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Art Lesson Plan

Title: African Coil Pot

Grade level (s): 2-4
Suggested Time: 1 hr (1 class period)

Unit: African Art

Medium: Model Magic

Instructional Objectives (2-3):

Students will build a form using coil techniques (MO)
Students will create a sculpted pot that uses a variety of forms with model magic (KS.)

Elements of Art (1-3) line, color, shape, form, space, texture, value

Principles of Design (1-3) repetition, pattern, movement, balance, emphasis, contrast, unity

Materials and Equipment:

Model Magic

Vocabulary (4-5):
Sculpture, Coil, Additive sculpture, and ceramics

Art Production (based on Madeline Hunter model)

1.anticipatory set
2. state objectives
3. Input: art history, instructions
5. check for understanding 6. guided practice 7. independent practice

4.demonstration, modeling
8. closure

1. First, I would show students about African coil pots and explained to them what
coiling of pots mean. With YouTube videos on how coil pots are created or pictures of
how coil pots are used.
2. Show how the coil pots we are going to use is made with model Magic
3. Show an example to all the students on the coiling of the model magic to make a
piece of the pot.
4. Give the students each one packet of model magic and ask them to take another
after they have clearly used the entire first packet and not waste them.
5. Let the student use their imagination and create their own model magic African coil
6. Go around answering any questions the students have.

Art History / Resources (2-4):

Use the Powerpoint, Youtube videos online and books on African Art.

Aesthetic Questions (1-2):

1 Why does it need to specifically be coiled?
2. Do the coil make the pots more eye appealing?

Art Criticism / Analysis Questions (3-5):

1. Would painting the coil pot make it different why?
2. Does the coiling of the pieces make the pot look different from other kinds of pots?
3. If you could remake the coil pots what would you do differently?

Evaluation Criteria (should relate to objectives):

1. Put each students coil pots on their table and have all the students go around looking
at the coil pots and talk about the differences of theirs and other students.

Modifications / Special Notes / Drawing

If the student has special needs, the teacher could have the coils for the pot already
made and just have the student put them together

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