Art Lesson Plan

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Ancestors and Families
Lesson Overview/Summary*: Through our discussion of ancestors and families the students will have gained insight as to
how ancestors are related to us through the forms of Visual Art, Literacy, and Social Studies.

Grade Level*: 2nd

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.*

1. Visual Art:
An artist portrays relationships in multiple perspectives.
Each piece of artwork shows relationships of different things
and how they relate to each other.
2. Literacy:
Relationships are portrayed through stories and illustrations.
Characters have many different relationships with many
different objects or people.
3. Social Studies:
Relationships are shown in different cultures when we look
back at where our ancestors came from and how our family
tree is all related together.

Essential Questions (3-4)*:

1. How can our relationships to our ancestors help define who we are
as a person?
2. How can people show relationships through their art?
3. How do family trees help people see their relationship to others?

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to represent their family tree through 3D art and crayons/colored pencils.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to write their own story that tells the story of their family tree.
3. Social Studies: The students will be able to learn about their family tree and see how they are related to people in their family.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) (
1. Visual Art: Standard 10. Create works of art about events in home, school
or community life.
2. Literacy: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print
or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
3. Social Studies: Describe how needs are met by families and friends.
4. Social Studies: Describe why people of different groups settle more in one
place than another.

Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the
other identified content areas:
1.Family Tree: a diagram showing the relationships between people in
several generations of a family
2. Ancestors: a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from
whom one is descended.
3. Relationships: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

are connected, or the state of being connected.

Content Areas Integrated*:

1. Visual Art: Do-Ho-Suh pop-up art
2. Literacy: Reading and interpreting illustrations
3. Social Studies: History

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):

Day 1:
1. Ask students to join you on the carpet. I will introduce the name of the
artist and show a picture of one of his pop-up homes. I will do a VTS on the
2. I will then show the students a video of Do-Ho-Suh talking about the
relationship he has with his home and how his art shows that relationship.
3. I will then ask the students what relationships they have.
4. I will have the students go back to their seats and read to them Me and
My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney.
5. After there will be a discussion with the students about how the
illustrations and words showed the relationships between characters. I will
also ask the students what relationships were talked about in the story and
make a list on the board.
6. I will then ask the students to write down people in their family and their
relationship to them.
Example: Have students write names of their cousins,
grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, parents, etc.
7. For homework, have the students go home and find more research about
their ancestors. Have students ask parents about their great grandparents,
their great great grandparents, and where they were from.
Day 2:
1. I will read to the students the book Whos Who in my Family by
Loreen Leedy to reintroduce to them the idea of relationships in our
2. I will share with my students my list of ancestors and where they
came from. I will then show my students my pop-up family tree that
shows my relationship with everyone in my family.
3. I will have a table in the front of the classroom with the following
materials: paper, crayons, glue, scissors, and colored pencils.
4. I will demonstrate to the students how to make things pop-up and

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

look 3D.
5. I will tell the students that they are creating a pop-up family tree to
represent their relationships to their family members. I will explain
to them that each of their trees will look different and there are
many different ways to create their trees.
6. Students will work at their desks and on a Power Point slide will be
the directions for what they are to be working on.
7. Students will create a family tree based on their research they found
of their ancestors.
**I will have students who will help me pass out supplies to each of
their classmates to make sure that each student has every supplies
that they need.

As the students are working, I will go around and talk with the
students to see what their ideas are or to help them if they are
having trouble figuring out how their family tree should be set up.
Possible Questions:
Tell me about your art?
How are you going to represent the relationships between
each person?
How might your family tree be different from someone
9. For homework, the students will finish their family trees.
Day 3:
1. Students will return the next day and will write in their writers
notebooks about their family trees and how they represented their
relationships through their art.
2. Students will then stand in front of the class and explain their family
tree to the class. They will explain how they portrayed their
relationships and how they created their family tree to be popped

Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*:

1. Visual Art: VTS of Do-Ho-Suh pop-up art.

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):

After the students have presented their family trees to the class, have a

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4

2. Literacy: Read to the students the book Me and My Family Tree by Joan
class discussion about how each family tree is different and how each
student showed their relationships on their family trees.
3. Social Studies: Students will research about their ancestors and where they
came from.
Formative Assessment strategy:
Summative Assessment strategy*:
1. Visual Art: Is their relationships represented in their pop-up picture?
1. Visual Art: Students art represents relationships in their families.
2. Literacy: Can the students connect illustrations to their relationships?
2. Literacy: Students will have a short story that explains their
Can they write about their relationships and how they are connected?
relationships of their ancestors.
3. Social Studies: Can the students see the significance of how and why
3. Social Studies: Students understand their family tree and how it
each family tree is different?
grew into their family today.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

1. The students will have to understand that families go way far back.
2. The students will also have to know how to write a story and connect it to their artwork.
3. The students will have done VTS on books the teacher has read to them.

How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?
1. Doing VTS allows the student to explore their own understanding of a picture and imagine different meanings of a picture.
2. Students will be exploring their family history and the root of relationships in their families. They will experiment different ways to represent the
relationships in their families.

How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
1. Each of the tasks that I have planned encourages the students to try and explore different ways to represent relationships in their families. I will keep it
open to the students to create their pop-up family tree in any way that they think best represents the relationships in their families.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

1. Throughout the 3 days, I will refer the students back to the VTS of the relationships in the pop-up houses and the relationships in their family trees to
make sure the students are representing their relationships in their artwork.
How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abeled students?
1. Most of this lesson is the students working and thinking on their own.
2. I will have the supplies prepared for the students and at their desks so that they do not have to leave their desks to get the supplies.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 5

3. I will also pass around my example so that students can see at their desks one way of creating the family tree, especially if they are having trouble
starting the project on their own.
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
The students have the opportunity to bring their family tree home before they present it to the class so they are able to revise and improve their project at
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
1. VTS allows the students to share their ideas of what relationships are being shown and why?
2. The discussion of relationships in families and putting the list on the board also gives the students the ability to share what they have learned from
the story and illustrations about relationships.
3. At the end of the lesson, the students are able to share their family trees in front of the class.

Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
1. Sweeney, J., & Cable, A. (1999). Me and my family tree. New York: Crown.
2. Leedy, L. (1995). Who's who in my family? New York: Holiday House.
3. Do-ho Suh (subs esp). (n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from

* Include this information during the Popplet presentation.

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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