Shaffer Tws Lesson Plans

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Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Lesson # 1

Subject/Grade: EEDA/ TMD

Date and Time of Lesson:
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to express appropriate behaviors when talking to another adult in any
situation, while addressing personal interests and abilities.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the learning
EEDA Element: 6-8 Identify personal interests and abilities

SSCA Element(s) A description of appropriate student behaviors, caring community, creating character

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel

information in TWS Section 3)
The students in my class are all functioning on a pre-k or kindergarten level and have trouble
with the appropriate communication behaviors, some students like to disrupt while others do not
give and take to the conversation. This lesson will help my students in the community when they
are required to talk to someone outside of the classroom.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

The students will be able to

show the appropriate
behaviors when having a
conversation with another
adult 4 out of 5 times

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
Pre: Mrs. White will ask
At the end of my lesson,
questions to the students
which will be at the end
regarding appropriate
of the week, I will
behaviors that the students
complete an interest
need to have. Such as: Where inventory with my
should you look when you
students, during this
are talking to someone? How time I will pull students
should you talk during a
one by one and ask
conversation? (give and
them: What things they
like? What things they
During: Mrs. White and I
dislike? What is your
will role play an appropriate favorite food? Where do
conversation and then an
you go to get this food?
inappropriate conversation
What is your favorite
and ask for the differences of thing to learn or do
the two.
during the day at
After: The students and I will school? This assessment
discuss the proper behaviors will be given orally with

for when we talk to others

and the improper behaviors,
Mrs. White and I will ask
questions such as: Where
were my eyes when I was
talking to Mrs. White? Did I
interrupt when she was
telling me her story about the
weekend? Did she let me
speak when she was

picture prompts. I will

keep a checklist of the
appropriate behaviors
that students have and
the inappropriate
behaviors that they have
throughout the

Give and take

Eye Contact

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During the interest inventory, I will give students extra wait time to formulate and answer. I will
also give visuals to the students that need help with coming up with an answer.
Materials: Interest inventory, paper, pen, visual cues
1. Good morning class! Today Mrs. White and I are going to have a conversation at the front of the



classroom about our weekend.

Does anyone know how I should start the conversation? Good Job __________! I should say
Good Morning Mrs. White, how was your weekend?
Where I should stand when I am talking to Mrs. White? Thats right ________! I should stand 1-2
feet away from Mrs. White so that she can have her own space.
Where should I look when I am talking to Mrs. White? Yes that is right __________! I should be
looking right at Mrs. White so she knows that I am interested in what she has to say.
Should I do all of the talking or should we take turns? Exactly! When having a conversation, you
should take turns in having a conversation, Mrs. White speaks then I speak then she speaks
Right now we are going to show you an example of the correct way to have a conversation. Mrs.
White and I will demonstrate the proper way to talk to each other.
We will then discuss with our students how that was done and what we did, by asking the same
questions as before
We will then demonstrate the incorrect way to talk to someone.
We will then ask for the differences that the students saw.
a. Eye contact
b. Greeting
c. Positioning
d. Taking turns
We will then model the proper communication again.
That will complete day one. *Everyday will end on the correct way!
On Tuesday we will address eye contact and the proper and improper eye contact in a
a. We will ask the students what was wrong with our delivery.
I will ask the students to show me their eyes!

14. On Wednesday we will address the Greeting, showing proper and improper.
a. I will the students to say Good Morning Ms. Shaffer.
15. On Thursday we will address the proper distance between two people, showing proper and
a. I will ask the students to show me how far they should stand away from me, when
16. On Friday we will address the proper communication between two people, showing proper and
improper communication.
a. I will ask the students to demonstrate this during their interest inventory.
17. At the end of the demonstration on Friday, I will pull students one by one and administer the
interest inventory, using a checklist for the proper behaviors and reinforcing with an edible.

