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Instructional Design (Lesson Plans)

Teacher Candidate:

Kaylee McClain

Lesson # _1___(SHOWCASE LESSON)_

11th/12th Grade
Date and Time of Lesson:
September 29th, 2014
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
When writing an essay, students will use concise words to describe details to give voice to their writing
with 90% accuracy.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel information in
TWS Section 3)
Prerequisite knowledge: Students will need to know what is expected of them during Writer's Workshop
and the Author's Chair. They will also need to know how to use the dictionary or thesaurus, as well as,
how to develop sentences and paragraphs. Skills: Students will need to be able to look up words in the
dictionary as well as how to use a thesaurus. They will need to know how to write and develop
paragraphs. Cross curricular integration: This lesson involves an interactive read aloud where the
teacher helps the students focus on using words to help create voice int heir writing.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective
should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

When writing an essay,

students will use concise
words to describe details to
give voice to their writing
with 90% accuracy.

Pre- The students and

teacher will develop a chart
of what voice is.
During- Teacher observation
will be used to see if students
understand what is going on
and how students are doing.

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
This assessment data
will be used to drive
future instruction by
giving the teacher
insight on what students
understood and what
they may have

After- Students will write and

use voice to answer their
journal question.
Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
In order to adapt for various rates of learning, I will look out for students who may be going slower
than other and give them the necessary time to finish the assignment. For early finishers, I will allow
time for them to work on other schoolwork or something else from my class. Students with special
needs will be given the correct care that is requested in their IEP's. Their accommodations will be

based on that and implemented to the best of my ability.

Materials: The Fault In Our Star by John Green, Pen, Pencil, Paper, Sticky Notes, Dictionary,
1.) To begin this lesson, I will talk about how a few weeks ago the students and I had a
conversation about our favorite movies, characters, actors, and actresses.
2.) I will then tell students that the one thing that my favorite actors do is give Voice to the
character. An actor is tasked with the job of bringing an author of a script's character to life.
3.) Write Voice on board. (Ask students if they have ever heard of voice, Write student
responses on board.)
4.) Actors embody an author's voice. Voice creates meaning. Tell students that as authors our
focus is to bring our story to life.
5.) Tell students that voice is something that does this.
6.) Begin to read different sections of the Fault In Our Stars by John Green that have been preselected.
7.) Throughout the section talk about the story and how I can visually see John Green writing
his story and how I can hear his voice throughout each section.
8.) Introduce my example of my own work where I thought my voice really shown. Talk about
my summer class and the various assignments. (Macbeth)
9.) Tell students that as their assignment for today, they will use their voice to make their journal
entry better. The journal entry (which is on the board), will be How has school impacted my
The Fault In Our Star by John Green

Reflection on Lesson # 1
This was my favorite lesson that I did this clinical. The students seemed to really
understand voice and its importance to writing. The students were very attentive during the
whole lesson and their journals were even better. I could really hear their voice through their
writing. I think that one thing I did really well was to introduce voice by connecting it to actors
and the characters they portray. If I were to ever do this lesson again, one thing I would do
differently is maybe incorporate a Reader's Theater into the lesson and have students visually see
how voice goes into acting and how that can lead to writing.

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