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Kalim Fazle Ali

ID: 41426067

Responsible Education For Me

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule- H.L. Mencken.
Although we live in 21st century where people are considering a world without discrimination,
we, as a nation, are still far away from archiving it. Literacy rate only demonstrate the ability to
read and write but true meaning of education is still unknown for almost half of the people. True
essence in human productivity lies in taking one kind of good and turning it to another.
For me, responsible education means the responsibility of us- who has the upper hand of living,
to give something back for the betterment of society. Change in perception will not happen over
a night, only progressive steps toward better judgment can make the difference. I believe that I
have a duty to give something back to those who have not attained the level of comfort that I
enjoy. In my village, people still believe in educating child in madrasah system rather than
schooling. Though Alia madrasah provide general education but it is not accepted that much
because of ignorance. This school in my village is seeking volunteers to provide assistance to the
youth to help educate and I have decided to volunteer my academic assistance in any area once
in a week. I also have the intention to raise awareness in locality to pursue more for general
education (at least SSC).
My present circumstances dictate that I may not be able to immediately do all of the things that I
have envisioned. However, I am determined that I am and will continue to be a positive influence
on others and be a conduit for change in perception.

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