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Reflection Essay ( Exploring Culture)

The process of writing my Exploring culture essay started when Mr. Jacob Matig
introduced the project for us. The first thing I did after deciding that I will write about the
Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia is finding some helpful sources and two interviewee.
Then, I started writing about how different the Eastern Provinces culture than mine.
Before I start typing my ideas, I have made an outline about what I am going to write,
and I found some really good concepts from the class to compare my culture with the
other culture. After Mr. Matig approved my outline, I start writing my first draft of the
essay. With the help of my sources it was not hard at all to write, but when I submitted
my initial draft I have recognized that my structure was not right, and I had some
problems in my content. Mr. Matig advised me to visit the Writing Center in the library,
which helped me a lot to fix some big problem and mistakes I have made in my paper.
My final draft was the most difficult one. Because I found out that I needed to edit a lot
of things specially the word use. I have used too many wrong words to express my
meanings, but when I went to the Writing Center, the touter told my why these words
cannot be used like this and fixed them with me. Another thing is the way I wrote was
not so clear for some of my friends who read my paper, so I had to make my sentences
clearer. By the time I had to submit I was not completely satisfied with my paper
because I did not quote a lot of things from my sources, and only quoted from my
interviewee. Mr. Matig has send me some comments after he graded my final draft, and
thought that I had some grammar mistakes and sometimes I did not follow the APA
format. This time I am required to fix these grammar mistakes, quote more from my
sources, and to follow the APA format.

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