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Lesson Plan: Animal Reports

Teacher: Mrs. Summer Andes

Grade level: 2nd grade
Subject: English/Language Arts
LAFS.2.W.2.5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and
strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing
LAFS.2.W.2.6: With guidance and support from adults use a variety of digital tools to
produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers
LAFS.2.W.3.7: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g. read a number of
books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations)
I will introduce this lesson by showing the students photos of the types of animals that
are in the local zoo and leading a discussion about these animals. They will then be informed of
the field trip that they will be taking and the report that they must write in order receive credit
for this unit.
The project will begin with a field trip to the local zoo and a guided tour where the
students will learn about the various animals that the live there. Each student will choose 1
animal that they want to research and they will inform the teacher at the end of the field trip
which animal they would like to research.
Over the next week the students will check out and read different books about their
animal from the libraries and use the internet to research facts about their chosen animal. With
teacher assistance, they will take notes to keep track of the facts that they are learning.
Once they have each gathered a sufficient amount of research on their animal they will
be required to write a report about their animals. They will work on this report during class
time with teacher assistance.
Once the teacher has read and approved of their reports, they will type the report on
the computer and print it out along with a picture of their animal that they have found on the
internet. The finished projects will then be displayed in the classroom.

The lesson will be wrapped up with a brief overview of what the students have learned
about the different animals that they have chosen to study and the skills that they have learned
as a result of this project.

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