Reflections Educ 429

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Lesson #1 (Range and Standard Deviation)

In this lesson I taught range and standard deviation. I got to teach this lesson twice. I first
taught it in first block then in third block. When I first taught the lesson I needed to make a few
adjustments to better prepare me for third block. The lesson went well overall. I had some
confusion at first but then with examples I made the students understand. The students are not
use to symbols in equations. I had to make adjustment to explain in detail what each symbol
meant. I really liked the process that I used to explain each concept. I would first give the
students the definition and equation. I would explain the equation then provide an example of
how to use the concept. In this lesson I gave one example of range and then let the students
work on two examples on their own. I walked around which was good because I was able to
answer questions and make sure students were on task. I also walked around because I was able
to keep an eye on when the students finished. I then went on to explain the second concept
which was standard deviation. The students had a hard time with the equation. I needed to ease
on into the equation before just showing them the words and symbols in the equation. There was
some confusion and I could see their minds going. I need to make sure I improve the way I
present the information. I think by working many examples and breaking up the information into
a chart this help the students process the information better. When I taught the lesson the second
time I made a few adjustments to teaching standard deviation. I made sure to slowly introduce
the equation which help not have as many blank stares and confused looks right off for seeing
the equation. I was more prepared for the second class. I listen to Mr. Nivens during our
planning period and took notes and altered and improved the lesson. I just introduced and
changed the way I talked about standard deviation than I did in the first class. I did not do great
but I did not do horrible in my first class. I was able to get all the information across, but I
needed to clean up my presentation techniques. Overall I think this lesson went really well for
my first lesson.
Lesson #2 (Independent and Dependent Events)
In this lesson I did a similar process as my first lesson by giving the definition and then
an example. I also got to teach to two classes again. The first time I presented the information to
my class it went well. I did not get many questions but that might be because the first class is

first thing in the morning. It seems that the first class is always to quietest class. Since the first
class is the hardest class to keep enthusiastic or to tell if they understand the material I need to
figure out ways to make sure they are awake. I think if I notice my first block is sleep I might get
them to stretch and get up to wake up. I think the way I am presenting the material is working for
me and my student in these classes. I did present independent and dependent events first and had
the students determine whether the event is independent and dependent and how they knew that.
In my second class I got my students to give me examples of independent and dependent events
outside of math. I feel like they thought I was tricking them. I started with a couple and finally a
few students shared. The students gave some good scenarios, my favorite was the football
reference. One of my students is a football player and he said if they win the next two games
then they get to be in the playoffs. I was glad I got my students to communicate. I think it has
taken them a while to answer question in the class openly. The second part of my lesson was the
multiplication rule with probability. This took a good bit of work to explain. Once they did
several examples the students became comfortable finding the probability with multiplication. In
my second class I was more prepared for the questions. I became more comfortable as the lesson
went on. To finish my lesson I gave them a worksheet to practice identifying events and finding
the probability of events with the multiplication rule. I think I made the worksheet a little too
long and I will need to change that the next time I teach the lesson. This gave the students extra
practice before the test. I think this lesson went well there are things I need to change and work
on but overall I was pleased with this lesson.
Lesson #3 (Permutations and Combinations)
In this lesson I taught my class about permutations and combinations. This lesson was a
little tricky for me. I think the lesson went well. I taught this lesson twice like my first two
lessons. When I got to class my cooperating teacher told me we had a slight change of plans
because there was a college fair that was going to be at the school in the morning. Instead of 90
minutes to teach my lesson I had 50 minutes because we had to leave early and the class was
going to end early anyways since they had Eagle Time today. I had to make a few adjustments
on the lesson to make sure that the first class was going to get all the information they need
before the class was dismissed. I taught the lesson quickly and had them finish the worksheet for
homework, since they did not have time to work on it in class. By teaching this lesson quickly I

