Ubd Lesson Plan Template

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Teachers Name: Jason D Cola

Subject/Course: The Renaissance: Science

Lesson Title: Is it Hot in Here? Or is it just me?

Grade Level: 4th

Approximate Time Frame: 30/35 minutes

Essential Vocabulary:

Galileo Galilei

Brief Overview (Summary) of the Unit:

1. The unit is centered on the historical impact of the European Renaissance. Throughout the unit,
students are introduced to the famous icons, inventions and artworks of the Renaissance era.
2. In this specific lesson, students will be learning how to, and using a thermometer to track
weather temperature change. Their work will be recorded in a log/chart designed specifically for
this lesson. Each student will track the temperature for a week (or more if time), and the
temperature at different times of the day, i.e. the temperature on Monday May 9th at 12:00pm
was _____. Not only are students learning how the thermometer, which was invented in the
Renaissance is used today, but how to properly record their scientific findings as well.

Stage 1 Desired Results (Acquisition, Meaning Making and Transfer)

S4.D.2.1.3: Identify appropriate instruments (i.e., thermometer, rain gauge, weather vane, anemometer, and
barometer) to study weather and what they measure.

Transfer: Learners will obtain the ability to measure and track temperature change using a

Meaning Making: Change in temperatures in any given environment

Understandings: Temperature change can be tracked and measured using a thermometer

Essential Questions (Long Term and Topical):

If I wanted to know what clothes to wear, how can I check the temperature?
Is the temperature the same every day? How do we know this?

The Teacher will

Where are we
going? What is

Explain that temperature can be measured.

Show video:
(What is temperature)
Ask students if temperature is the same

The Student will

How will we hook

(Introduce this to)
the students?

If no/if so, how do we know this?

Show the first invention of a thermometer by

Galileo (1593) and ask, What is this?
(Mention that you (the teacher) have not seen
it before and are unsure).

Show the thermometer. Say does this look

more familiar? What is this one?

Explain how temperature is measured and in

what forms (i.e. Celsius and Fahrenheit)

How will we equip

students for

Explain how Galileo used the first

thermoscope in the Renaissance
Explain how modern meteorologists use a
Show Video:
Show how and where temperature change
can be recorded

Keep Track of the temperature in a personal

log to be sure the students are on target.

Students will keep a data

log of each day and time
they measure the
temperature with their

How will students

self-evaluate and
reflect their

Promote collaboration by allowing time for

students to meet and share their results in
small groups.
Allot specific time for class question and
answer sessions to clear any concern, or
provide any direction with the ongoing
measuring process.

Collaborate each day

amongst each other to see
if their progress and data
match up
Refer to the teachers data
log to see where they are
correct or incorrect in their
thermometer use.

How will we preassess student

understanding and
skills to inform

How will we
rethink or revise?
formative, keep
coming back as

Encouraged to ask
Watch video

Try and guess what the

objects are
Share how they know
what to wear in the
Share reasons why
temperature may change,
and why we measure such

Find places where people

have already measured
the temperature
Watch a video on how to
use a thermometer
Look at how temperature
is recorded and presented
to readers

How will we tailor

learning to varied
needs, interests,
and learning

1. Intro
2. Realization that temperature can be
3. How temperature is measured/what is used
4. The first thermometer/thermoscope used in
the Renaissance
5. How to use a thermometer themselves
6. How to track and record their data findings
7. How to compare scientific information for
validity and accuracy

How will we
organize the
sequence of
learning? (please
include the

If needed, students with given permission

may work in pairs.
Thermometers with larger print so they may
be easier to read
If a student is unable to write, they may be
assigned a co-scientist scribe.

Be reminded that it is not

a contest, and will be
permitted to help fellow
pupils as necessary, even if
they have to share

***same as previous box***

Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill

What tools do we use in this field of science? (meteorology)

How do I/we/scientists use them?

Knowledge: The tools used to measure temperature

Skills/Performance: The ability to use a thermometer

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Learners will obtain the ability to measure and track temperature change using a thermometer.

Key criteria to measure Performance Task(s) or Key Evidence:

Temperature Charts/Logs

Other Evidence: Science Journals (reflection based)

Stage 3 - Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:

Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements Whos the Hardest Working Person in the
The teacher and the students should be working equally as hard. For the teacher, their hard
work should be clear in the direction they provide the students so they may reach the highest level of
success. And for the students, their hard work should be apparent in their efforts towards the ultimate
goal, and will be evaluated on such through their data logs.
However, if the answer to this was supposed to be the teacher works the hardest, then I
suppose it will be him/her that will be the most tired once its all over if they care enough about the
success of their students.

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