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Journals Reflection

The process of writing the journal entries and the article responses was an illuminating
experience for me. It definitely helped to open up my thought process, and helped to reveal how
I really felt about the subject. Through writing the journal entries in class I learned how to write
in a free manner really just letting my thoughts flow without worrying about organization or
structure. Im a very structured person. I like organization and I like to plan things out. It did not
come natural to me to write without thinking too deeply about exactly what I was writing; the
journal entries definitely helped me learn to write like that.
I chose to use only article responses in my portfolio. The revising process was not very
difficult for my article responses because I put in a fair amount of effort from the beginning in
order to produce a solid product. I did learn some things from revising my article responses
though. I learned that despite putting in a lot of work I had still made plenty of mistakes.
Learning how to use correct grammar has been a continual learning process for me. It has been 8
years since I was in high school, and since then I havent really done anything academic. The
revising process for everything, to include the revision of my article responses, has been
invaluable to better my understanding of using correct grammar.

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