LP 5

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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program


Subject/ Topic/ Theme

Week four lesson 5

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)

This is the final week of the unit; it ties everything together and leads students into our next unit.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.
If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.

1) Students will be able to choose writing pieces that fit their writing style best.
2) Students will be able use their new knowledge of the pieces to look through and make sure that each of the
pieces meets requirements of each of the styles.
3) Students will be able to create an individual portfolio with all their own work.

II. Before you start

Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Previous week of unit; students will have prior knowledge on writing papers
and forming sentences

(formative and summative)

Students will begin working on portfolio pieces for the next unit.

Identify those students

(individuals or groups) in your
class who will need special
attention and describe the level of
support you plan on giving them.
Refer back to the survey you did
of your class.


Materials-what materials (books,

handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and do you have them?

All recent journal entries
Article from newsletter

Do you need to set up your

classroom in any special way for
this lesson? If so, describe it.

III. The Plan



Students can sit at their desks.

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student

Mini Lesson:
Teacher will

-Reintroduce portfolio and will show an example of a portfolio to the class. This
portfolio will be a small collection (5-6) of writing pieces that the students have created
over the course of the school year.
-Tell students that they will need to choose 5-6 writing pieces that they have created
individually. These pieces need to be ones that help demonstrate the type of writer they
want to become (as we wrote in journals about at the beginning of this unit)
-Give students guidelines:
-These pieces should not be lazy writing pieces that they randomly choose
-The pieces need to be edited as the students were taught in class
-The pieces need to be relatable; meaning- can the reader tell the kind of writer you want to be by your
pieces in your portfolio?
-Pieces need to be grammar checked and proof read by a peer, as we get closer to turning them in.

Students will then be released to search through their journal entries from the last four weeks as
well as their recent article for the newsletter.

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