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Practicum 2 Microteach

Teacher/s: Carolyn Dunn

Level: Advanced Studies/Practicum 2 Microteach

Date: December 3, 2014

Goal: To build students impromptu speaking skills to serve the speaking needs they have in real life,
whether as professionals (business meeting, conference, lecture, call) or as adults looking to simply
enhance their personal lives (cocktail party conversation)
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. View a brief video and complete a worksheet on effective impromptu speaking strategies (in a class
situation, this would be done as homework)
2. Deliver a one minute (two minutes in an ESL class) impromptu speech with limited preparation using
organizational ideas from impromptu speaking video
3. Create a list of 1) effective elements of peer speeches (peer feedback) and 2) Something theyd like to
change in their own speech (self-reflection)
Theme: Public speaking skills
Extensions: Students will record a new version of their impromptu speech incorporating peer feedback and
self reflection on Google Voice for T to review and provide feedback; Additional videos on website
featuring impromptu speaking by ESL students



Review or Preview (if


T directs microteach students to website and T-S

explains that the first step of this activity (3
videos and worksheet) would be done at home
in an ESL class. For the microteach, Ss will
view the first video only and complete the
first part of the worksheet

Video- 4 min
Worksheet 2

Activity 1: Impromptu
Speaking Activity

2.1 Pre-Stage:
1. Ss discuss their homework in
pairs. T instructs Ss NOT to discuss
their chosen topic.
2. For ESL, T passes out index cards
and instructs Ss to write down their
topic on the blank (no lines) side.
For microteach, T has prepared
topics on slips of paper to save time
3. T distributes topics FACE DOWN,
and instructs Ss not to look.

10 mins for ESL/

1 minute for


Time (for


2.2. During Stage:

1. T displays instructions for activity on T-S
overhead and goes over steps.
2. Ss have 5 minutes to prepare their
topics (ESL only/no prep time for
microteach). T walks around and
3. T pairs students (for microteach in

Approximately 34 minutes (1
minute for each
person in the pair
plus transition
In ESL class
would about take


ESL this step can be done in small

groups to give Ss a bigger
audience, although then the
activity will take more time).
Each student speaks for 2 minutes
(ESL) or 1 minute (microteach)

in minutes the
equivalent of 2x
the number of
group members in
each team

2.3 Post-Stage:

Transition to Wrap-Up: Now
that youve had a chance to try
impromptu speaking, and have
gotten some suggestions from
each other on how to make a
good speech, you are going to
have a chance to perform
your speech for me via Google


In pairs (or teams), brainstorm at

least TWO effective aspects of each
group members speech. Each group
member adds one thing they would
do differently if they could do the
speech again (self-critique).
Teams leave feedback lists (on paper
for microteach/ could be posters for S-S
ESL) on tables and do a brief gallery
walk to view other teams lists

2-3 minutes
(remaining time)
would take 15
minutes total in
ESL class for
poster making and
gallery walk

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Effective/Things to Change Lists
for Impromptu Speaking (includes peer
feedback on content). After class, Ss will
record another attempt at their speech for T on
Google Voice; T will give linguistic feedback
via text message.
Go over Google Voice assignment (another try T-Ss
at the same speech)
Direct Ss to website for additional
videos/sample impromptu speeches by ESL

1 minute

Materials: impromptu speaking worksheet, index cards (for ESL topic slips for microteach), paper for
feedback lists, class website with videos (
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions: Ss may be nervous about public speaking doing the
speaking activity in small groups or pairs will not only make it more relaxing but also maximize class time
by having many students speaking at once

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