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Classroom Management Plan

Name: Karla Powell

Teacher Associate: Janessa Conner
Administrator: Clive Joseph
School: East Brook Elementary School
Subject(s): LA, Math, Science, Computers
Procedures, Routines, and Expectations ~
Attention-getting procedures
Record different means of getting the entire classs attention when they are engaged
in an activity. (This may be different for different subject areas.)

Clapping a beat
Give me five
Count down from five

Question-answering procedures
What expectations will you have when students are asking or answering questions?
(Remember that a question should get everyone thinking about an answer and
thinking that they may be expected to provide an answer).

Using popsicle sticks to choose students to answer questions

Asking students questions to refocus them

Transition Procedures
What routines will you establish around the
Bell schedule: Bells ring every 30minutes to indicate the start of a new period
Start of class: Check in on smart board, complete daily job, take out agenda, reading or

Start of day: Journaling, Sharing circle

End of class: Students take out materials for next subject
End of day: Students line up and give their teacher high fives as they leave the classroom.

Change of activities: Use a timer to count down or use music.

Change of subjects: Reference the schedule of activities that will be posted on the
Distribution of materials: Assign students to be responsible for equipment
Classroom clean up: Assign students for different duties like sweeper ect.

Daily and Safety Procedures

What will you expect of your students and yourself with regard to:
Late arrivals: provide a note
Absences: Parents must call the school
Use of cell phones and other communications technology: No cell phones
Bathroom breaks: Bottles of sanitizer will be at the front labeled Boys and Girls and
students will ask the teacher to go to the bathroom they will then put the bottle of
sanitizer on their desk and then go to the bathroom.
Pencil sharpening: Pencils will be sharpened during working time
Student telephone calls to home: For emergencies only
Playground and free time rules: Play safely and fairly
Late homework or assignments: If weekly assignments are not completed by Friday
students will have to finish them during Friday fun time.
Missing homework or assignments: Will be completed during Friday fun time
Homework reminders: Email and agendas will be used.
Student illness or injury: Parents must contact the school
Fire drills: line up at the door and then proceed to muster point
Lockdowns: Students must be silent and avoid being near windows and doors.
Positive Relationships ~

Quickly establish a class list and seating plan so that you can begin to learn the names
of your students. What seating arrangement are you planning and how will you
decide who sits where?
- Students will switch desks every two weeks
- Match desk partners up by personality and learning level
- Students who are often distracted should sit at the front of the classroom
Begin recording student interests. What system will you use to do this?
- During recess ask the students about their interests

What specific things will you do the first day and first week to encourage studentwith-teacher and student-with-student interactions?
- Play icebreaker and getting to know you games
- Ask the students questions and encourage discussion
- Participate in circle time activities
What body language and tone of voice will you use in different situations throughout
the day ~ at the start of class, with large and small group instruction, and when
dealing with inappropriate behavior?
- Start of Class I will use a warm and cheerful voice to get students excited to
start the day
- Large group - I will use a enthusiastic voice that encourages student
- Small group I will use a softer voice that encourages students to listen
- Inappropriate behavior I will use a stern voice that is different from my usual
tone of voice.
Interventions ~
Classroom Rules
Record the rules you will establish, whether alone or with your students, and list a
few possible consequences if a rule is not followed. Its good to have student input
but be sure to cover all of the important areas. With consequences, its better to
rehearse a few ideas than to think them up on the spot.
Record your strategies for dealing with some common student misbehaviours.
Talking: Address them by saying Name can you please bring your attention to the
front . Taking a behavior card (behavior cards reward students with point that they
exchange for prizes, privileges, or experiences )

Off task: Students will be asked to change seats and refocus. Or a behavior card will
be taken away
Name calling: Students will have a discussion about respect and kindness.
Pushing and shoving: Students will be asked to go back and to walk. Ie: if students
are running to line up they will be asked to go back to their desks and walk.
Running in classrooms or in hallways: Students will be reminded to walk
Swearing: Students will be asked to use appropriate language. If swearing continues
a conversation about why will occur.
Copying someone elses work: Students will have to restart the assignment and
complete it alone.
Taking things that dont belong to them: Return the item, apologize and have a
discussion about the incident. If behavior continues parents will be involved.
Writing or scratching on desks, furniture, lockers, or walls: Have the student wash it
off and correct the issue.
Fighting: Students must apologize and parents will be called to discuss the issue.

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