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Proposal to IRB for Research

Involving Human Subjects
Name(s) of Investigators
Michael Johnson, Lauren Kordalski, Laura Roa, Stephanie
Shepherd, Jesse Tessier, Taylor Vanasse, and Christopher Morse
Title of Research Project

Domestic abuse within collegiate interpersonal romantic

Anticipated Start and End Dates of Experiments


November 14th, 2014 until December 5


Basic Level Review

To be considered at the Basic Level, the study must not involve children or adults unable to
give consent, must not place subjects at more than minimal risk, and must fit one of the
following categories (check all that apply). See Section V for description of each category.
Normal educational practices
Educational testing
X Survey/interview procedures
___Observation of behavior without intervention
Use of archival data
Evaluation of Federal research and programs
Consumer acceptance studies
Risk Assessment
Indicate with a check if any of the following risks are involved:
Deception as part of the experimental procedure? If yes, the proposal must include a
description of the deception and the method of debriefing after the experiment.
X Any probing of information which a subject might consider to be personal or sensitive?
The presentation to the subject of any materials they might find to be offensive,
threatening, or degrading?
Possible compromise of privacy of participant or family, including use of personal
information and records?
The administration of physical stimuli other than auditory or visual stimuli associated
with normal activities?
Deprivation of physiological requirements such as nutrition or sleep?

Manipulation of psychological and/or social variables such as sensory deprivation, social

isolation, psychological stress?
Physical exertion beyond a level that is moderate for the participant?
Exposure to drugs, chemicals, or hazardous agents?
Any other situations likely to pose risk? Please identify below:
Participants will be asked to disclose sensitive information regarding domestic
violence within their romantic relationships. This may make them feel uncomfortable, but we
will ensure confidentiality throughout the procedure.

Explain the need for any risks for the participants, that is, how they are required for
successful completion of the study:
Probing of information that may be considered personal or sensitive by the participant is
necessary to assessing the level of domestic violence within romantic relationships.

Project Description
Clearly state the purpose of the study and the area of knowledge it contributes to (or attach
The study will inquire about participants experiences with domestic violence within their
romantic relationships, and if level of disclosure, conflict styles, and relational closeness are
contributors to the presence of violent episodes. The research hopes to provide insight into
the communication process within romantic relationships and how domestic violence is
affected by it.

Briefly explain the nature of the experimental procedures and the information to be obtained
(or attach document). If students are performing the research, indicate that and describe
their activities.
Upon selection, the participant will be provided with an informed consent form to read
and asked if she/he has any questions. Upon signing the consent form, the participant will

be reminded that he/she may stop completing the survey at any time. (See attached
document for survey questions).

Explain measures taken to assure anonymity and confidentiality of the information:

Participants will not be asked to disclose their names or give any personal identifiers
at any point during the study. Also participants will not be asked to provide specific details
concerning the domestic violence that they have experienced. Instead they will be asked
general questions to classify the nature of the domestic violence. Upon completion of the
study, all survey materials will be collected and stored in a box that will be placed in a
locked cabinet in the office of Professor Christopher Morse.

Participant Description
Describe the approximate number and range of ages of participants in this study:
Participants will range from 18 to 23 years of age. Approximately 50 participants will be
interviewed for this study.

Describe the criteria for selecting participants:

Participants will be selected from the Bryant University student body using a stratified
random sample which uses grade year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) as strata with
the sample size for each being the following (assuming 50 participants):
Freshman: 10 students
Sophomore: 12 students
Junior: 14 students
Senior: 14 students

Note: Heavier weight is given to those more along in their college education due to the
assumption they will be older than participants from the other grades and have more
education and life experience, which could impact the responses they submit.

Describe any inducements for subjects to participate (check all that apply):
Extra credit in a course
Money. If yes, give approximate value:
Raffle or other type of contest.
Other (please specify):

Informed Consent
How and when is informed consent obtained from the participants? Indicate any forms
Informed consent will be obtained from the participants prior to any research-related
procedures through a consent form describing the purpose and procedure of the study.
Participants must sign the consent form in order to participate in the study. Participants will
also be reminded upon completion of the consent form that they may stop at any time, and
that they do not have to answer questions that they do not feel comfortable answering.

If deception is part of the procedure, explain the deception and describe when and how
debriefing is conducted.

Any other concerns or further comments?

No further concerns.

