DDLS Villamanta Media Release IDPwD 3 Dec 14

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Media Release

3 December 2014

International Day of People with Disability

Disability Discrimination Legal Service (DDLS) and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal
Service recognise International Day of People with Disability, and praise the disability
communitys endurance, tenacity and achievements in the face of discrimination and
systemic violence against them.
We call upon the Australian Government to do all they can to ensure that people with
disabilities in our country receive equal recognition before the law, and protection from
violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
We call upon the Australian community to stand together and demand that recognition and
People with disabilities have a long way to go in this country to achieve equality - it is up to
us to ensure that this remains on government agendas Julie Phillips, Manager of the
Disability Discrimination Legal Service stated.
The National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) is proud of the work of
community legal centres such as DDLS and Villamanta in providing vital legal assistance to
people with disability, and disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community.
NACLC joins with DDLS and Villamanta in calling for all levels of government to protect and
promote the rights of people with disability in Australia added Michael Smith, NACLC,
National Convenor.

Julie Phillips
Disability Discrimination
Legal Service
0417 570 197

Deidre Griffiths
Villamanta Disability Rights
Legal Service
0414 216 160

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