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SME 3023


Presented by:
Sim Wei Na
Siva Shangary Balasubramaniam

Lecturer: Dr. Faizal Nizam Lee Bin Abdullah

Abus educational assessment began in kindergarten with an interview and an observation. The
state in which he lived had no mandatory kindergarten requirement. On registration day, Abu
and his mother came to school and were briefly interviewed. A teacher rated Abus cognitive
and social-emotional skills. His development was judged normal, and he attended kindergarten.
During this year, he experienced difficulty in paying attention to the teacher and
participating in group activities, although he was neither aggressive nor hostile. He was given a
readiness test at the end of kindergarten and performed as an average child. His teacher
recommended that he continue on to first grade, but his parents balked: They didnt think he
was ready.

They took his to a child guidance clinic and requested further psychological assessment.
The clinical psychologist administered an individual intelligence test and a projective test in
which Abu was asked to tell a story about what was happening in each of a set of pictures. The
psychologist interviewed him, his parents, and his teacher. The psychologist described his as
normal, both in cognitive and ability and in social-emotional development.
His parents withdrew him from the school he was attending and placed him in another
school to repeat kindergarten. Later, they reported that whereas his first experience was difficult
for him, his second kindergarten year was a great success. In their view, a teacher who was
particularly sensitive to Abus needs helped accelerate his cognitive development. By the end
of the year he had also become more confident in himself and regularly participated in group
Source: (Nitko & Brookhart,2005)

Assessment being used early in the persons life.
Assessment results can contribute to a decision,
but everyone concerned may not interpret the
results in the same way.
Decisions involve using different kinds of
information. Formal (readiness test, intelligence
test and projective test); Informal assessment
(teachers observation, interviews).

A process for obtaining information that is used for making decisions about students;
curricula, programs, and schools; and educational policy.
Here is a set of guiding principles to select and use educational assessments
meaningfully. There are: Be clear about the learning targets you want to assess.
Be sure that the assessment techniques you select match each
learning target.
Be sure that the selected assessment techniques serve the needs
of the learners.
Whenever possible, be sure to use multiple indicators of
achievements for each learning targets.
Be sure that when you interpret the results of assessments you
take their limitations into account.

Formative Assessment VS Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

Judgment about quality of students

achievement while they are still in the
process of learning and are made so we can
guide their learning.

Judgment about the quality of students

achievement after instruction is complete
and are made so we can report their
achievement to parents and school

The worth of schools, curricula, materials, and

programs while they are under development
that result in suggestions for ways to redesign,
refine, or improve them.

The value of schools, curricula, materials, and

programs after they are completed; these
evaluation suggest whether they should be
continued, adopted, or used.

i. Draw a concept map in class to represent
their understanding of a topic.
ii. Submit one or two sentences identifying
the main point of a lecture.

i. Final Examination
ii. Final Project

A test is defined as an instrument or systematic
procedure for observing and describing one or more
characteristics of a students using either a numerical
scale or a classification scheme.
Test is a concept narrower than assessment.
Not all tests use numerical scales. It may other
systematic observation procedures such as observe
students attitude.

Measurement is defined as a procedure for assigning numbers (scores)
to a specified attribute or characteristic of a person in such a way that
the numbers describe the degree to which the person possesses the
Assessment may or may not provide measurements
If a procedure describes a student by qualitative labels or categories,
the students is assessed, but not measured in the sense used here.

Assessment is a broader term than test and measurement because not

all types of assessments yield measurements.

Evaluation is the process of making a value judgment about the worth
of someone or something.
Evaluation may or may not be based on information obtained from tests
and other assessments.

Relationship among the terms assessments, tests,

measurement, and evaluation.

Source: (Nitko & Brookhart,2005)

Why Need Assessment?

Source: (Nitko & Brookhart,2005)

Decision about Policy, Schools,

Curricula, Materials and Programs
Educational policy decisions are made at the district,
state and national levels.
Decisions about schools, curricula, materials, and
programs may be made during their development or
after they have been completed.

Decision about Students

1. Managing instruction
Planning instructional activities, placing students into learning sequences,
monitoring students progress, diagnosing students learning difficulties,
modeling learning targets, giving feedback to students and parents, deciding
on ones own teaching effectiveness, and assigning grades to students.

2. Placing Students into programs

Assigning students to different levels of learning programs.

3. Classifying Students
Assigning students to different categories, such as by type of
4. Counseling and Guidance Students
Assisting students in exploring, choosing, and preparing for
different careers; helping them adjust to home, school, and
peer stress, which is part of normal growth and development.
4. Credentialing and Certification Students
Deciding whether students meet standards of competence for
a certificate that entitles them to apply for employment.

Teaching and learning require the continuous
gathering of information's for making decisions.
Assessments are prerequisite to decide
educational decisions.

The End..
Thank You.

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