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I use a variety of assessments in my classroom.

I try to stay away from multiple

choice or written tests and move towards project based assessments. Here, I have
written my own test for Tikki Tikki Tembo. I find that it is easier to create my own
assessment because I know what I want my students to learn from the book, and I can
ask questions specific to the standard I'm teaching. I always orally read the questions. I
make sure that the students who are able to read can go ahead if they like. I let some
of the students orally answer questions because they are not able to write. I make sure
to mention in the gradebook that the test was given orally. I also like to create review
games as a formative assessment. When the students know they will be playing
numbered heads together, they know they will need to learn the information and they
get excited about it!

For assessing individual students, I use CAF (Comprehension, accuracy,

fluency, and expand vocabulary). The CAF menu offers a variety of strategies that
help the students in each particular area. It is a way to individually meet or confer with
students to meet their needs. I have created a binder where we schedule meetings with
the students and create goals and strategies that will help them become better readers.

This is what the CAF menu looks like. Each student places a heart with their
name on it to represent the strategy they are working on.

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