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TWS 3: Short Range Plan

Channa Griham
The objectives of this 3rd grade South Carolina history unit are students will be able to
demonstrate an understanding of places and regions in South Carolina and roles of the human
system in the state and students will be able to describe the location and characteristics of
significant features of South Carolina including landforms, river systems, major cities and
climate regions. I designed this unit to allow students to participate in whole group discussions,
cooperative learning groups and independent activities. During this unit, students will be taught
through direct instruction, hands-on explorations and visual aids that will integrate with other
curriculum areas like music, art and ELA. I will integrate music with my students by teaching
them songs about the regions of South Carolina while also seeing visual examples of physical
and human features of the regions, correctly label maps identifying geographical locations of the
regions, complete journal entries, and complete hands on puzzles to correctly place each region
in their geographical location. Students will also have the chance to participate in the integration
of art. Students will be required to draw and label a map of South Carolina. During this time,
students will be drawing the different regions and their geographical mountains. For example,
they can draw hills to illustrate the Sandhills and can draw mountains to illustrate the Blue Ridge
Mountains, which is located in the Blue Ridge region. To address the second objective of this
unit, students will have the chance to study the major cities of South Carolina and their
importance, identify the major river systems of South Carolina and local these major cities and
river systems on a geographical map. Students will also be able to integrate art into this learning
objective. Students will have the chance to draw each of the river systems on their geographical
map of South Carolina. Visual representations will also be implemented beforehand so that the
students will have guidance when completing their illustrations. All of these activities help
accommodate diverse learning styles within the class.
One of my main goals for this mini unit it to make sure I accommodate the diverse
learning abilities of my students in the classroom. I will make sure to reach each learning types
while implementing this lesson which includes auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners.
Modifications are made throughout this unit to accommodate students who are below, on and
above level. Activities are put in place to help these students succeed during the implementation
of this unit. Each activity within this lesson will help students understand physical and human
features in each region, understand the geographical location of each region, identify major river
systems and their locations and understand major cities and their importance to South Carolina.
During the implementation of the unit and after the completion of the unit, students will be
assessed on their understanding of the concept.

Unit Objectives


Assessment of


When given
information on the
Blue Ridge and
Piedmont regions,
students will be able
to summarize the
physical and human
features of each
region with 80%
degree of accuracy.
(SOC 3.3-1.1:
Categorize the six
landform regions of
South Carolina-the
Blue Ridge, the
Piedmont, the Sand
Hills, the Inner
Coastal Plain, the
Outer Coastal Plain
and the Coastal
Zone- according to
their climate,
physical features, and
natural resources.)
When given
information on the
Sand Hills and Inner
Coastal plain regions,
students will be able
to summarize the
physical and human
features of each
region with 80%
(SOC 3.3-1.1:
Categorize the six
landform regions of
South Carolina-the
Blue Ridge, the
Piedmont, the Sand
Hills, the Inner
Coastal Plain, the
Outer Coastal Plain
and the Coastal
Zone- according to

Guided note taking
Regions song
Visual aids representing
physical and human
Regions map
Plickers Activity

Whole Class
Exit Slip: Identify
one physical and one
human feature for
each region
Correctly label
regions map

Students who are
struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
think/pair/share and
whole group
discussions. Lower
students will also
receive assistance
from me when
needed. Note taking
is also guided to
accommodate lower
level students.

Guided note taking

Regions song
Visual aids representing
physical and human
Regions map
Plickers Activity

Exit Slip: Identify
one physical and one
human feature for
each region
Correctly label
regions map
Puzzling regions

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.

their climate,
physical features, and
natural resources.)
When given
information on the
Outer Coastal Plain
and Coastal Zone
regions, students will
be able to summarize
the physical and
human features of
each region with
80% accuracy.
(SOC 3.3-1.1:
Categorize the six
landform regions of
South Carolina-the
Blue Ridge, the
Piedmont, the Sand
Hills, the Inner
Coastal Plain, the
Outer Coastal Plain
and the Coastal
Zone- according to
their climate,
physical features, and
natural resources.)
Students will be able
to summarize the
Savannah River
system and Santee
River system and
label their
locations on a map
with 90% accuracy.
(SOC.3.3-1.2 Describe the location
and characteristics of
significant features
of South Carolina,
including landforms;
river systems such as
the Pee Dee River
Basin, the Santee

