BIMC Adult DKA Protocol 2012

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BIMC Adult DKA Protocol, Page 1 of 5


Aim: To establish a protocol for adults with diabetic ketoacidosis.
Rationale: Diabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most serious acute complications of diabetes. Therapy is
time sensitive and should be instituted as soon as possible. Having a unified protocol will allow for rapid
identification of DKA and early initiation of treatment in the emergency department (ED) which can be
continued until resolution of acidosis in the ED or once the patient is admitted to the hospital.
Eligibility: Adults (age18) with DKA are characterized by the triad of hyperglycemia, an anion gap
metabolic acidosis and ketonemia/ketouria.
If adult patients meet the DKA criteria, they should be enrolled in the DKA protocol and categorized
into either mild versus moderate-severe DKA.
DKA Criteria
1. FS 250
2. AG 12
3. Ketonemia/ketouria
DKA Severity
Mild: Venous pH 7.25
Moderate-Severe: Venous pH < 7.25
When patients come from the ED into the hospital and the protocol has already been initiated, the
protocol should be followed to completion. Please complete documentation on ER flow sheet.

Glucose level less than 250mg/dL

Anion gap (AG) less than or equal to 12
Volume resuscitation
Electrolyte management
Patient off continuous insulin infusion and back on home regimen or appropriate alternative

A. Once enrolled, all patients should get
1. An assessment for shock status
a. If in shock SBP<90 or MAP<65, intravenous fluid (IVF) resuscitation 20cc/kg wide open
b. If not in shock, IVF NS 1L over 1st hour, then 1L over 1-2hr, and another 1L over 1-2hrs
for goal IVF NS 4L by 5-9 hours
2. Initiation of an insulin drip accordingly for moderate-severe vs. mild DKA
a. moderate-severe: bolus 0.1U/kg and maintenance drip at 0.1 U/kg/hr
b. mild: no bolus and maintenance rate 0.14U/kg/hr
3. Checks of fingerstick glucose (FSG) hourly
4. Check of basic metabolic panel (BMP) every 4 hours
5. Check of initial CBC
6. Correction of potassium and magnesium as follows:
a. K 5.5: observe
b. 4.5 K < 5.5: IV potassium repletion
c. 3.3 K < 4.5: IV and PO potassium repletion
d. K < 3.3: IV and PO potassium repletion + add 40meq of KCL to NS infusion
7. A urinalysis and blood cultures before antibiotics (if indicated)

BIMC Adult DKA Protocol, Page 2 of 5

8. A chest x-ray (if indicated)
9. Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation monitoring per ED/ICU protocol
10. Supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation (if required)
B. If glucose still greater than 250:
1. If FSG decreased by 75-100 over last hour, maintain current insulin infusion rate
2. If FSG decreased by less that 75-100 over last hour, increase insulin drip by 1 unit per hour
3. Continue to check FSG hourly and BMP every four hours
C. If glucose less than/equal to 250, but anion gap is greater than 12:
1. Decrease insulin drip to current rate
2. Initiate D5 NS at 150cc/hr
3. Titrate D5 NS to keep glucose 150-250 mg/dL until acidosis resolves (anion gap 12)
4. Continue to check FSG hourly and BMP every four hours
D. If glucose less than/equal to 250 and anion gap is less than/equal to 12:
1. Test to see that patient can tolerate food
If patient is able to tolerate food:
2. Administer subcutaneous long-acting insulin in one of following doses:
a. home dose of long acting insulin and meal coverage
b. 0.5-0.8U/kg as daily dose for insulin nave50% long acting & 50% divided in 3 doses
for with-meal short acting insulin (for example: 70kg man to get 0.7*70U/day = 49U/day
~25U Lantus and ~25U/3 = ~8U regular insulin before meals)
3. Discontinue both insulin infusion and D5 NS infusion 1-2 hours after administration of
long-acting insulin
If patient is UNABLE to tolerate food:
4. Continue insulin drip
5. Continue IVF D5 NS fluid
6. Goal FSG 120-180
E. If hypoglycemic (FSG150)
1. If FSG <70
a. Administer 1 ampule of D50
b. Hold insulin drip for 15min and recheck FSG
c. If FSG >100, re-start insulin drip reduced rate ( rate)
d. Goal FSG > 150
2. If FSG 70-150
a. If patient is still has acidosis (AG >12):
i. Switch IVF from D5 NS to D10 NS and start at 150ml/hr
ii. Hold insulin drip for 15min and recheck FSG
iii. If FSG >100, re-start insulin drip reduced rate ( rate)
iv. Goal FSG > 150
b. If patient no longer has acidosis (AG 12):
i. Increase IVF D5 NS rate by 50-150ml/hr
ii. Hold insulin drip for 15min and recheck FSG
iii. If FSG >100, re-start insulin drip reduced rate ( rate)
iv. Goal FSG > 150

