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By Joe Corrigan
STELLAAA, Jason Stewart stumbling, seemingly drunk belts the classic line, playing
Stanley Kowalski, in E-52s production of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire- an
emotionally hard-hitting, gripping drama that E-52 hits out of the park with beautiful sets and
powerful performances.
A classic of modern theater, A Streetcar Named Desire, set in the 1940s, tells the story
of Blanche Dubois, an aging and lonely southern belle who runs away to her sisters, Stella
Kowalski, home in a working-class neighborhood of New Orleans to escape her past. Themes of
escapism, dependence, and abuse are brought into the light as Blanche faces her diametric
opposite in the form of Stellas gruff husband, Stanley Kowalski.
The highlight of the production is the performances by the actors and actresses.
Rebecca Deegan, a junior at the University, delivers a riveting performance as the waning
Southern beauty Blanche Dubois. Deegan is supported by her freshman co-stars Eileen
OConnor and Jason Stewart, playing Stella and Stanley Kowalski, respectively.
The actors showcase their talent on an equally compelling set. The production takes
place on the Universitys main stage at Pearson Hall. The set is grand in scale: two full rooms
and the front of another neighbors home. The rooms looked lived-in and natural, as if the
audience was looking right into the houses of a quiet, suburban neighborhood.
The production was directed by Matthew Dec, a junior at the University and president
of E-52. E-52 is a student-run theater group and has been a long-time staple of campus life.
Currently celebrating its 90th year, E-52 has two other productions planned for the semester,
SAST X and End Days.
Short Attention Span Theater X (SAST X) is a series of short student directed, acted and
in some cases written one-act plays. It opens and runs November 14th, 15th, and 16th at
7:30pm in Bacchus theater, located in the basement of Perkins Student Center. Tickets will be
$3 for students and $5 for general admission.

End Days is E-52s second full length play being performed this semester. Written by
Deborah Zoe Laufer, End Days is a dark comedy about the dysfunctional Stein family and their
conversion at the hands of their neighbor, a 16 year-old Elvis impersonator. The show opens
and runs November 21st ,22nd , and 23rd at 7pm with an additional showing the 23rd at 2pm in
Bacchus theater. Tickets will be $3 for students and $5 for general admission.
If A Streetcar Named Desire is any indication, both of these upcoming shows will be
quality student-run productions that will show why E-52 has been going strong for 90 years.

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