*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson. Probing
questions focus student attention on important elements of the lesson and help them think
more deeply about the concepts.
Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During this lesson, I will use role playing and the use of an interest inventory to demonstrate the
proper behaviors one should have, when having a conversation. The role playing aspect will
bring the appropriate behaviors to life and help the inappropriate behaviors go extinct. Mrs.
White and I will demonstrate every day the correct and incorrect behaviors and then discuss with
our students what they saw for the day. This will show the students that are having difficulty
with the different aspects how to properly talk to someone.
The interest inventory will allow me to practice with the students how to have a proper
conversation because I will start with what I like to do or do not like to do and then they respond
to the same question. This inventory will give me information to plan other lessons that I can use
for the rest of my clinical time.
I will not use any technology during the lesson because I want my students to
communicate with me face to face and watch face to face communications.
All information came from Olivia Shaffer and Mrs. White

Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Lesson # 2
Subject/Grade: ELA / TMD
Date and Time of Lesson:
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will recognize sight words in their reading and recall details.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
SC Alt Standard:
E1-R3.2 Recognize Sight words
E1-R1.7 Recall details
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)
During my lesson, the students and I will read the story the story The Big Cat, they should know
what the word cat means, and some different things that a cat does or does not do.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

The students will recognize

sight words, and recall
details from the text 4 out of
5 times correctly.

Pre: Before reading the story

The Big Cat, I will ask the
students if they have cats at
home. If they answer yes, I will
ask them for some of the
different things that they do
such as: eating, sleeping,
purring, scratching, and
licking. I will tell them that I
do not have a cat anymore
because of where I live.
During: The students will each
take turns reading a page from
the book, looking at all of the
different things that the cat
does during the day while they
may be at school.
After: We will discuss the main
idea and the details of the
story. I will go around the
whole group and ask students
to tell me what they remember
about reading the story while
keeping notes.

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
At the end of the week,
we will have an
assessment worksheet
and the students will
use the main idea: The
big cat does many
things, to draw four
pictures about what
the cat does
throughout the day
from their reading.
We will have
discussed this book
daily and they should
be pretty familiar with
the different things
that the cat does.

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
Students will be given extra wait time if needed.
Materials: The book The Big Cat, Shaving cream, Main Idea Worksheet, pencils or crayons,
1. At the first table, students and I will start with discussing what a cat is and some of the
different things that cats do when they are laying around the house. I will ask the
students if they have cats at home, how many and what their cats do throughout the
2. After discussing their responses, I will tell them that I do not have a cat because the
person who owns my apartment will not let me have pets but I used to and my cat
would bathe itself, sleep, eat, play, and scratch and other things.
3. I will introduce the magic words for the week The, Big, Cat
4. The group and I will go through and label the pictures, emphasizing on the unfamiliar
5. Students will then take turns reading a page at a time from the book.
6. At the end of the reading students and I will discuss the things that the cat in the story
does, and how those things are similar and different to what we do as humans. For
example: Humans bathe but they bathe by washing in the shower or bathtub and a cat
bathes by licking itself.
7. On Wednesday, the students and I will read the main idea of the book and I will ask
them to give me four details about the story.
8. Students will then transition to the word table
9. Their words of the week are: The, Big, Cat
10. I will put shaving cream onto the desk and the students will practice spelling the words:
The, Big, Cat in the shaving cream, going letter by letter.
a. What does the word big start with? Thats right ___________! It starts with the
letter T!
b. Does anyone know what letter comes next? Thats right ______________! The
letter H comes next!
c. Which letter comes last? Exactly! The letter E comes last!
d. Now, I want you to spell the word THE in your shaving cream, T-H-E!
e. Repeat for all three words
11. Erase that and lets spell it again, this time with no help from me
12. That is a great job everyone, we spell THE, THE!
13. Now, it is time to clean up and move to the computers to review your sights words, you
are going to play sight word bingo this week!
14. On Friday, students will do the assessment worksheet of the main idea and the different

events that happened throughout the story.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During my lesson, students will complete three activities in all. The first activity will be
of them reading the chosen book for the week, they will be asked several different questions and
discuss what we have read. By doing this, they will be probed for the weeks vocabulary and what
they should be working on at home. I will show them visuals of the main idea, for each reading
The second activity will be the shaving cream words, on the back table, I will put shaving
cream onto the desk and the students and I will spell out the words for the week. We will look at
each individual letter and the whole word that they are practicing. This allows them to learn the
spelling word while having some sensory input. After reviewing the words, students will clean
up and practice the words with their word letter blocks.
The final activity is them using the computer to play a game regarding the sight words
that they need to be practicing.

Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Lesson # 3
Subject/Grade: Emerald High / TMD
Date and Time of Lesson:
10/30/2014 12-2:30
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to read, write and represent numbers and or add using touch point
number templates made from pumpkin seeds.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
SC Alt Standard:
o 1.A.a Read, write, represent numbers
o 111.B.1 Add/Subtract
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)
The students are currently learning touch math to do addition and subtraction. This objective
continues to teach the students how to read, write and represent numbers while adding and
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

The students will read,

write, and represent

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
Pre: The students and I will
At the end of the lesson,
discuss each number and for the students will be
each number how many
given a worksheet based
touch points we should have. on their ability. The
I will go around the room
students that are in the
asking each student, numbers purple group will be
given an addition
During: The students will be worksheet with two
evaluated on how many
numbers, the yellow
pumpkin seeds they have put group will be given a
for each number, before they worksheet with one
can glue them, I will check to number addition, and
make sure they are correct.
the white group will be
After: The students will count assessed on how they
using their touch points, they count their touch points.
should count in the order
that they have been taught to
count. They will be evaluated
on how they do that.

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
I will allow extra wait time for the students that need it, assist in gluing for the students that
cannot, provide a model for students to follow. For the students that finish early, they will color
a math worksheet that is Halloween related until the rest of the class finishes.
Materials: Pumpkin seeds, worksheets, pens, glue, crayons
1. Good afternoon guys! Today we have a fun math lesson planned for you all, as you all
know, Halloween is tomorrow and I have been busy carving pumpkins this season. I have
carved so many pumpkins and I have all of these seeds, and I thought to myself, how can
I use these seeds? Well, I came up with a great idea, you all have been working so hard
on your touch math, so today we are going to make a booklet or cards for you to take
home and use at home or you can use them in the classroom.
2. I am going to come around the room and hand you all the number templates and we are
going to review before we do the fun stuff. (Pass out sheets)
3. So, lets start with Shaprincess, How many touch points does the number 0 get? Zero!
Thats great, zero is right!
a. Go around the room and ask all of the students one number so they are thinking
about math.
4. Now, I am going to come around and give you several pumpkin seeds, I want you to place
them on your worksheet like you draw your circles.
a. Look up here as I show you what I mean, you are going to do numbers 0-9.
b. Take your time, there is no rush and I want this to look really good for you to take
5. Students are going to start putting their touch points on, Mrs. White and I will be circling
around the room, assisting as needed and making sure that the students are putting the
correct number of points on their sheets.
6. When everyone finishes, we will take a quick stretch break and then start on our
worksheet for the day.
7. For the students in the purple group, they will have a worksheet that has two number
addition. I will demonstrate how they use their newly made touch points to solve a
problem and then they will work the rest out.
8. For the students in the yellow group, they will complete a worksheet on one number
addition, using their newly made touch points.
9. For the students in the white group, they will demonstrate counting their touch points in
the correct order.
a. Data will be written down for each number.
i. Credit given:
1. Full (no prompts)
2. Partial (Less than 2 prompts)
3. None (More than 3 Prompts)
10. I will collect the worksheets and we will review, the work that they did. I will talk about
how good all of the worksheets look and how they can be used to help with homework,

as another visual for the students.