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BIMC Adult DKA Protocol, Page 4 of 5

Adult Diabetic Ketoacidosis Treatment Algorithm

* volume expansion is key & must occur simultaneously, see Volume Resuscitation

Acute Phase

250 mg/dL

<250 mg/dL

Did glucose
by 75-100
over last hour?

Mild (VBG pH7.25)

Insulin drip 0.14U/kg/hr

Assess acidosis:
AG 12 (or known baseline)
* If next SMA not done, assume still acidotic



IV insulin
by 1 unit/hr

Severe (VBG pH<7.25)

Bolus 0.1U/kg Insulin
and start drip at 0.1U/kg/hr


Keep IV insulin
at current rate


(If on D5, may need )


IV insulin to
current rate
Start D5NS (or
D5NS) at 150ml/hr
Keep glucose 150-250
until Acidosis resolves

Transition Phase


Transition Phase


Is patient able to eat?

test a few bites of food

Maintain IV insulin
& D5 at current rate
until can eat
Check glucose

Feed & Provide SQ insulin
Option #1:
Start home dose of long acting insulin and
meal coverage
Option #2:
Start 0.5-0.8U/kg as daily dose for insulin nave
(50% long acting; 50% subdivided in 3 for
with-meal short acting insulin)
After 1-2 hours: Discontinue IV insulin & D5 infusions

BIMC Adult DKA Protocol, Page 5 of 5

Laboratory Work-Up
Initially (time=0)

Repetition Frequency

Blood glucose (fingerstick)
Complete metabolic panel (SMA20
and magnesium)
VBG for pH (mild vs severe DKA)
Urinalysis, EKG, CXR (DKA trigger)
Lactate (other cause of AG)
Serum/urine ketones

Every 1 hour
Every 4 hours (SMA10 with
magnesium and phosphorus)

Every 4 hours until normal

Volume Resuscitation
Patients in shock
SBP<90 or MAP<65

Patients not in shock*

20cc/kg NS wide open

Consider addition of vasopressors
Evaluate for cause other than hypovolemia

1L NS over 1st hour then

1L NS over 1-2 hours then
1L NS over 1-2 hours then
1L NS over 2-4 hours
Should have 4L in by 5-9 hours
* may need to be adjusted for patients with ESRD or CHF

Electrolyte Repletion
Potassium (Patients are most often total body K+ depleted)
K+ 5.5


4.5 K+ < 5.5

IV Potassium repletion
Consider adding 20meq of KCL to NS infusion
IV Potassium repletion
Consider adding 40meq of KCL to NS infusion
IV/PO Potassium repletion
Consider adding 40meq of KCL to NS infusion
Hold insulin and give 20-30meq/hr until >3.3**

3.3 K+ < 4.5

K+ < 3.3

**only if able to recheck K within 1hr in ICU or ER setting via VBG/ABG

Magnesium & Phosphorus: Aggressively replete (goal Mg>1.6, Ph>2.5)

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