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Psychological factors behind buying



Kalim Fazle Ali
ID: 41426067


Aarong, a name that is well known in the middle to upper class citizens of Bangladesh has
positioned itself as a standard of quality, originality and uniqueness. It is the handicraft
marketing arm of BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee).The objective of this
report is to identify and analysis of consumer decision making process in purchasing Aarong
products. There are three distinct stages of decision making process. Which are - input, process
and output. Aarongs marketing effects regarding socio-cultural effects are its input stage and
post decision activities are its output. This report emphasized on process stage where Aarong
used some strategies to click psychological fields of customers and positioned itself as a biggest
retail shop in Bangladesh.
-Discussing process stage of consumers buying behavior regarding Aarongs product
-Analyzing the factors behind such actions
After considering Aarongs efforts regarding its marketing and its appeal towards targeted
segments came process stage. Psychological factors inherent in each individual and affect in
need recognition, pre-purchase search, evaluation of alternatives and experiencing. Decision
making is said to be a psychological construct. This means that although we can never "see" a
decision, we can infer from observable behavior that a decision has been made. Therefore we
conclude that a psychological event that we call "decision making" has occurred. Here how it
works in each stage
Aarongs products, such as clothes, jewelries, decorative materials for homes etc. has more urge
towards acquired needs rather than fulfilling innate needs. People perceive aarongs product as
mean of showing self-esteem, prestige which are more of secondary (psychological) than basic
needs. Aarongs product related attributes, marketing efforts, positioning etc. create a positive
motivation toward buying. Aarong create a deshi culture concept in customers mind, so they

react based on emotional motives rather than rational ones. Continuous developments of existing
and new product make consumer to obtain more as needs are never fulfilled. If we follow
through Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, Aarong placed itself in egoistic and selfactualization stage
Change in personality happens very slowly and people brought in changes within themselves by
adopting with the situation. Aarong bring forth an integration of class and culture. Accordance
with different personality theory:
-If we are to match it with Freudians theory, aarong consider consumers appearance and
possessions grooming, clothing, jewelry - as individuals reflection of personality. Through
ego, it makes a balance between what they want and how much they are getting.
-If we analyze this through neo Freudian personality theory, people perceive aarongs product as
a mean of belongingness in society through wearing handicraft clothes, beats etc.
-Aarong also shows a trait of bangla which distinguish it from western culture.

Perception is a process by which an individual selects, organize and interpret stimuli into a
meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Perception comes from what we subconsciously
add or extract from our raw sensory input. We perceive Aarong as affordable. trendy and
comfortable. Sensation toward aarong is not limited by age or race. Aarong has created an
image to young generation and the late ones. Through dynamics of perception people select,
organize and interpret aarong as a symbol of class with culture. As most of their products are
made by rural women of our country, it creates a positive image of women empowerment.

Learning is the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge
and experienced that they apply to future related behavior. Superior product delivery have moved
consumer through classical conditioning of learning process, repetition and stimulus
generalization which results continuous growth of business for aarong. It create family branding
through introducing new product line simultaneously in home decorations and clothes for all.

Attitude relevant to purchase behavior are formed as a result of direct experience with the
product. According to tricomponent attitude model, the affective component of consumers
toward aarong has placed its product in a very distinct place from others. Aarong made a positive
vibe among customers by making product with a balance in quality and price.

After considering psychological factors behind purchasing Aarongs product comes other
relevant component of buying decision model, such as- Pre-purchase Search, evaluation of
alternatives, Purchase, Post-purchase behavior/buyer's remorse (cognitive dissonance). The
consumer's growing experience over aarong is often the determining factor in the later - and
future - purchases. However, word of mouth is also a great source of more prosperous Aarong as
they managed to spread their fame by focusing on the sign of deshi culture.

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