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During this lesson, we will complete touch point worksheets and then a worksheet of
addition or subtraction. The touch point worksheets will engage my visual learners that need to
be able to look at math a different way. This activity will have the students use the templates and
glue the pumpkin seeds to the numbers, having them count out the seeds and make sure that they
are in the correct place. They can then use this book or these cards to add and subtract numbers
or practice counting.
My other activity is a worksheet where the students use their newly made touch math
books and complete addition and or subtraction, or both. This will be used as their formative
assessment, really to check and see where they are at.
All thoughts are original to Olivia Shaffer

Math Worksheet

0 1
2 3

4 5
6 7

8 9

Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Lesson # 4
Showcase lesson
Subject/Grade: Science/ TMD
Date and Time of Lesson:
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to identify safety equipment such as goggles, gloves, aprons and sinks
and know how to utilize them with 80% accuracy.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
SC ALT: 8-1.1,1.2- Know safety procedures for conducting scientific experimentation,
Identify safety equipment such as goggles, gloves, aprons, sinks and how to utilize them
in whole group settings.
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)
The students are getting ready to start science and need to learn the different safety equipment
and rules.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

Assessment(s) of the

The students will be able to

identify safety equipment
such as goggles, gloves,
aprons and sinks and know
how to utilize them 80% of
the time correctly.

Pre: Before the lesson, the

students and I will review the
safety rules from yesterday. I
will then pass out a
worksheet and they will be
required to match what goes
with what. For example:
Eyes Goggles
During: During the lesson,
the students and I will
discuss why we wear
goggles, aprons, gloves and
how to properly use a sink.
After: The students will
retake the pre assessment to
see if there was any

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
Before the lesson starts,
the students will
complete a worksheet
based on the safety
equipment to see where
they are at. After the
lesson the students will
properly apply the
different safety
equipment. They will
then retake the pre
assessment, to see the

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
I will allow extra wait time for students that need it.

Materials: Goggles, aprons, gloves, sink, soap, paper towels, worksheet, and chocolate syrup
1. Good afternoon class!
3. Yesterday Mrs. White talked about some science safety rules.
4. We will review those as soon as you take this little test.
5. Allow time for students to complete the worksheet.
6. Lets go over those again today.
Open PowerPoint with rules and safety equipment
No running or playing in the lab.
Have closed toed shoes on.
Think ahead.
Be neat and careful.
No eating OR drinking in the lab.
7. Today we are going to look at what we need to wear when we are in the lab
8. Start with goggles I will ask the class where the goggles go and then after receiving
an answer, I will put them on my face. We will discuss why we wear goggles
To protect our eyes of harmful chemicals.
To protect our eyes if glass breaks and may get in our eyes
If we are working with fire or dust, this prevents either from getting in our eyes
9. Then an apron Why do we wear aprons? See what the class says.
We wear aprons to protect our clothes
If we are working with harmful chemicals we do not want them to get on our
clothes, we want to leave them at school
10. We also need gloves on to protect our _______? Thats right to protect our hands.
Protect your hands from dangerous chemicals
11. Now, we are going to practice putting all of this stuff on. I will pass it all out and I
want you to put in on wherever it goes.
I will be walking around checking to see if they are putting it on correctly.
12. Great job you guys! You all got your safety equipment on properly!
13. Now, I want you to take this all off and place it on your desk. We are going to do one
more thing.
14. I will gather all of the students and have them walk over to the sink. We will all take a
turn turning on and off the sink, looking at the difference of hot and cold water.
I will tell the students that we use the sink when we have yucky stuff on our
hands that we need to wash off.
15. The students will then put their hands in the container of pudding and practice
washing their hands with soap and water.
16. Once every student has finished washing their hands, we will review the different
safety equipment that we learned about today.
17. Students will then take the post assessment which is the same as the pre assessment
18. I will go around the room and ask several different students why we wear each piece of

Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During this lesson, the students will do several different activities. The first activity that
the students will do is a worksheet to see what the students already know and or can figure
out. This will give me a baseline for what the students already know and what they need to
learn yet. After the worksheet, we will review the PowerPoint of the four different items that
they need to wear and use and need to learn. Once we have reviewed the students will
practice putting the equipment on properly.
Another activity that we are going to do is putting our hands in chocolate pudding to
make them really dirty so that we can use the sink. The pudding will make the students
thoroughly wash their hands, making sure that they are all clean. We will pretend this is a
harmful chemical and that you are not allowed to put this in your mouth and you need to
wash your hands fast and make sure that you are thorough.
Mrs. White
Olivia Shaffer

What goes with what?




Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer

Lesson # 5

Subject/Grade: TMD/ Reading

Date and Time of Lesson:
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
After reading Naughty Parents by Joy Gosney, the students will be able to sequences the events
that happen within the text with 80% accuracy or better.
Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
E1-R1.9 Sequence Texts
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel
information in TWS Section 3)
The students in my class are capable of retelling events that happen in the story and sequencing
Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each
objective should be aligned with an assessment.
Lesson Objective(s)

After reading Naughty

parents by Joy Gosney the
students will be able to
sequence events that
happen within the text with
80% accuracy or better.

Assessment(s) of the

Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
Pre: The class and I will look The students will be
at the front cover of the book given the pictures that I
and I will ask what they think used to sequence the
is going to happen? What is
events on the board to
the man doing? What is the
independently sequence
woman doing? What is the
them. They will be
child doing? Picture walk
graded on their initial
During: The students will be sequencing of events. I
actively listening to the book, will use this to see if we
ready to sequence the events need to review the book
at the end. I will be asking
and then help them
questions throughout.
sequence them in the
After: The students will help correct order.
me sequence the story on the
board using pictures that I
make, they will then
sequence the event on their
own at their desk.

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
I will allow extra wait time to individuals who need it.
Materials: Naughty Parents by Joy Gosney, sequence pictures, paper for students to
sequence, glue, scissors, computer and PowerPoint

1. I will introduce the book Naughty Parents by Joy Gosney
2. The students and I will look at the different people on the front cover and what is going
on. We will look at the man with the flipped over ice-cream and the woman that is
chasing the duck and the little girl with her dog. We can infer that those are her
parents from the title.
3. Now, we are going to read the book but I want you to really listen because after we
finish we are going to sequence the story.
4. I then read the book.
5. After the book is finished, I will ask the students what happened first.
a. First they went to the duck pond
6. What happened next? Very good __________!
a. They ran to the park
7. What happened next? That is right _______!
a. They were sliding down the slide.
8. What happened next? That is right _______!
a. They were splishing and a splashing in the puddles.
9. We are almost through our story, what happened after they jumped in the puddles?
a. Thats right; they went and got ice cream!
10. After ice cream they did one more thing, does anyone remember?
a. Very good, the little girl went to the lost and found booth.
11. Lets review our events from the story ( I will point to each picture) The family started
out at the duck pond and the parents took off, running to the park, where they went
whee down the slide. They did not stop there, they ran to the puddles and went
splish,splash! getting all yucky. After getting all yucky, they ran and got ice cream,
where they got all sticky and then they began to miss their daughterso they went to
lost and found. That is when the little girl ran to the missing parents booth and found
her parents. She promised that they would never be naughty again.
12. Now, I want you to take this piece of paper and cut out each event. When you finish
cutting, I want you to sequence the events as they happen in the story.
13. When you think that you have the sequence correct, I want you to call me over and I
will check your paper.
14. After your paper has been checked you can glue your pictures onto the paper.
15. Once you glue your papers, you can clean up your desk and wait until your classmates
Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During this lesson, I plan to read Naughty Parents to get the students ready to sequence
the events that happen in the story. Throughout the story, the little girl talks about her parents
and what they do at the park and the pond. After we read the book, the class and I will talk about
what happens in the story and sequence the events up on the easel board. This engages the
students and makes them think back to what we just read.
After reading, the students will independently sequence the events from the story. They
will be required to think about what happened. They will then cut the pictures out, sequence them
out and then once checked they will be able to glue them to their paper.

These activities allow the students to hear the story read orally and then visually look at
the pictures to remember what happens. The technology will be incorporated because I will have
a slideshow of the different events sequenced out and then at the very end all of the events that
happened in the correct order.
All thoughts are original to Olivia Shaffer

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