Guided note taking

Regions song
Visual aids representing
physical and human
Regions map
Plickers Activity

Whole group
Exit Slip: Identify
one physical and one
human feature for
each region
Correctly label
regions map
Regions Quiz
Map Labeling

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.
Extra time will be
given to students who
need it when filling
out notes.

Savannah River System

and Santee River
Whole class discussion:
Where are these river
systems located?
Map labeling
Drawing illustrations of
the river systems

Exit Slip:
Summarize the
Santee and Savannah
river systems
Correctly label river
systems on map

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.
Extra time will be
given to students who
need it when filling
out notes.

River Basin, the

Edisto River Basin,
and the Savannah
River Basin; major
cities; and climate
Students will be able
to summarize the Pee
Dee River system
and Edisto River
system and label
their geographical
locations on a map
with 90% accuracy.
(SOC.3.3-1.2 Describe the location
and characteristics of
significant features
of South Carolina,
including landforms;
river systems such as
the Pee Dee River
Basin, the Santee
River Basin, the
Edisto River Basin,
and the Savannah
River Basin; major
cities; and climate
When locating
Charleston and
Myrtle Beach on a
map, students will be
able to analyze their
importance to South
Carolina History
with 90% accuracy.
(SOC.3.3-1.2 Describe the location
and characteristics of
significant features
of South Carolina,
including landforms;
river systems such as
the Pee Dee River
Basin, the Santee

Pee Dee River System

and Edisto River
System Notes
Whole class discussion:
Where are these river
systems located?
Map labeling
Drawing illustrations of
the river systems

Exit Slip:
Summarize the Pee
Dee and Edisto river
Correctly label river
systems on map

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.
Extra time will be
given to students who
need it when filling
out notes.

Myrtle Beach
Essential question: Why
are these major cities
important to South
Note Taking
Prezi (visual aid)
Mapping Cities:
Creating a map legend

Exit Slip:
Why are these major
cities important to
South Carolina?
What are they known
(collect and review)
Labeling on map
(collect and grade)

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.
Extra time will be
given to students who
need it when filling
out notes.

River Basin, the

Edisto River Basin,
and the Savannah
River Basin; major
cities; and climate
When locating
Columbia, Greenville
and Greenwood on a
map, students will be
able to analyze their
importance to South
Carolina History
with 90% accuracy.
(SOC.3.3-1.2 Describe the location
and characteristics of
significant features
of South Carolina,
including landforms;
river systems such as
the Pee Dee River
Basin, the Santee
River Basin, the
Edisto River Basin,
and the Savannah
River Basin; major
cities; and climate

Greenwood (Home)
Essential question: Why
are these major cities
important to South
Note Taking
Prezi (visual aid)
Mapping Cities:
Creating a map legend
Major cities/River
systems study guide

Exit Slip:
Why are these major
cities important to
South Carolina?
What are they known
(collect and review)
Labeling on map
(collect and grade)
Major cities/River
systems Quiz
(following daygrade)

Students who are

struggling will be
placed with advanced
students during
Lower students will
also receive
assistance from me
when needed. Note
taking is also guided
to accommodate
lower level students.
Extra time will be
given to students who
need it when filling
out notes.

I believe that these learning objectives are developmentally appropriate because the
students are exposed to various instructional strategies that meet their learning needs. Students
will have the chance to participate in hands-on explorations, will be able to use visual aids to
help them understand concepts, and are able to use songs to help them remember important facts
on the concept. The students needs are met in this unit because they are participating in
cooperative learning, engaged in hands-on activities and are introduced to visual aids. The
learning objectives can be challenging for some students, but accommodations and modifications
are put in place to help the students be successful.

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