck-bomb plot in
2009 devised by an illegal alien, an individual who was waving an Islamic State flag from
his car when he was arrested, and two of the FBI's most wanted terrorists, among
Illustrative of the effort to prolong discussion of Ferguson is the claim by FARRAKHAN that the 'LAW OF
perhaps as a result, a Ferguson Agitator Warned Some are 'Going to Have to Die,' 'There Should Be
Bloodshed' and, on November 30, four teens jumped a man in south St. Louis, using hammers to beat
Regarding the Culture-Wars, the CDCs Latest Abortion Report suggests the procedure is
being performed less often, but predominantly upon Blacks.

An article that concluded Philly is the No. 3 Best City to Be a Sports Fan provided an overview of the
history of what has transpired in each major sport during recent decades. Regarding the Eagles, a Hot
Finish will, hopefully, Keep Shady with Eagles Beyond 2014 because McCoy is Establishing Himself as
Best Eagles RB Ever; also, although there is a brewing QB-controversy, the Eagles' Defensive Line Coming
into Its Own, explaining why NFL Power Rankings have ranked Eagles as #4. Regarding the Phillies,
thankfully, Yanks Checked In on Rollins [good riddance] but Tomas went to the D-Backs on 6-Yr/$68.5M
Deal [about which, not surprisingly, Amaro claimed unconvincingly that he was 'Not Disappointed'] and
Papelbon is Not Yielding Any Trade Offers Yet [as might be anticipated]. Regarding the Flyers, as
Incredulous Snider blasted Flyers' lack of scoring depth, it is instructive to recall What caused the rift
with Lindros. {Lets pass on the Sixers.}

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