Consent Form
1. Statement of purpose
You are invited to participate in a study of romantic relationships and episodes of domestic
violence. We hope to learn details about the roles of level of disclosure, conflict style, and
relational closeness in the communication processes and behaviors of college students.
You were selected as a possible participant in this study because you are a college student
and your input can offer insight about communication within romantic relationships.
2. Description, Including Risks and Benefits
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding
demographic information, including age, sex, ethnicity, and current class year (i.e.,
freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). It will also include questions about level of disclosure,
conflict style, and relational closeness within your romantic relationship. If you are a student
that is not currently in a romantic relationship, we will ask that you please indicate your
relationship status and refrain from completing all questions aside from question #1.
Inconveniences may include discomfort regarding the content of the survey, as well as
questioning information that may be considered personal or sensitive.
3. Confidentiality
Any information obtained in connection with this study will remain confidential and will not
be disclosed to the general public in a way that can be traced to you. In any written reports
or publications, no participant other than the researchers will be identified, and only
anonymous data will be presented.
This consent form, with your signature, will be stored separately and independently from the
data collected so that your responses will not be identifiable.
4. Statement that Participation Is Voluntary
Your participation is completely voluntary, and your decision whether or not to participate
will not affect your future relations with Bryant University or its employees, students, etc. in
any way. If you decide to participate, you are also free to discontinue participation at any
time without affecting such relationships. However, it is requested that you notify the survey
administrator of this.
5. Persons to Contact
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lauren Kordalski, (908) 938-3981, or Chris R. Morse, (401) 232-6582, If you
have any additional questions later, we will be happy to answer them. You may have a
copy of this form to keep.

6. Signature Indicating Informed Consent

Please sign below if you have decided to participate. Your signature indicates only that you
are at least 18 years of age and have read the information provided above. Your signature
does not obligate you to participate, and you may withdraw from the study at any time
without consequences.

Signature of Participant


Signature of Principal Investigator




Are you in a relationship?



**If you answered yes, please continue the survey. If you answered no, please submit your
survey without completing any further questions**

How long have you been in your relationship? Please circle the answer that applies
to you.

0-3 months

4 -6 months

6 months-1 year

1 year- 2 years

2+ years

Section I
Please mark the following statements to reflect how you communicate with other people
in general:

Indicate the degree to which the following statements reflect how you
communicate with other people by marking whether you (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree,
(3) moderately disagree, (4) are undecided, (5) moderately agree, (6) agree, (7) strongly

1. When I wish, my self-disclosures are always accurate reflections of who I really am.

2. When I express my personal feelings, I am always aware of what I am doing and saying.

3. When I reveal my feelings about myself, I consciously intend to do so.

4. When I am self-disclosing, I am consciously aware of what I am revealing.

5. I do not often talk about myself.

6. My statements of my feelings are usually brief.

7. I usually talk about myself for fairly long periods at a time.

8. My conversation lasts the least time when I am discussing myself.

9. I often talk about myself.

10. I often discuss my feelings about myself.

11. Only infrequently do I express my personal beliefs and opinions.

12. I usually disclose positive things about myself.

13. On the whole, my disclosures about myself are more negative than positive.

14. I normally reveal bad feelings I have about myself.

15. I normally express my good feelings about myself.

16. I often reveal more undesirable things about myself than desirable things.

17. I usually disclose negative things about myself.

18. On the whole, my disclosures about myself are more positive than negative.

19. I intimately disclose who I really am, openly and fully in my conversation.

20. Once I get started, my self-disclosures last a long time.

21. I often disclose intimate, personal things about myself without hesitation.

22. I feel that I sometimes do not control my self-disclosure of personal or intimate

things I tell about myself.

23. Once I get started, I intimately and fully reveal myself in my self-disclosures.

24. I cannot reveal myself when I want to because I do not know myself thoroughly

25. I am often not confident that my expressions of my own feelings, emotions, and
experiences are true reflections of myself.

26. I always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings and experiences.

27. My self-disclosures are completely accurate reflections of who I really am.

28. I am not always honest I my self-disclosures.

29. My statements about my feelings, emotions, and experiences are always accurate

30. I am always honest in my self-disclosures.

31. I do not always feel completely sincere when I reveal my own feelings, emotions,
behaviors or experiences.

Section II
The following questions refer to your relationship with your romantic partner. Please think
about your relationship with your romantic partner when responding to the following
questions. Please respond to the following statements using this scale:

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

1. My relationship with my partner is close. ___

2. When we are apart, I miss my partner a great deal. ___

3. My partner and I disclose important personal things to each other. ___

4. My partner and I have a strong connection. ___

5. My partner and I want to spend time together. ___

6. My partner is a priority in my life. ___

7. My partner and I do a lot of things together. ___

8. When I have free time I choose to spend it alone with my partner. ___

9. I think about my partner a lot. ___

10. My relationship with my partner is important in my life. ___

11. I consider my partner when making important decisions. ___

Section III

Please be as honest as possible when answering the following questions. Please remember
that all answers will remain anonymous.

Has your current relational partner ever done any of the following within your
relationship? Check all that apply.
Verbal aggression ___
Physical violence (shove, slap, hit, punch) ___
Taunting/mocking ___

Is your relational partner currently doing any of the following within your relationship?
Check all that apply.
Verbal aggression ___
Physical violence (shove, slap, hit, punch) ___
Taunting/mocking ___

Demographic Information

Please indicate your sex.

Female ___
Male ___


Please indicate your class.

Freshman ___
Sophomore ___
Junior ___
Senior ___


Please indicate your age.

Other (please specify) ___

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