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Matthew Bailey

Professor Presnell
English 1103
20 October 2014
Evaluative Works Cited: Donald Clark
"Bataan Death March." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a website created by History. I think this is a credible source because of who
sponsors it. The history channel has created multiple programs that air on television. A&E owns
the history channel and strives to make educational programs and websites for people to view.
This website is an overview of the Bataan Death March. It is a summary of major points
and major events. The website tells gives a background to the Death March. The background
includes information on why the United States went to war with Japan and why the United States
deployed troops to the Philippines. This website also has information about how many people
were in the march and how many people died in it. It also contains information about what
happened after the Death March.
This website interest me because it is an overview of the Bataan Death March. I needed a
source to help link all my other sources together and I believe this one helps me do that. It helps
connect the personal sides of my other sources together because the people in my other sources
were all a part of the same event.
Dahl, Linda "Camp 17 Roster." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a website that was created in 2002 by Linda Dahl. She is a volunteer who was a
part of a research team finding out information on The Bataan Death March. This website is a
volunteer website that documents the names of people who were in specific Death Camps. I
think this a credible source because family members of POW survivors donate to it.
This website contains information on the Bataan Death March. It has a few personal
accounts of the Death March. The main reason I am using it is because it has a roster of Prisoners
of War at the camp my great grandfather spent time at. I think the author of this website created
this so family members of POWs could meet families of other POWs and to also learn more
about their experiences in the camp.
This website interest me because it has names of Prisoners of War in the Bataan Death
March. My great grandfathers name is on it and there are also names of people in my other
sources names on it. This helps relate their experiences in the camp and in the march to my great
grandfathers experiences in them.

Deal, Charles H. "Two Catawbans Survived Death March." The Observer News Enterprise
[Newton] 25 Aug. 1967: n. pag. Print.

This source is a newspaper article written by Charles H. Deal. It was written in 1967 and
is an interview with my great grandfather about the Bataan Death March. I think this a very
reliable source because it came straight from my great grandfather.
This article is a firsthand experience of the Bataan Death March. This article is an
interview with man I want to find out more about. He tells about the march to the death camps.
He doesnt go into much detail about it but I dont think I would either. He also talks about the
Death Camps he spent time in as well as what he did there. He worked in the coal mines and did
other hard jobs to stay alive. It also tells of his time right before liberation and after. He tells how
he saw the second A-bomb drop and other interesting topics that I wanted to find more
information on.c
This article interest me because it is straight from my great grandfather. It is an overview
and a little in detail account of his time during the Bataan Death March and the Death Camps. I
chose this article as my primary source because of who it is from. This source is the basis for all
my other sources.
Knox, Donald. Death March: The Survivors of Bataan. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1981. Print.
This resource is a book written by Donald Knox. I think this is a reliable source because
it is a collection of personal accounts of the Bataan Death March and the Death Camps. Prisoners
of War recall memories of their time in the Death Camps of Japan.
This book includes accounts of the war leading up to the Death March, the Death March
itself, time in the death camps, escape attempts and liberation. This will help me get a better
understanding of the conditions the POWs went through. It will also give me an understanding of
what my great grandfather went through which is the main topic of my research. This book will
give me different viewpoints of the camps and march from different people in different
This book interest me because it is a multi-perspective account of the same events. This
gives me more information on the Death March and on the Death Camps that my great
grandfather spent time at.
"Personal Details on Donald L Clark." Family Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This resource is a website created by family search. I think this is a reliable source
because this is a family research website. It is used to track your family tree like
but its free.

This website gives me a few records on my great grandfather. I have found his complete
name which is Donald L. Clark. It gave me his father and mothers name and his daughters
names. It also gave me his enlistment card into the army.
This interests me because it has his enlistment card on it. This will give me a firm
conformation on what battalion he was in. He served in the 31st infantry in the Philippines during
World War II.

Tenney, Lester I. My Hitch in Hell: The Bataan Death March. Washington: Brassey's, 1995.
This resource is a book written by Lester Tenney. This is a biography of his time in the
Prison Camps in Japan. I think this is a reliable source because he was there, he was a prisoner of
war who went through the Bataan Death March and survived captivity.
This book is a firsthand account of what went on in the death camps and on the march to
the death camps. It tells how he was captured. He was in a tank battalion that was forced to
surrender. It also tells of the death march just like many of my other sources giving me even
more of an understanding of their experiences. The book also tells about his time in the prison
camps as well.
It interest me because he went to the same camps as my great grandfather. I chose this to
give me a better understanding of what my great grandfather went through at the prison camps.

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