felt like I was able to get more out of knowing what I need to slow down teaching and what I
should just move quickly through for the next class. This really helped me learn about pacing. I
think with the first time I did well with what I had, but in the second class I feel like I did much
better. I feel like I always do better the second time I present a lesson. I made this worksheet
shorter and the students were able to finish it in class. I was able to go over the worksheet in my
second class. This was goo to make sure that they were solving the problems correctly. I always
walk around the class when they are working on an assignment, which I like to do to make sure
my students are staying on task. In one point in the lesson my students were getting confused on
a problem whether order mattered or not in this situation to determine if it is a permutation or
combination problem, I redirected the class and made sure that I cleared up that meaning. Once
the class understood what order meant the students were able to solve the problems. I learned
quickly today that this you always need a plan B and be prepared for anything. I felt like I did
well with this lesson but there were some things that I could have done better.
Lesson #4 (Geometric Distribution)
My advisor came to watch this lesson. I did not do this lesson twice. This was the first
time I did not teach the first block class. I was nervous about this lesson since I was going to do
a hands on activity. I was teaching geometric distribution, but I wanted the students to use
previous knowledge to solve some information before doing the activity. To teach this lesson I
gave the class the definitions and showed them an example. When I showed the class what a
geometric distribution was several of the students started asking questions while the other
students were still writing the definition down. This part of my lesson needs work. I need to
practice on pacing. I have students that start asking questions before we everyone else one
finished writing. Once I did an example the students were fine. I had to come up with an extra
example that was not on the lesson plan. I thought quickly on my feet and this helped. I was
able to bring the class back. I thing had them work and example before we worked on the
activity. When I told them about the activity they were excited. I learned while planning this
lesson if you do a lesson with candy stock up during Halloween, because small/fun sized candy
is really hard to find. I first passed out the worksheet for the activity. The activity was to find the
geometric distribution using M&Ms. I explained the worksheet first before giving them their
bags of M&Ms to make sure I had their attention. I then handed them each a bag of candy to

start their activity. I had the student find the probability of brown M&Ms. There were students
that forgot how to find the probability, so I was glad I was able to reinforce previous learning
with this activity. The students really enjoyed this lesson. I had to fix the behavior of one
student who decided to make an artistic design with his M&Ms on his paper towel. I went over
and asked him to get rid of the design and when he played like he was not sure what was going
on I took the corner of the paper towel and rearranged his M&Ms for him without much fussing.
I did learn quickly how to handle an inappropriate situation without other people noticing. I
walked around and made sure all the students were doing the worksheet and answered any
questions that came up. I was on moving around a good bit but I planned for this to happen. This
activity was good for the students to see even though everyone has M&Ms that all the answers
are going to be slightly different and that is alright, because that is real life. This lesson went
well with a big activity. I need to work on my closing, but I felt good about this lesson and the
self-discovery the students had with geometric distribution.
Lesson #5 (Normal Distribution [Showcase Lesson])
This was my last lesson and this was my showcase lesson. This lesson was about normal
distribution. I was teaching my students how to find the area under the curve given a z-score.
This lesson went really well. I videotaped this lesson and the students did not act up. My
students did a good job learning this material. I did a pre-assessment for this lesson and my
students were not sure about any of the information. When I presented this lesson I started off by
refreshing their memory about what a z-score was and what a normal distribution was. They
learned about those a few lesson before. I then showed the class how to use the chart to find the
area given a z-score. This was confusing even though I told them that the chart had the positive
values on one side and the negative on the other. When we worked the first few examples it took
them a while to figure that out. We worked several examples in class so they go use to how to
use the chart and find the area given different scenarios. This was a lesson to prepare them for
when they had to find the z-score on their own and find the area under the curve. The class
picked up on how to solve for the area quickly. I had them talk it out as I listen to see how they
thought they would solve for the area. Most of them figured out the process easily. A few of
them struggled. I let them work a problem as I walked around and would check to see if they
were right. I encouraged my students to help each other. I did have to tell them to sit down at the

end of the class because the students were starting to put their calculators away and I was not
done talking. I told them that they needed to sit down and they class listen to me. The post
assessment grades were better and you can tell the class learned the material. Most of the class
had a perfect score on the post assessment. I was proud of the class, and felt like I could see
their growth in this lesson. This lesson was a good lesson, and I am pleased with the outcome of
what my students learned.

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