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Diocelina Guillen

Mrs. Ellis
Education 1301

Philosophy Of Education
My Educational philosophy is that every student deserves to learn English as a
Second Language. I had a life changing expiernce as a chold myself. I had to be an ESL
student and learn how to speak fluent engllish. I am glad that the school district provides
those types of programs for students with those needs. Students deserve the best of education.
Special Education is part of this and I would like to specialize in special education.
My aim is to impart knowledge to a student by enabling the student to fulfil his/her
potential without curtailing his/her natural instinct to learn and discover by curiosity and
having fun. My approach is to ensure that students have ample opportunity to express
individual and social skills, by providing a climate of acceptance, approval, empathy, and
respect, balanced by the provision of self-standards and limits within which the student can
develop into a self-disciplined, autonomous individual, to build confidence to explore the
I want my speciality to be Special Education in order to have all my areas covered
including ESL. I really want to help children with special needs. Children with special needs
deserve the opportunity to express themselves as a student and have the same privilege to be

I would like to be a part of the community and have that trust that a mother or father needs.
The trust where the parents can pick up the phone and let me know their concerns. I want to be
known for having great communication with students and parents. I look forward to
teaching and having a career that will unfold marvelously.
I want to educate myself so that I can be where I want to be tomorrow. I look forward to
learning and being taught myself so that I can be capable of teaching students. I want to be
the best at what I want to do. I sit in classrooms now and ask questions so that I can have
better knowledge myself and be able to pass that to my students. I want to feel that the
studenst are getting the best of their education. Students deserve to be taught in a way that
will benefit them.
Even though that lately the state requires test grades to be great . Sometimes I think
that they are focusing too much on those test and forgetting what education is truly about. I
understand that the state wants student to be at the same level. But it is as if they re are
little robots that need to be programmed all the same way. I hope that when I become a teacher I
can help the students that have problems learning or comprehending. I look forward to
helping students.

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